So what did you lads think of this? Any Seattle anons here to give insight?
Kino Doc
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I hated only because watching people shoot up makes me sick. I couldn't imagine living in a city full of AIDS needles.
libtards btfo
at this point, i hope for hobos move in and spread around king country like into Bellevue.
Seattlefag here. Please nuke this place
Why are west coast US cities such shitholes
All big cities are dying in the USA. The only ones living in them are welfare niggers, and the millionaires who support them.
I have been to Seattle many times. Every street corner there is some bum with his pants around his ankles. I live in Santa Cruz where the same thing is happening and last week in our paper there was an article shitting on this doc. It was obviously people in denial and don't want to face the facts that liberalism is destroying these areas. Also this information they don't want getting out as it ruins tourism.
Same reason anywhere run by socialists is a shithole
What is the Nigger Situation there?
any more docs by the same people?
Chicago is turning into a twin if Seattle. It's fucking disgusting.
there are many
Some areas like the central district are full of them, Americanized ones. The Somalis and Ethiopians tend to live further south along with the hoards of illegals and other trash
Who thought it was a good idea to allow SomaliNiggers into Seattle? How did they explain it to the American citizen taxpayers?
It was done by the local TV station that pump out anti-trump shit everyday. Its surprising they even got the OK to do this.
>How did they explain it to the American citizen taxpayers?
they didn't
Kalergi plan my man
Your fortune: Outlook good
If there are any Seattle anons here, boss has been offering to rotate me back stateside to Seattle (currently on overseas rotation), but I'm worried about the kids picking up undesirable habits from the progressives. Are there any insulated areas/schools in Seattle?
Uk user here. Used to go and visit my family in Seattle every summer haven't been back in 15 years. How much has it changed???
another seattlefag here
fuck this gay fucking faggot infested kike bin do NOT move here unless you have literally zero options
Best editing Oscar win?
Who would of thought enabling drug addicts isn't a good strategy.
It was a barely contained problem before the communists started showing up in droves. There's no bringing it back, anyone with means to leave will in the next couple decades. Maybe we can reclaim the area years down the line after the ass totally falls out of the system and the masses eat each other, it's a shameful waste because it's a beautiful place otherwise.
>Are there any insulated areas/schools in Seattle?
Private schools are everywhere dude.. why would a popular big city like Seattle be any different?
i dont get it. does seattle just not have enough money to prosecute the druggies so they just rush them out of the system?
It absolutely mystifies me that people could be aware of this problem and think the solution is LESS policing
If you actually watch even the first 5 minutes of the documentary you will see why faggot. Incompetent liberal local government that has basically stripped cops of all authority.
Seattle should be able to elect a Sheriff instead having all the authority flow from the City Council
trash and shit on the streets of america!
I was fortunate enough to grow up and go to public schools when it was still ok to use gay as a synonym for stupid/lame and everyone agreed there were only two genders. Never really had to consider these problems when the whole country was still somewhat sane.
that's what i'm talking about, why would they decide to do that? seems like a money saving decision rather than pure liberal shit
I live in San Fran and it’s the same bullshit here. It’s hard for me to give up the food and weather,tho
Wasn't Seattle the one pushing to raise the minimum wage some years ago?
I enjoyed that documentary, Seattle seems to be facing similar problems that Vancouver, BC is dealing with (junkies/drug dealers/homeless/etc)
You mean Renton
You feel like you stepped into a 3rd world country when you go to the Walmart and Sams Club (before it closed)
I'm a liberal and visiting Seattle and Portland always give me pause. Chicago and San Francisco are completely irredeemable.
I don’t know what this is, but Seattle is pretty shit desu. I love the state because the weather is just right for me, but the city is just not what I remembered it to be when I was younger. Fuck all these bums everywhere and trailers and shit parked all over he place. Everything is expensive as shit compared to where I live. I just go there to work and go do stuff sometimes in my free time.
Yeah it’s like 15 dollars or some shit now
Is he getting ready to kiss Hogg ?
I live in a similar cultured town in Washington (Olympia) and it is actually more expensive. The thing they end up doing is using the public demand for safer streets and less public drug use to raise the property taxes to pay for a cop. Then a year later the cops are gone and they ask for more money to reinstate it. It's kind of like a hostage situation. The thing is that all the businesses start moving away from downtown and then they pay even more money to throw parades and festivals to get people excited about downtown again and it still doesn't work.
What laws made the city turn out this way?
Olympia is basically Seattle without the massive corporations to prop it up. Everything that happens there will be a sign of things to come further north.
It’s completely true, it turns out criminals and addicts will take “compassionate and understanding” liberal policies to the fucking cleaners. Being weak with the mentally ill and the drug cartels just lets the loonies take run of the madhouse
>sams club
Based fellow Rentoner
Unfortunately true. Things got a lot worse once they started handing out free needles to junkies. Does Seattle have that yet?
Bellevue doesn’t put up with it and actively buses homeless over I-90 to Seattle
If you can afford it and deal with middle class pajeets bellevue is ok
Snoqualmie and issaquah are nice though
I saw on the news about a year ago that Seattle businesses are now required to have needle disposal bins in their bathrooms or something like that, so if they don't now they will soon.
watching libs destroy my city is making me is making fascism look more and more appealing...
I want to move to Tacoma since I want to live in a town/city near nice pacific northwest nature but don't want to life in San Fran-tier Seattle. How is Tacoma? What are the people there like?
Tacoma and south Seattle in general is nigger containmentville
You want east or west (across the sound) of Seattle, not north/south
It's only 40ish minutes away from Seattle, the entire stretch from Everett to Olympia may as well be the same place. Tacoma is closer to the outdoors though but you'll still be dealing with urban western washington problems most of the time, and the cancer spreads to the boonies more every year.
