What are your opinions on Israeli born actress, singer, martial artist, and model Gal Gadot?

What are your opinions on Israeli born actress, singer, martial artist, and model Gal Gadot?
Interested to see where she will take Wonder Woman in WW84?
Or how about working with Sir Kenneth Branagh for the upcoming Death on the Nile?

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would fug

She's a Jew


i dont follow superhero, saw her in fast'n'furious, her death was pretty lame.
Death on Nile, sequel to orient express? nice
btw i dont like her forehead, it's off for me


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Yeah sequel to that, I think they end Orient with a bit of a tease leading to it

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Tell me about Israeli sweat. Sickly, tangy, salty, sweet.


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Would you kill for her?

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Like nectar
Is that an honest question?👌

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and there are idiots who pay her

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any details who she will play?

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Looks like Linnet Doyle, not too familiar on that character

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>Linnet Doyle
R.I.P. Gal

Not nearly cool as based Hezbollah

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So I take it her part will mainly be flashbacks lol

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Makes you think

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what did she mean by this?💯

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What do her undearms smell like bros?

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big if true

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is pitposting a meme created for unattractive sticc women with no tits, thighs, ass or other generally accepted ideas of what is attractive.

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yes, they are pathetic

is incel posting a meme?

Spoilers about Linet's short storyline but without conclusion and the murderer
Linnet is the main victim and whole story is set around her. 1st there's an attempt to crush her with stone block in ruins of an ancient temple, but she survies. Then she's found dead with hole in head but at the end of Orient Express they already informed Herc about this case so I don't know how are they going to do it. Perhaps it wil pick up after that temple crushing attempt.

Attached: That Disgusting Head Shape.webm (1280x530, 1.4M)

>me on the left

have sex
Now she's stealing roles from Daisy?❤️

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keep posting your jewfu while trying to insinuate you have a sex life

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She would make a primo slave desu.

I'm gonna be honest I'm a virulent anti-Semite who wants to get stepped on by Gal and also worship her armpits with my mouth. I had to solve like 6 captchas just to post this admission.

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could see that

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so that's a yes

Absolutely fucking based. I want her to step on my balls with her bare soles.

A bit more common confession than you would think user

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whats going on here?

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israeli here.
I popped her cherry at 15(i was 17).
now im a loser on Yea Forums and she is a hoolywood cumdumpster.

Gal asserting her dominance over smoller femmes

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Fuck I want to lick every inch of this perfect Jewess goddess

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If she just gained a bit of weoght she would be a fucling goddess.

God she needs to start doing femdom joi

My ideal Wonder woman movie would be Gal has to fight a thicc and bimbo version of herself. Don't know much about capeshit but there has to be some villain that clones or whatever

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she would put the others out of business though

she has to be in my top 3 for celebs to do a joi video


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well sounds like potential kino

>Cate JOI

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i know where she's hiding the bomb.

and CEI too, don't forget that

>this rickety thing

Israelis are most powerful squatters

specifically as her thor character, think it could be something special

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femdom isn't about physical strength. of course you are stronger than her, but if she locked up your little goy dick you'd be worshipping her just for 5 minutes of freedom and a slow teasing footjob

See I kinda want Gal to be sweet and encouraging almost to the extent of being patronizing but then I like the aspect of her being cruel and teasing and never allowing your full release

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She hurt her back during filming so she did interviews standing up to avoid aggravating the injury.

I like her


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pits smell like whatever she eats

so like fish and berries then