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This reminds me of something...

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So what story arcs are we getting? The siege of Mandalore and the Bad Batch?

Was quite surprised when I first saw this, bet it would not have gone through if it was a man slapping her

I love how her horns make tents in her hood

I'm getting a tent elsewhere if you pick up what I'm putting down

What, do you want to stick your dick in her orange vagina? Or maybe you want to lick the hole in-between her orange buttcheeks?

Ah man when she grabs her face

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I like how her features are less negroid

Yup. Hoping we get some stuff during Order 66 or shortly after

Aayla looks like a literal Somalian yet she is still hot

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Why? That takes place after the show is set, that would be weird.

Order 66 happens while Ahsoka and many of the 501st are on Mandalore.

At this point they could remake ROTS within the show and it would likely be better, all that would be missed is Ewan's Kenobi and live action Sheev, and the show versions of those are still good

why? TCW isnt that great
and now Disney is at the helm, so its going to suck

It's great, and this might be the one thing that Disney doesn't fuck up

It was the last of the pre-buyout stuff, so it's remembered fondly.

blessed thread

there are moments where its good but its faults add up too quickly
>filoni's concept of balance in the force
>asohka being anakin's apprentice
>maul being alive
>changing maul so that the black marks arent tattoos anymore (was originally pretty fucking metal)
>anakin being knighted immediately after ep2 when he was clearly nowhere near ready
>ARC troopers are no longer bred but are instead taken from whatever clones prove themselves
which ties into:
>making all clones independent
which led to this:
>clone brainwash microchips
I could go on

there is nothing wrong with any of the points you listed

how did they get away with it?

When is it actually happen?

And does this mean the Rebels is finally getting deleted from canon. Because I honestly only care about Ahsoka and maybe Sabine if they fix her character to be more Mandalorian and less "first year art student."

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>And does this mean the Rebels is finally getting deleted from canon
Dream on, user.

was literally only a badass in the 2003 cartoon and a handful of comics, even in ROTS he's a complete bitch. there's gonna be an arc in the new season where he kicks obi-wan's ass though
>filoni concept of balance in the force
fair enough
>ahsoka being anakin's apprentice
dumb I agree, should have been Plo Koon's or even Obi-Wan's
>maul being alive
dumb too but at least Lucas wanted it and his arc was kino
>changing maul so that the black marks arent tattoos anymore (was originally pretty fucking metal)
this is so subjective
>anakin being knighted immediately after ep2 when he was clearly nowhere near ready
there's a time skip between Episode II and the show of at least months, Anakin has his scar before the show even starts
>ARC troopers are no longer bred but are instead taken from whatever clones prove themselves
nothing wrong with this. commandos are still bred-from-birth demigods
>making clones independent
jedi wouldn't stand for an army of unthinking slaves even if it was their only option, of course jedi would introduce individuality.
>clone brainwash microchips
literally nothing wrong with this

goes from being a jedi hunter and formidable warrior, the thing a jedi would like to see the least on the battlefield to being a punching bag for padawans and clones
>filoni's concept of balance in the force
he fell for the equal light equal dark is balance meme. also, believing the "light side" is a thing.
>asohka being anakins apprentice
i like asphka but she shouldn't have been anakins apprentice - should have been another jedi working to become a knight who worked alongside obi and ani with her master on missions
>maul being alive
lucas killed him and didnt think he should be brought back
>changing maul so the black marks arent tattoos anymore
they were sith tribal tattoos put on him by sidious, and we have seen zabraks and they dont have those markings on them
>anakin being knighted immediately after ep2
anakin "school shooter" skywalker was no where near ready to be a knight at that time. originally he wasnt knighted till two years after the battle on geonosis
>arc troopers are no longer bred
arc troopers were bred to be more independent like the host, jango. there was a distinction between them and regular clones who were not so independent
>making all clones independent
ties into the above. they say in the movie that they are genetically modified to be less independent than the original host - yet he disregards the movie
>clone brainwash microchips
because he made them all indpendent thinkers and made them friends with the jedi he realized oh shit i didnt think this through as well as lucas, now i have to come up with a justification for why they kill the jedi. D-don't worry kids, they were brainwashed, they were good all along!

pink sabine best sabine

explain, what'd I miss

>Lucas didn't sign off on every last major detail of the show he personally oversaw
>He never invested millions of his own cash per episode to the point it never made a profit outside of merchandise
stop pushing this meme

not reading this, I love the show and won't let your toxic opinions change that🐸

Is there a release date for this? I looked around for a bit and couldn't find anything.

>made slutty 14 y/o mary sue with dual lightsabers who can do backflips and kill 4 dudes (epic!)
>ruined the clone wars, marketing it instead towards retards
>brainchips and nu-grievous to shit like mortis and loth-wolves
>unbridled furry, needs to write wolves into everything he makes
>can't even kill off his own waifu, has to invent time travel in star wars to save her
>made a subpar cartoon that spawned from a direct-to-dvd movie
>went on to make rebels and resistance
>only the characters he made are canon and continue on through the other shows
>came from writing literal weebshit
>killed kyle katarn
>now coming back to kill delta squad by making the 7th season with his cliche rambo clones

why do we pretend to like this retard again?

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you're just as bad as the atila spamming retards. even sneedposters have better standards

No, they should have have that at the end of a ninth season.

only 1/3 of those things are problems. outside of rebels and resistance, he's /ourguy/ material


Ahsoka was hotter in Rebels because she looked more white

>made slutty 14 y/o mary sue with dual lightsabers who can do backflips and kill 4 dudes (epic!)
"this is a bad thing guys!"

she's not a mary sue wtf she fails all the time

i dont know why anyone likes TCW. its for 12 year olds

awwwww yeah it's close but not nearly enough to satisfy my yuri autism

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Whenever Disney+ launches

>Mfw reading this while listening to the digimon soundtrack

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Clone Wars 2003 was better

4 Bad Batch episodes
4 Utapau episodes
4 Mandalore episodes
and that's probably it

they confirmed they're rewriting the battle of coruscant and 66

kys nostalgia fag, it's only slightly above average

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I don't like either. Don't kid yourself nostalgiafag.


>that's probably it
Makes sense, it's not like TCW is the only thing the fans are actually excited about.

She's clearly lesbian for Ahsoka.

well, they confirmed 12 episodes, and since Bad Batch and Crystal Crisis are 4 eps apiece that leaves 4 leftover for Mandalore, which is guaranteed from the poster

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there needs to be more Sheev/Anakin interaction. they've only had a few scene together.

>battle of coruscant and 66
That happens at the same time as the Siege of Mandalore.

you are such a juvenile


get it through your head, you're unhealthy, your outlook on the world is not going anyway