>I'm a liberal
Why? Your political stance and voting patterns creates those shitholes that you so despise, its pure and utter retardation of the highest degree.
If you continue on being a liberal then whatever happens on the east coast will be happening all over the United States in the near future and every city and town will be a 3rd world shithole thanks to YOUR political ideals.
All the addicts across the country know that these are the best places for them to live so they congregate there..
g-g-go dawgz! haha, yeah...
Where do I go then? ;_;
I hear Montana is on the uptick, might be worth checking out to try getting in front of the bulk of Californians before they ruin everything there too.
For a shut in though it seems pretty comfy with all the rain.
because they have spent the past 40 years being intrinsically opposed to the sort of policies that prevent cities from becoming shitholes.
It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't committed to making their stupid decisions national policy.
>I'm a liberal
you should like these cities then
leftists are literally fighting people from building MORE HOUSING in their neighbourhoods, they're actually that stupid
throw them from helicopters
user bragging that you're retarded is unbecoming🐷
This is what leftists are doing to our cities.
I once saw an entire half of a watermelon with a spoon in it in the target parking lot, was also one of the first experiences of seeing an armed guard inside of a target
>I once saw an entire half of a watermelon with a spoon in it in the target parking lot
to be fair that shit's delicious, especially with vanilla ice cream in it
im not even a nigger
>t. 1980s
Re-gentrification has been happening for decades now, grandpa. Not everything is what Hannity shows you.
What's annoying is that retards like that will move to red states and keep their shitty politics. California transplants turning Colorado and parts of Texas into shit are a glaring example of this.
how soon before the libs go full Hitler and start making Homeless Camps to throw the homeless into...
thats where i see this going... they're going to make massive camps surrounded by chain link fence and force all the homeless there
How can people justify being liberal and involved with government after watching this?
No my friend... you have that backwards.
watermelon is delicious but eating an entire half of it with a spoon and then leaving it in a parking square like a true n*gger, is unaceptable
do you mean de-gentrification?
left wing political parties and left wing voters should be banned from democracy
Literally at UW in class right now ask me anything
So it's basically a failed Portland.
I don't see the problem other than government employees being faggots.
Forget the drugs for a moment. Want to do drugs? Okay. But littering and shitting in public are illegal.
Why aren't these people being dealt with? Because the city that hosts some of the biggest tech companies in the world doesn't want to spend money on it?
The government can spend untold amounts of money going after cunts selling weed but they can't deal with shitters and litter bugs?
Fuck this nigger ass faggot corrupt broken shit government. I'd put thousands of government employees in prison today if I could. Espeically all those retired fucks sucking down $100k pensions.
Anyone been to Port Angeles or the Olympic Peninsula lately? What’s it like now?
what class? i am too, a uw student
i don't want to live in seattle
the problem with sanitation though, you'd need some kind of delousing facilities to prevent them getting sick
Has anyone heard any conspiracies, like they test technology on Seattle's homeless that messes with their brain waves? Maybe it's just drug money, but some politicians have to be getting their palms greased to tolerate the homeless problem. I don't buy the bleeding-heart liberal hypothesis!
They kind of deserve it though.
>we can reclaim it!
Yeah, sure. Just like Detroit.
>cops can't even arrest people in possession of 20 grams of meth/heroine anymore
Just make Escape from LA a reality. Get some cameras and drones in there for a show and it'd pay for itself.
its a religion, in a level worse than original nazism, its profound and it alters yout thought procesess
t. i was an edgy communist from 14 to 19
Applications of electromagnetic theory
I wouldn’t want to be in Seattle either if I owned property
I've lived in Seattle all my life. There are two forces at play here that lead to the tent cities.
One is that most of the city is zoned for family residential instead of a more dense designation. Thus, there are a shitload of rules about where new residential construction can happen because people don't want their precious views to be fucked with. Nevermind that Amazon towers now block my view of the Space Needle. The city was fine with that because they get their cut.
The second related issue is a lack of affordable housing. Over the last ten to twenty years the area has been booming for developers. Housing prices have shot up here unlike basically anywhere else in the country and because Seattle is a tech harbor, many of the large employers were not devastated by the 2008-09 financial crisis. We lost WaMu and basically didn't feel anything else. Because of this boom there is no incentive to build low-income or Section 8 housing since it's still way to profitable to snatch up what little residential development the city allots to build high rises and pack them with Amazon out-of-towners who'll gladly pay $1600/mo for 600 sq ft.
It's fucking ridiculous how much my rent has risen in the last 6-7 years. My old apartment, which was a 450 sq ft studio in a 100+ year old building, went from $800 to about $1400 today.
It has less to do with tolerance or degeneracy or other /pol/ memes and more to do with a lack of affordable housing.
No one deserves to be invaded by Californians user
Don't go to Philly then
There used to be a zuccbook page called "People of Septa" which showed all the heroin zombies that take the public transport there. They had no shortage of content and posted oc several times a day. Then there was a video with a little girl trying to "wake up" her mother and that was the beginning of the end.
I have no problems with drugs and people who can use them responsibly but junkies and crackheads are way past that point.⚽
Agreed. It’s easier and more fun to eat for some reason too.
I live in Vancouver so this documentary was not shocking at all to me. We had free needles for 10 years now.
Perhaps some sort of group shower room
>imagine complaining about not be surrounded by Section 8 housing
All the good jobs are on the coasts. Midwest faggots come West and East to get out of their stifling, dying hometowns and strike it rich. Then they get here and get addicted to drugs, or find out it's too hard to make it, and before they know it they're on the streets.
