Call it

Call it

Heads: Die
Tails : Don't die

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Coin Flip: Heads

How about a card?♠️

Coin Flip: Heads

Get em on board i'll call it inCoin Flip: Heads

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Coin Flip: Heads

Agua Fresca por favorCoin Flip: Tails

Attached: Agua.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Coin Flip: Tails

Please be fucking headsCoin Flip: Tails

sweet releaseCoin Flip: Heads

If I die, I die knowing I did as much as could for the black community.

I will go with no regrets.Coin Flip: Tails

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I want to know what I stand to winCoin Flip: Tails


Flip me, thrill me
You will never kill me
Feed me, seed me
You can never sneed me

Attached: picture235.jpg (553x467, 49K)

All I wanna say is that
They will never HEE HE about us.

>call me beep me if you wanna reach me

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Coin Flip: Tails

>Someone choose Heads willingly to die and end it all
>Get tails instead and keep living
what did hiromoot mean by this?

lord save meCoin Flip: Heads

Will I wake up?Coin Flip: Tails

you got BLACKED, worse destiny than death

Coin Flip: Tails

dubsCoin Flip: Tails

Coin Flip: Tails

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Coin Flip:

oh no no no no noCoin Flip: Heads

Heads pls!

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Do it quickCoin Flip: Tails