Why did they pick such an ugly actress? What is thist hing?

Why did they pick such an ugly actress? What is thist hing?

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Why wouldn't she be ugly, you stupid bastard?


There is ugly and there is so fucking ugly you want to tear your own eyes out.

This thing looks like an English football fan

You retarded subhuman shit eater

They wanted to make memes reality

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pretty well fed for surviving a zombie apocalypse

It's nice to see Michael Chiklis still getting work.

It is shown many times that they hunt deers . They are eating good

she's pretty cute in that dress with the "wig", she just looks like shit because she's dressed with a potato sack and covered in dirt

she's the Alpha, of course she gets the first cut

also, was it the FTWD truck that we heard at the end?

But you are supposed to be repulsed by her. They did a good job. I know she wasn’t that ugly in the comics but for the show they really are trying to make her look like shit so that when Negan kills her everyone forgives him for Glenn.

She looks alright without the dirt makeup

Wait what? I didn’t hear a truck

alpha shouldve looked like this

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*the FTWD truck crew making a radio call

It works though.
People hate ugly people.
She's a complete prick, and she's ugly.
Makes her a great character to hate.

It's annoying at this point that EVERY SINGLE LEADER IS A WOMAN
I mean okay yeah whatever gurl powah but at this point it's getting fuckin ridiculous. The whisperers are a group where the ruler is the strongest, and yet some chick is in charge there too? Even fear the walking dead, they're all led by women.
]It's unrealistic to think that in a post apocalyptic scenario ANY of the groups would be led by women. Lets be honest, they'd be using women as currency.
Would be even be so anti-feminist to show something closer to reality?

I guess that's why everyone hates Yea Forums.

Looks like Vic Mackey from The Shield.

Thats /ourgirl/ you idiots

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Oh I thought it was the New World Order people. Was it really the Fear crew? I never finished the last season but have been meaning to do so just for the cowboy dude

>twn be alpha

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Why do Americans look like this?

Ronda's a horrible actor even for tv actor standards.

If its like the comics she goes out like a bitch begging Negan for his dick and to take over as leader and he cuts her head off.

thechnically alexandria is lead by Father "not the father" Gabriel and the rest of the council
plus you're forgetting about Ezekiel, even if they had to leave the kingdom, it's still his people

the issue is more about couples, the only straight same-races couples that were left in the show had a small head issue

i don't know, that's what i was asking
there's been enough timeskips everywhere so anything could fit (i know FTWD has at least one more season with Dwight joining in, but that's about it.)

Yeah, hilltop can’t keep a leader for shit since they keep letting outsiders take the reins. Ezekiel will probably be the next one because the rest of hilltop are an old guy, his baby, and literal who’s.

Its weird everyone said there were no white couples and I kept arguing that there’s old couple with babby, Enid and neckbeard bro, and Lydia and Henry. And then they fucking kill old white woman, Enid and Henry.

>thechnically alexandria is lead by Father "not the father" Gabriel and the rest of the council
Except it's not, it's led by Michonne in reality

She cleaned up pretty well for the fair disguise. Samantha Morton is a pretty respectable actress and she's going all-in with the role, she really shaved her head for the flashback scenes and doesn't mind uglying it up.

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the way she moves her mouth in that scene reminds me of 2D in gorillaz for some reason

She's a psycho who cuts people's heads off you retard. You think the average person is willing to do that? Michone killed an entire group of children to protect herself. That's why they're leaders. Normal people would just fucking die in those situations.

Umm, like 3/4ths of the people alive after the apocalypse would fucking gut you without even thinking about it. And generally men would be more willing to do it than women.
Yet somehow you think these two cunts are special and unique?

Are you retardant? She's wearing a woman's face she just skinned in the previously scene

even as an excuse to start a thread, what a retarded question to ask

its her hair dummy not her face

Pic related should have been Alpha, but then I guess who could possibly play Beta?

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Oh shit.

>that's not a guy
oh wow

You forgot the beautiful white hilltop girl that makes the H symbol coins

they took 6 years to get over there?

You fucking what? That THING in OP's picture is Samantha fucking MORTON?

because it's alpha, to be honest, it was one of the worst walking dead characters ever made. I mean if you read the arc, the shit literally makes no sense at all. there's no way they could live like that, let alone have a child. just fucking stupid all around. even kirkman said they fucked up when they did it.

I mean it was really bad. the whole fucking arc was horribly done. they pretty much just forgot about the whisperer war and moved on the next story which is actually quite interesting.

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Negan playing her and cutting her head off would be cool, yeah

but with how the show is going, Carol fighting her and going really stabby would also be great

The Negan thing really wouldn't work at this point. Rick is gone, Negan wouldn't be looking to impress him. Carl was split off into Judith and Henry, Negan's consultation from jail was relegated to Judith, his connection to Lydia and The Whisperers was downgraded from secondary to tertiary. Daryl has hogged the rivalry with Beta. I really don't know what they plan on doing with Negan at this point, not even The Sanctuary or Dwight are around anymore, not even Maggie for their confrontation. He has none of his comic story left.

They already did a half assed version of the Maggie scene. But that’s why I think he will kill Alpha, otherwise they won’t know what to do with him

Check em

i mean, him just waving his dick around and protecting Judith is already a start

talking about dwight, when is FTWD starting already?

my bets are on Carol taking on Alpha and Negan teaming up with Daryl to take Beta down

what were you expecting ?

Oh yeah that’s a good point they will use Negan and Daryl since Jesus is dead