Plus we have had no public mental health system worth a damn in this country since Reagan gutted it in the 1980s.
Onions Green when?😂
Philly is basically a 3rd world shit hole, one of the blackest cities in the East, no surprise there
City of brothaly love my nigga
Spray cheese on a steak sandwich is not a gift to the world, we can afford to lose Philly
Hmmm probably right. At least it freezes there so the homeless would only migrate a couple months out of the year.
It’s pretty fucked here. A few months ago I saw a pregnant homeless lady getting fucked in the ass right against a store front on one of our busiest streets.
>meth-head Travis having a methisode surrounded by like six officers who aren't allowed to just beat his whacko head in and detain him while he pops up and down in a metal bin like a deranged Jack-in-the-box spitting and demanding candy bars and cigarettes
>completely, brazenly unrepentant and in fact gleefully recounting his crimes and laughing at how the police let him go almost immediately when they bother to detain him
Absolutely incredible, absolute K I N O
>more to do with a lack of affordable housing.
Just fuck off, this is such a cop-out excuse.
I knew a tranny who moved there because it was supposed to be some fag paradise and they thought they would never have problems. Got a job at one of the Starbucks downtown but had such problems with the local wildlife that they were in constant danger. It's nothing like the queer utopia everyone makes it out to be. It seems to me from what I've heard that the worst kind of nogs have just taken over the place.
All you self-righteous niggers in this thread pretending like the south and midwest aren't full of fatass addicts doing oxy, klonapin, and xannies on govt funding
>inb4 it's only niggers
It's the white trash that are addicted. I fucking hate living here and being surrounded by racist hillbilly hypocrites
I grew up in Seattle, go back every now and then to visit family.
You can think whatever you like, that it's a filthy, homeless infested shithole. And yes, it is overwhelmingly liberal and anti-gun.
But Seattle remains the most beautiful, pleasant large city I have been to in the US. It's surrounded by islands and mountains, and filled with parks. It's a residential city, with neighborhoods of mostly single-family houses. I live in NYC now, and it's a hell hole compared to Seattle.
Yes, it's an Amazon town now, but that's only a problem if you're a poorfag. Enormous wealth is pouring in. The City is developing at an incredible rate. A pan-regional light rail system is being built.
So, it is what it is. But Seattle is not dying, it's thriving.
because those homeless people would quit drugs and start taking their meds if housing was "affordable"...
the homeless are there because you're a bunch of faggots that are too faggy to do what needs to be done
>Then they get here and get addicted to drugs, or find out it's too hard to make it, and before they know it they're on the streets.
You're actually retarded if you believe this.
Let's just all admit what it is and it's rich whites who got theirs while in govt and fucked off when they saw the population turn darker skinned. That's essentially what's happened in America. The govt is a noncaring group of whites who now have grouped poor whites along with the niggers and spics. And poorer whites are all butthurt which is why you see shit like the 99% pop up.
>its all Reagans fault!
every time
Anyone around enough homeless can tell you respect for any property even their own is the first thing to go out the window.
I live in portland and even I think this post is cringe as fuck YIKES
Fuck off, fascist. Rounding up the homeless is not a solution. You don't even deal with the problem anyway, so what do you care?
I grew up in Seattle, but moved to Idaho in my adulthood. It's completely accurate, and a huge problem. Fuck the homeless. I wish those spineless fucks would have the guts to boot them out. I feel bad for my siblings who still live in Seattle and deal with this shit on a daily basis.
But where can I go to be among the non-poor people?
rwds when?
>I'm a liberal
i really hope you get stabbed by some wild nigger or drug adict
I'm talking decade timespans, Detroit may be ripe in a couple more 2bh.
>Midwest faggots come West and East to get out of their stifling, dying hometowns and strike it rich. Then they get here and get addicted to drugs, or find out it's too hard to make it, and before they know it they're on the streets.
Former midwesterners are probably the most decent people in those cities.
Fuck liberals, kikes, and niggers. That is all.
Boomers bought all the housing for $50k in the Seventies. Now the houses are worth millions because of all the trillion-dollar tech giants, and they refuse to sell or let anyone build any more housing. Prop 13 in California in 1978 had a lot to do with this. They allowed people to have their property taxes grandfathered in at the valuation from back then, so of course anyone paying property taxes on a fraction of the current value has no incentive to ever sell, thus there's hardly any houses on the market at any one time.
I haven't seen the movie but I drive for Uber and Amazon in Seattle so I'm constantly pounding the pavement there and I definitely disagree with how our local government is approaching the situation. I'm not gonna say something as naive as it's their fault we have homeless people, but every action they take seems to either be directly adding to the problem, or doing absolutely nothing about it. I especially hate how they keep begging for tax hikes to address homelessness and basically throw that money into the wind. But I love Seattle too much to leave.
uHM, all you bigots have to wrap your head around that housing is a human right and all people should be given a place to live by the government.
That’s a yikers from me.
But user that would require us to be informed about things and take a nuanced approach.
It's much easier to just dismiss everything out of hand and call people who disagree libtards
>muh social programs
Kill yourself leftist
and that would mean that every home is own by the goverment
kill yourself
We have these in Vancouver and they trash them so bad it’s cleaner and less dangerous to go back to living on the streets especially because we pay city workers $30+/hr to clean up their needles and garbage and piss.
Democracy needs to be abolished.
In 100 years from now I think people will see democracy in the way we see communism today.
A failed system.
Lol nice try Satan, but this is happening because (((capitalism))) has left behind 80% of people, anyone who can't see that is one of the 20% who is still sittingcomfy enough that they don't want to admit most people are suffering unnecessarily
you are fucking insane
There are a lot of homeless people but honestly they're pretty harmless. I just ignore them and have never had any problems.
t. Software developer who lives in downtown Seattle.
exercise your lateral thinking
Go ahead and explain how free government housing for everyone makes ME the insane one?
