Rolled 86 (1d100)
Check my 45
and give me likes
>no dad
lol ok whore
100% correct
Like clockwork
She's not wrong.
But I don't play videogames.
Inclined walking is not a hobby
Lawyer fucked me
I'm passing a law where all roasties will be rounded up and sent to the gulag. One like equals one vote. If we get 30 votes, the law will be passed.
Literally who?
nothing says "I hate myself" like that sweet ironic daddy issues humor
How do you define a roastie though?
Shut up bitch, go back to fucking tyresse so i can suck the cum off your asshole.
>tfw you aren't verified even on Yea Forums💔
Working out is a hobby now? jesus christ.
bitches get sopped when they see hiking boots
Based and incelpilled
she right, but why even post it? that's being rude for no purpose
Just like you spot any other vermin, you know it when you see it.
>Walking in the woods
>Regular body maintenance
I bet this roastie thinks eating and breathing are hobbies too.
Unironically Redpilled. My only hobby is kino.
I agree with her statement, it is pathetic if all you do is play video games. But there used to be a time when we pitied pathetic people, rather than mock them.
Also most of those guys are virgins because they are terrified of social interaction, particularly the kind of interaction necessary to create a deep enough connection with a girl necessary for sex. It’s the same reason they’re scared of going to the gym, or hiking, or anywhere where’d they’d be alone in public. They prefer to just stay indoors and out of sight because actually going out and trying to meet a girl seems completely insurmountable.
yeah whatever thot. once sexboxs are perfected then women will be disposable trash.Coin Flip: Tails
Men who are made out of straw are pathetically easily refuted. Maybe you guys wouldn't be so easily to knock down if you weren't made out of straw.
Straw man? More like straw boy.