How could homer afford this home and support 3 kids on a single salary without a degree?
How could homer afford this home and support 3 kids on a single salary without a degree?
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hes a fucking nuclear power plant worker he probably makes a shitload of cash⚽
He's an engineer who works at a power plant, they always make bank.
the average nuclear power plant operator makes $45 an hour which is plenty enough.
I’m gonna miss the hell out of unadulterated sneedposting by tomorrow
He fucked and sucked millionaires on the side.
I won't. sneed fucking sucks
He doesn't spend his money on video games like a millennial.
It was a different time.
That isn't even as big as my house. Are you guys even middle class?
Isn't he like the head of safety at a nuclear power plant?
Post pic of your feed and seed shop or you're full of shit
In Much Apu About Nothing (1996) they show Homer's paycheck and his salary after deductibles is $18,833.88.
In American History X-cellent (2010) Homer strongly implies that his salary is $60k
He's also had shitloads of other jobs
what's the matter chucky? no sucky fucky?
His dad bought it for him.
actually that's chuck
it was before boomers fucked up housing⚾
Boomers wouldn't have had a huge impact on the housing market then.
he literally had to get a degree in Homer Goes To College
1940s-1950s was the most kino housing market
Nothing about that implies boomers you fucking retard