Guys I live in Chicago, and our homeless situation isn't as bad as Seattle's or San Francisco, but it's still pretty bad. Whenever I drive home from work the expressway offramp I take ends up getting a red light as I pull up to the street intersection. There is always someone there begging cars for money. And then I drive past them and through the underpass to get home, but homeless people camp out in the underpass and it smells horrible.
It wasn't like that in the 90s (still living at home). How do we fix our cities?
It's everywhere, our nation is crying out for help and it's mostly falling on deaf ears because 99% of our political system has been corrupted. But there is one hope on the horizon, a bright shining star that offers a glimmer of optimism... His name... is Andrew Yang #YangGang2020
t.never rented a house to tenants.
Be a landlord for a couple of months and you'll be ready slit throats yourself.
no, you are in debt forever to the goverment, they own the roof over you and they will use that leverage for your entire life
>what are all these filthy poor people doing in the street?
>degeneracy caused this
>not stagnating wages
>not tax cuts that drastically favor the already wealthy
>not the systematic reduction of social welfare programs
>not 20 years of pissing away money on endless wars
funny how you fascist faggots pretend to care about living free until someone wants to do drugs or be a tranny or wear a hijab and suddenly the sky is falling on all Western society
You need to “clean up” the homeless problem.
I'm a fullstack web developer who wants to move out of Chicago to the pacific northwest. Can you get me a job there? How's the job market? I don't have a college degree but have work experience. Did contracting for a couple years before my current job that I've had for almost two years.
The only people with paper cash in their pockets are strippers, whores and bartenders.
>muh lack of affordable housing
This is code for 'spend tax money on cheap shitboxes for drug addicts to infest'
It's literally a city paying to keep losers around committing crimes.
You know how you get rid of homeless people? You arrest them, ship them out to the middle of the state away from population centers, then work camp those fucking niggers making license plates and shit. Then when their time is up, you let them out WAY the fuck out in the boonies and they can maybe stay clean and get a job picking fruit or something.
Instead of that though, we get faggots like you trying to say we need to pay to keep garbage in the city.
someone with no self determination or sense of decency like yourself has to be provided squalor for. enjoy living in a government assigned decrepit ghetto surrounded by hostile minorities you fucking idiot!
That is a good excuse
Majority of those people ends up as gibs and take money out of our taxes until they die off(which can take 30+ years). Then since they are addicts they develop a huge market for violent drug dealers fighting for turf. THEN cities like Seattle give them a free pass everytime they get arrested so they are out in less than 24 hours. But ya give them a nice place to live so they can continue living like animals.. that will solve all of society's hard problems.
it interesting how those cities seems top be ruled by generation x politicians, is like they have a hard on on destroying all the things that boomer dad and mom tried to live by
Well yeah, strictly by the numbers he's one of the worst presidents ever, literally bottom 5 easily. War on drugs, wall street derivative fuckery that directly led to 2008 crash, extreme increase in middle east meddling and of course the rigging of the economy for the megarich (and the gutting of mental health services as user mentioned) all started under him and his cronies Rumsfeld, Brzezinski, Kissinger et al. Tbh Reagan was little more than a puppet but it was still his name on the thing, he deserves some blame. The fact he is heralded as the messiah of the republican party is solid evidence that we're living in clown world
>t. enjoys the fruits of capitalism while pretending to be an edgy rev com on the internet
The ugly hard truth of the matter is you don't return from homelessness. It changes people in a big bad way regardless if they're a victim of circumstance or not.
Democracy works fine, as long as you don't have universal suffrage.
If only landowning white males over 25 could vote, we'd have a fucking great country.
Seattle user here
everythingin this video is true
I wish I had a flamethrower
No one made them do drugs. Technology is cheaper than ever before, and jobs give more benefits than they had a few decades ago. Excessive welfare programs cause dependency and hurt the extremely impoverished. Over taxing the rich is bad for tax revenue and the middle/lower class.
Waitresses too and maybe golf caddies.
What would you do with a flamethrower
Yeah.. The Jews aren't too keen on sharing how they destroy our Anglo fabric.
counterpoint: every fascist is getting the wall
Throw flames?
I agree with you only because he signed the Brady bill, and amnestied the first wave of illegal mexicans who proceeded to destroy California. So Reagan can go fuck himself.
burn stuff
No idea how the job market is, I got lucky with getting an internship at Amazon then got a full time offer after that. Didn't apply anywhere else.
>Can you get me a job there?
I'm not gonna refer some random person on Yea Forums but I'd just apply if I were you. If your resume is good then getting your foot in the door should be fairly easy, it's the interview process that might be difficult.
>Guess its not so bad in the ivory towers where you can't smell the shit
I live in a $1700/month apartment which isn't too bad for downtown. I'm also about 30 seconds away from a street with multiple bus stops and a ton of homeless people.
Welcome to the party, pal.
How is that a problem if its a nice government like Obamas and not an evil one like drumpf
Jokes on you I live in a REALLY nice condo.
Detroit is on the upswing m8. There are obviously still many, many places you don't want to be after dark but the culture, arts, (((business))) and nightlife are thriving in a way they havent since probably the 60s, maybe early 70s but it really started going to shit in the 70s
it's funny though because you keep advocating for liquidation of the underclasses without ever thinking anyone is going to try and liquidate you
This tbqh. Some make it out but it's a very small %. Majority of them are addicts and will be until they die. Just a few months of being homeless while doing meth, crack, heroine.. whatever will turn most people into animals.
