How could homer afford this home and support 3 kids on a single salary without a degree?

How could homer afford this home and support 3 kids on a single salary without a degree?

Attached: abode.png (400x266, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_jobs

hes a fucking nuclear power plant worker he probably makes a shitload of cash⚽

He's an engineer who works at a power plant, they always make bank.

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the average nuclear power plant operator makes $45 an hour which is plenty enough.

I’m gonna miss the hell out of unadulterated sneedposting by tomorrow


He fucked and sucked millionaires on the side.

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I won't. sneed fucking sucks

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He doesn't spend his money on video games like a millennial.


It was a different time.

That isn't even as big as my house. Are you guys even middle class?


Isn't he like the head of safety at a nuclear power plant?

Post pic of your feed and seed shop or you're full of shit's_jobs
In Much Apu About Nothing (1996) they show Homer's paycheck and his salary after deductibles is $18,833.88.
In American History X-cellent (2010) Homer strongly implies that his salary is $60k
He's also had shitloads of other jobs


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what's the matter chucky? no sucky fucky?

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His dad bought it for him.

actually that's chuck

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it was before boomers fucked up housing⚾

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Boomers wouldn't have had a huge impact on the housing market then.

he literally had to get a degree in Homer Goes To College

1940s-1950s was the most kino housing market

Nothing about that implies boomers you fucking retard