Hercules To Headline THE ETERNALS As Marvel's First Gay Superhero



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>be Marlel
>use other people's mythology and insult their cultures by adding faggots and niggers everywhere
I don't care when they do that shit with their own capeshit, but this is insulting.


I've notoriously shit on and destroyed DCucks here for years now. Some I've made cry, some I've made leave the site altogether and even thru the Brie bullshit, I stayed loyal. For one, nobody wants an Eternals/Inhumans film except Yea Forumsfags. Nobody wants a gay lead.
But to take a supreme macho hetero oozing machismo fabled warrior like Hercules and turn him into a fairy princess - that shit is the last straw!

tldr- I'm a DChad now

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It's not the actual mythological Hercules.

Yeah, it’s just a guy with the same name, similar backstory, and same mythological powers

That image is the epitome of söy, can't believe actual grown men read and care about this shit.

>when zeuss gets mad that hercules boyfriend is a mortal, and not that its a man
made me kek


I was JUST saying to my gf's sister this weekend that I hope Hercules gets into the movies as Thor-replacement because he's goofy fun.


just fucking stop.

I thought the whole point of doing the Eternals was to go woke and have a LGBT lead, since the team already had one established. Is there not a gay guy already on the team???

That was their selling point since day one (I don't even think Herc is on the team, wtf)

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It's End Game for reason.

>all these people not knowing herc is gay for wolvie

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>posting a panel from a literal AU
Regardless, not the point.

That book only lasted six issues.

Yeah, that's the idea.

>Is there not a gay guy already on the team???


12, really. And within 2 issues they had Dazzler get NIGGERED by an AU Nigger Civil War era Cyclops. They even had a page in issue 9 or so where she stares at his “BLAKK BVLL” physique in a pool. Not even memeing. Go check X-Treme X-Men (2013 or so) over at ReadComicsOnline.

>Herc is gay
>but not your precious Wolvie


Thanks for the reply. So their plan all along was to turn someone gay who wasn't. And now they picked Hercules cause it'd grab the most headlines. That's fucked up.

Also, how is this blonde superman queen not gay?

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Knowing full well what day it is, Hercules being full on gay is insulting.

Greeks were notoriously bisexual, Herc is definitively the kind of guy who'd have a few dicks in his harem but not mostly dicks.

Maybe they'll make a joke of it. Like the entire film, he'll be super homophobic, act masculine but still be a diva, etc. And in the post credit scene, they'll show him giving a blowjob to The Beyonder.

He will be Mexican

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Reminder: fucking men does NOT make Hercules gay. Was Socrates gay for being attracted to young boy? No. Is it gay to have sex with your gym buddy? Of course not. Hercules merely has an in depth love of the human form, and women just aren’t good enough most of the time. Nothing gay about it. Wolverine isn’t gay either because he’s too short to have proper feelings

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That's fine. Everyone knows their doing the Eternals just to race swap all the unknown characters and fill their diversity quota.

But turning Hercules gay isn't right. He should be nowhere near this fucking abomination of a project.

sorry sweetie. Sit down and get in line.

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Herc is based faggot

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wouldn't it be more offensive to make him gay? bi erasure or whatever. Herc would fuck anything that let him.

I almost feel like gays would be against this? Turning such an alpha hetero-champion macho pig into a flamboyant dancing nancy.

Oh wait. Gays want to turn everything and everyone gay, especially their own kids. Nevermind.

I doubt they'll push Herc to be gay on-screen unless they don't want chink shekels anymore.

does marvel hire anyone other than absolutely who directors?

He'll be as gay as LeFou was in the live-action Beauty and the Beast remake.

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Lol. Just realized "Herc is gay" will be the new point of attack by DCfags. Which is ironic, cause Marvelchads never said shit about the Flash being gay. Guess we're just better than to sink so low.

Luke Evans is rumored for the role.

Could he pull it off?

that looks delicious

I could see it.

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Need someone bigger desu. Daddy mode

Not when he finds out they turned him homosexual

Evans is openly gay, though.

That dude is a charisma black hole

The Romans and the Greeks weren't exactly opposed to homosexuality.

Nah man, watch High Rise, he's actually very charismatic when working with the right material.

But Herc isn't an Eternal.

So what homophobes

Name one Eternal. Just one.

It's just a Hercules movie named Eternals


Ikaris, Makkari, Sersi and Gilgamesh. The rest is trash.

>who was hylus for 500 Alex?

Congrats! You're/co/fags!

Now go back, you're not welcome here.


Nigga the greeks where gay as shit
[spoilers]but at least they weren’t faggots about it[/spoiler]