I'd gladly pay extra taxes to keep them detained until they improve if it meant a clean city.
Dude my rent on a shitty apartment in a michigan small town, like legit 40 min from detroit, nowhere near any nice neighborhoods or culture, was going up like 50 dollars every year so what you're saying isnt even that crazy. Shitholes downtown (in detroit) that wouldnt pull 700/month 15 20 years ago have been "renovated" into "luxury" apartments and condos and are going for similar prices, 1500+. This is a nationwide epidemic of rich jew, chinkjew, sandjew etc (((developers))) extorting money from the public. I honestly think there will be a major rebellion against this landowner fuckery within 10 years
you faggots arent scary. stop spamming your stickers and fliers everywhere
As long as they get you first I'm willing to risk it.
So this is why Mike Stoklasa said that the homeless in Seattle should be forced to take the suicide pills when he was discussing Paddleton. Kek.
How are you going to liquidate people without guns, Eugene?
Bellevue police actually kick homeless people off public property so that's not going to happen.
Cleveland is a much better example of impossible reclamation. They've been putting bandaids on this shithole for as long as it's been a city. It's sad because now the other two Ohio cities have completely surpassed what used to be the major one in terms of relevance.
I have family in Bellevue. What is it like up there? They're in the rich area and all the pics looks comfy af
Wow that's some iq ya got there champ
In my city we treat the homeless just like we treat everyone else. With disgust and disdain, usually leading to violence.
I LOLed hard at this guy because he reminded me of that old maymay "im not a drug addict bitch, i smoke weed everyday and i can drop it whenever i want"
I have no idea how komo got this shit made
thought actually good reporting and journalism was dead
reminded me of that spirit of truth
I have an ok middle-tier job making pretty good money but busting ass every day. No benefits for at least a year until I get "full time". Couldnt afford a kid or buy a house if I wanted. I dont exactly call that enjoying the fruits. Capitalism has failed in almost every way here, you can debate why, that it's because of corruption or whatever but if a system is so thoroughly corruptible then it is shit anyway. If you deny it has failed most of the population then you are severely ignorant or playing devil's advocate for fun
Right, and all the other things I mentioned... He is one of the worst ever, anyone who disagrees has no credibility whatsoever
Imagine not being a trust fund babby who watches the homeless freeze to death out the river view window of his 7 figure apartment he was given as a graduation gift and that is climate controlled to be 70 degrees year round. Disgusting.😂
>confusing fascism with lolbergterianism
Cuckservative boomers can fuck off right along with you leftist scum.
How much longer before everything collapses?
Every other form of government is just as if not more easily corrupted though. The problem with government is that it always attracts the worst type of people.
24 minutes.
Seattle is a big city with a large population. Naturally that's going to attract a crowd just like any other big city. People giving shit to San Fran but the enlightened still know the city and Seattle is miles better than bum fuck Eastern Washington or some other Central state where all people do is bitch about the techies and liberals shitting on a city they can only dream of living in. Before you throw in the Bellevue and Redmond being homeless free, it's because they offload their homeless into Seattle. SPD is on the FBI'S leash because they have a track record of police brutality and corruption so lets not get ahead of ourselves and give them the reigns again. Komo is Sinclair propoganda and you've been played by the fearmongering.
dude was based🌈
Addicts can be perfectly functional but never believe the 'addiction is a disease' nonsense.
Everyone self medicates but there's an natural limiter there by virtue that drugs cost money. Unless someone's a richer-than-god rockstar they're not drugging beyond their means.
What is this streaming on?Coin Flip: Heads
>drugging beyond their means
ive known a few people that literally sold everything they owned just to buy weed and LSD,, from clothes to vidya to even their moms jewelry, theres a reason why those people are commiting crimes, they ARE druggigng beyond their means.
Happening here along the NC coast as well. 175% rise in faggotry over the last decade.
>buy weed and LSD
I don't buy that for a minute but if they're working themselves out of house and home that would be a limiter kicking in.
>$30/hr to sweep streets
Tell me u aren't 4 real
Good weather. Being homeless in the winter isn't a death sentence like it would be in Chicago or NYC.
Also lots of promises from dem leaders who then do nothing since they don't want to upset their corporate donors by spending money on something that won't immediately make the money back ten times over.
Thats why those adicts are homeless... they stopped paying rent because they were using all their money on drugs, then lost their jobs ecause they were high all day everyday.
Do you even know what severe addiction does to person? you sound like someone whos never met one of those in real life.
I was one of those functioning addicts through college, after that i just turned into a social drug user and stil am, only use drugs on NYE, or friends parties 3 or 4 times a year at most, im a Dj so... comes with the job.
Not really that many.
I don't really mean to sound callous I've known a few really bad addicts and most were pieces of shit but it wasn't the drugs that turned them that way. Some people they have to hit rock bottom before they realize it, and those that keep them from seeing the bottom only exasperate the situation and is the polar opposite of the kind of help they need.
Where are they going to put them all? Who's going to process them? Its starts out as a small problem but once you let one person get away with it it spirals out of control. There is thousands of people they could arrest every day. Maybe if they took the 200 million per year they spend on it to build a prison instead.
komo>king 5
15 years ago was peak seattle. It's just depressing now. Drive to the city from Seatac, and you'll shit your pants with the amount of homeless tent cities everywhere. And I'm no "waahhh homeless people are humans, treat them with respect", but the way normal people react to the homeless around them is disgusting. They will leave make unbroken eye contact down at their phone as literally hundreds of people shit in the bus stops around the city. Then they'll get on Instagram and post about how Seattle is the last bastion of freedom and tolerance. It's fucking disgusting. Seattlites should be shot in the back of the head.
Look at how many likes that first comment has
You do tent farm work camps like Sheriff Joe had. That's how you house the scum.
Then you don't really provide that many guards and let them sort each other out.💔
its literally just drugs. Yes there are all manner of ways people get hooked on them, but we have the highest minimum wage in the US and no shortage of jobs that only require a GED or less in this current boom.
Most of the homeless are not from seattle or Washington. So they moved here because housing was expensive? Its bullshit. If that's the problem they could take their RV somewhere cheaper. Its 100% because we tolerate them and they flock here to take advantage of our policies.
you click on the video and watch it you zoomer faggot
Jesus I've never really looked at the Space Needle, but it's ugly as fuck. And I grew up staring at it.
why are these threads always full of bootlickers thinking more cops will solve their problems? We've had drug prohibition for 90+ years, it hasn't solved anything, criminalizing drug use only makes the problem worse long term.
Housing an inmate in the cali. prison system now costs more than a year of harvard tuition thanks to corruption, kickbacks for various prison vendors, etc. You're only digging the hole deeper trying to put everyone you don't like in prison
Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco. All of the liberal dystopias end the same.
>tax cuts are the reason everyone is poor
imagine being this much of a gullible little slave
>>not the systematic reduction of social welfare programs
A healthy society isn't DEPENDENT on social programs, they create their own wealth.
Kill yourself
kill yourself fascist
you are the ultimate anti-whites
If addiction is a disease then so is studying, taking on a new hobby, or even jerking off.
Neuroplasticity is the result, not the cause.
Hey I don't want to house them. I'd rather they just starve or freeze to death the way nature intended.
Fucking liberal dipshits keep giving these assholes housing and food though, so they hang around like cockroaches.
the final redpill is realizing humanity is a mistake.
Rise up and end the curse by force. We as a species have no reason to exist. kill as many as you can.
>Blaming the Somalis
Former homeless person here who actually lived in the Seattle area. There's waaay more white trash than the niggers that you claim to see. They're there, sure. But nothing beats the white trash homelessness you see around Seattle.
>durr fascist
>just build them more houses
>just treat them like a decent person holy shit
do you really think it's "natural" for a society to have a massive amount of unemployed socially alienated drug addicts? Most societies on earth take care of the mentally ill and disabled in a much more compassionate way, nature does not intend for you to let other humans starve. that is fundamentally unnatural and psychopathic.
San Diego and Portland also
Japan doesn't have people like this.
It's almost unheard of there, even in major cities.
Hmmmm, I wonder why.
>letting people starve is unnatural
It's one of the most natural things there is.
how much for one of these crackhead to fuck? also anybody watch the live tweeker cam?
lol have you watched any documentaries about what its like to be homeless in Japan? They are basically lepers who are hated and shamed by the rest of society and forced into hiding. They still exist but are forced to keep to themselves and be invisible.
Im not really sure you'd consider that a "solution" since really you're just hiding it and pretending it doesn't exist if you can't see it. If that's really your standard for "fixing" a problem, then all you have to do is never watch these documentaries. boom. problem solved
>lol have you watched any documentaries about what its like to be homeless in Japan?
Yes, there's hardly any homeless people.
What's going on in these liberals shitholes like Seattle would be unheard of in Japan.
>They are basically lepers who are hated and shamed by the rest of society and forced into hiding.
This is why there is so few of them, it's social ostracism that pressures people to not be homeless, in these leftist shitholes it's just accepted and they let them do whatever they want.
>pretending it doesn't exist
Of course it exists, but it's exists at such a smaller rate that it's not really that much of a problem.
Please kill yourself, you people are destroying humanity.
Just make it legal for everyone to shoot drug users. It worked out pretty well in the Philippines.
please, fellow washingtonians, someone get me out of seattle
i want to live on the west coast but not in the major cities
we can be friends and stuff
He's obviously a sociopath, there's no point in reasoning here. Remember most posters here have very little contact with other people and they get all their morals from this place.
Even Jesus said you should feed people and be compassionate to others. These people just hide behind smug dissmissive edgy contrarianism, as you can see all over this thread.
Have fun with the Parkland Youth lmao
>nature does not intend for you to let other humans starve
Lol, it's the most natural thing in the world
>more compassionate
So, how many homeless people can we write up directly to your paycheck? Two? Three? How compassionate are you fellow redditor?
but doesnt japan have basically no people under 30 left? And also its an island with strict immigration rules, you can't have someone move from another "rustbelt" part of Japan to the coastal cities like whats happened in Seattle and SF. Also they have a mixed healthcare system with more socialized (state-funded) options than the US.
And also japan has a very high suicide rate and like 80 hour work weeks due to those social pressures, not really an ideal society at least in my opinion. Seems like there's a lot of stuff your puritan view is not accounting for.
>people defending leftist policies like supporting drug user's habits and destroying the economy in general are calling others sociopaths
fuck you
>Even Jesus said you should feed people and be compassionate to others.
Why the fuck are you bringing up religion? Are you christian or something?
>can conjure food from nothing
>tells you to feed others
Unlike comrade Jesus I have to work quite hard for my food.
I live in Calgary and while it may be full of muzzies and negroes at least the winter freezes all the homeless out
>but doesnt japan have basically no people under 30 left?
No, this is a myth.
>And also its an island with strict immigration rules, you can't have someone move from another "rustbelt" part of Japan to the coastal cities like whats happened in Seattle and SF.
Good, this is why they aren't a shithole.
>mixed healthcare system
So what?
Switzerland has a completely privatized system with better healthcare.
>And also japan has a very high suicide rate
myth, it's only slightly larger than western countries
>80 hour work weeks
another myth
>not really an ideal society at least in my opinion
Japan and Switzerland are some of the greatest examples of how to run a society, free markets and ethnic nationalism.
We moved to Seattle from New York 20 years ago. We always commented how clean Seattle was. is a complete shithole. And they want it this way. They want as many homeless people to come to Seattle as possible. Sad
>Ethnic nationalism
what? They speak three different languages there
are you having fun cutting up that paper monkey over there?
People are sociopaths because they want to mass exterminate people for being poor. I can't wait to see what mental gymnastics you come up with next.
so what is the upper limit for a "natural" amount of people to have in a society. Because when you realize there are more empty buildings than there are homeless people, it doesn't really seem natural to let them starve. It's a false scarcity which should be addressed on the systemic level.
No amount of me personally writing cheques to homeless people would solve the institutional problems which create homelessness
>Fucking liberal dipshits keep giving these assholes housing and food though, so they hang around like cockroaches.
>He's obviously a sociopath, there's no point in reasoning here.
Former homeless person here who used to live in the surrounding area. Most of these homeless people are too far gone to get helped. They're sociopathic and cold-hearted. Not saying they should all die but you will and can never help them. They will screw you over if they have the chance.
Lived in Seattle for 11 years now. This is unironically the only accurate post in this thread. The problem is there are so many brainwashed /pol/fag seattleites on this thread that wouldn't have the balls to say shit like
in public or around most of the people they know and they're only feeding the fear/resentment this shitty documentary is trying to instill in people.🐸
>nature does not intend for you to let other humans starve.
Lolwut? Nature absolutely DOES intend for that. It's called natural selection and it's the way all populations on earth work pretty much
>shows hobo crime database
>most of those that commited an above average amount of crimes are black
yes but they're all separated and have respected each others cultures for hundreds of years
>People are sociopaths because they want to mass exterminate people for being poor.
Nobody wants to do that. The poor and stupid do this to themselves.
Why should we be responsible for their bad decisions?
please see you using this bizarre outdated argument of social darwinism that have not been relevant for 100 years.
Fuck that explains everything. How is that shit even legal?
alright but that still isn't ethnonationalism though, they're more united by their love of money than anything else
the person who posted this documentary knows its propaganda, they are a libertarian and they post this doc almost every day because they like shitting on poor people for some reason
Line up all the bums and execute them.
>Seattle is miles better than bum fuck Eastern Washington or some other Central state where all people do is bitch about the techies and liberals shitting on a city they can only dream of living in.
Fucking this. I wonder if even half of the people posting about how awful Seattle is actually live here or actually live in Redmond or Kirkland and only come into the city with their parents or friends.
Why don't you cunts move to Carnation or Duvall and deal with the meth heads if you hate it here so much or Pullman or Yakima? That sounds more up your alley. Oh wait those places have fuck all to do and actually fucking suck compared to Seattle. So you'll stay here and bitch about the homeless even though you barely go off campus and just sit in your dorm rooms or apartments not talking to anyone irl.
You're s complete retard. You're right that social darwinism hasn't been a thing for 100 years. Coincidentally just when society started going to shit. You agree with me and don't seem to even realize it.
>alright but that still isn't ethnonationalism though
It is though.
Good, people should also be motivated by money.
Poor people deserve to be shit on.
Amazon SDE who owns a condo in Ballard here, this post is true. I love it here.
ok so why is it "natural" to let those people starve or freeze to death when we have plenty of empty buildings and people with enough extra money to pay for their food? You still aren't answering the question
It isn't. You're confusing patriotism for nationalism and ethnicity with race.
>Nobody wants to do that
multiple people in this thread have said exactly that. Now you're just being disingenuous. The gymnastics continue!
Did this thread get linked on latestagecapatalism or something? I am leaving, good luck when it's just you and them.
I wouldn't be surprised if these were the only people who actually lived in Seattle whereas
live outside of Seattle and more than likely in the sticks of Eastern Washington
They protect their races and cultures and have for 100s of years even while being in the same country, it's like yugoslavia but actually functional.
>multiple people in this thread have said exactly that
and you were dumb enough to get trolled
it's your fault these leftist cities are this way, you support these leftist policies
do you actually think a decent-size subreddit with lots of moderation links to random off-topic Yea Forums threads? For someone who advocates extermination of an entire class of people you are incredibly fragile.
>drug addicts shitting in the streets is just part and parcel of living in a big city
Yeah bro I'll be crying as I drown in all the ethnic food and microbrews. Please move and take other people along so rent goes down, thanks.
>basement-dweller having an emotional breakdown because his delicate opinions are exposed to reality
>this shitty documentary
This documentary is 100% accurate and you people are fucking sociopaths for defending what's going on in these cities.
How can you live with yourself?
Have you no empathy?
Duly noted.
t. hasn't been to another major city other than Portland in his life😂
>way we see communism today.
>A failed system.
I fucking wish everyone would see that. Seems like from all the failed states that were communist only convinces them only to try harder
Probably because The Swiss consider themselves as Swiss first and foremost instead of whatever ethnicity they are. I seriously doubt they see things like you do.
>I was only PRETENDING to advocate genocide bro! HAHA it's all your fault anyway!
wow what a compelling argument
>basement-dwelling leftist calling anyone else a basement dweller
Have sex.
>exposed to reality
Is this supposed to be ironic or something?
This documentary exposed what's going on in Seattle.
You pieces of shit defend this because you hate society.
>How can you live with yourself?
>Have you no empathy?
>he said while agreeing with the sociopaths in the thread saying all homeless people and minorities need to be put into death camps or outright killed
El Em Ayy Oh
t. hasn't been to another major city other than Seattle in his life
Japanese Cities aren't like this.
Many conservative American cities aren't like this.
Why are you lying?😃
>>I was only PRETENDING to advocate genocide bro
I wasn't the guy that said to kill them all
You however actually do support killing them as you want to support their drug habits and let them shit in the street.
You people are sociopaths.
>>he said while agreeing with the sociopaths in the thread saying all homeless people and minorities need to be put into death camps or outright killed
I never said this.
You are an actual sociopath though and are completely unable to defend this.
Anyone that kills a bum or a cop is a hero in my book
Kek I've lived around the US in 4 different states all major cities have the same issues. I mean what are you comparing it to? Salt Lake City? Japan is a completely different country with a completely different culture, brainlet.
why won't you answer I've already asked twice but you seem afraid to engage in real discussion. sad.🐸
>there are leftists ITT right now that think what's going on in Seattle is just fine and that this documentary was evil white supremacy or something
What a time to be alive.
>You are an actual sociopath though and are completely unable to defend this.
Burden of proof is on you, incel
You really love your little straw men don't you?
absolutely seething over there
>Sinclair Broadcasting has deposited $0.05 into your account😂
Exactly. Seattle is basically where all the jobs are. Give Amazon all the shit you want for the gentrification but at least that means the city is populated with employers. The rent sucks but considering how many people are coming and how crowded its getting, it's only inevitable that there's going to be more panhandlers and homeless. People bitching are those who can't seem to grasp the fact our population is getting bigger when they're comparing to Seattle yesterday before the tech boom. If you into online dating or the social scene, it's where all the young people are as well.
They're fucking cultists at this point and they'll never figure it out.
>4 different states
Let me guess, they were Seattle, Portland, San Francisco?
Dude I'm from Michigan and Detroit doesn't even have this issue.
>Salt Lake City?
>Japan is a completely different country
So what?
Why would that matter in the slightest?
They have different policies that actually work, like actually policing the homeless.
>completely different culture
They socially ostracize homeless people and make it a shameful thing.
Kill yourself brainlet.
>conspiracy theories
take your meds schizo
>If you into online dating or the social scene, it's where all the young people are as well.
user, the edgy people agreeing with the documentary and railing on about Seattle are probably either incel shut-ins who never leave their apartment or live in Eastern Washington and haven't been to Seattle in years and are just LARPing
>Because when you realize there are more empty buildings than there are homeless people, it doesn't really seem natural to let them starve
This is entirely the result of leftist housing policies and central banking pumping up property prices.
If we had a free market, housing prices would collapse and people would actually be allowed to build new property.
>institutional problems which create homelessness
Like not policing homeless people?
>Japan is a completely different country with a completely different culture, brainlet.
You're just kissing Japan's ass because you're an anime nerd.
What the fuck is a "conservative" city??? Charlotte? Guess what there's street shitting drug addict niggers there too. I'll give you a hint kiddo ALL cities in the us vote blue.
>Detroit doesn't even have this issue.
of all the possible answers for "city better than Seattle" you picked fucking detroit?
hahaha are you actually a leftist just trying to make conservatives look as dumb as possible by giving terrible arguments and being obsessed with anime master race japan? This is just an elaborate troll right? no one is this un-self aware, r-right?♨️
>the edgy people agreeing with the documentary and railing on about Seattle are probably either incel shut-ins
Look at all of these excuses you feces eating sociopaths are making.
The people agreeing with the documentary are concerned citizens that don't want their city going to shit.
You just come up with this image of anyone that disagrees with your sociopathic ideology as some neckbeard because you can't face the fact the majority of society hates you and what you stand for.
Are you mad that the documentary got a fuckton of views on youtube and got people talking?
Why do you support people shooting up herion in front of children and shitting in the street?
>Dude I'm from Michigan and Detroit doesn't even have this issue.
>Detroit doesn't even have this issue.
>comparing fucking Detroit favorably to Seattle
Oh okay you're just shitposting for Likes carry on
I'm not the shitty weeb holding up Japanese cities as some sort of paradise, m8 that's
Did Sinclair broadcasting seed Seattle with tents, needles, human shit, and druggies? Did they fake it all with CGI? How do you even see pictures of Seattle's reality and think that's okay? That's not normal except in liberal shitholes. You'd rather believe this is all fake like some kind of flat Earther or a moon hoax conspiracy than to just accept reality and deal with the problems created in Seattle.
>shitattlefags coming in here to defend their homeless degeneracy and act like there nothing wrong proving the documentary right
you brainlet incels should seriously kys.
The thing that far right faggots keep lying about and aren't aware of is that rents have been skyrocketing everywhere, including in deep red rural districts like mine. All of this is due to overpopulation, not liberal policies. And overpopulation is occurring specifically because of capitalism because it requires eternal population growth for eternal profit growth. Another issue is that the rich capitalists who own everything don't give a shit what the poor areas look like. Red areas look just like this, but you retards can never blame capitalism for anything it causes, so you just ignore it in your own backyards. Just like the rich tech douches do in Seattle.
I'm staying with my gfs parents in Seattle and long story short: my gfs dad, in true boomer fashion, told me to shut the fuck up when I said we should ship all the homeless to Africa. It's hard to explain but he went from joking around to completely serious. He mocked my patrostism because he and his wife are liberals and really hate Trump. I'm not vocal about my politics but they know I voted for Trump. My gf and I are now moving out because I don't want to deal with boomer fascism.
look up YIMBY and see that yes, people that that masochistically retarded
>What the fuck is a "conservative" city???
Dallas, Nashville, Kansas City.
Cities in conservative states, stupid.
Why is this such a difficult thing for you to understand?
>Guess what there's street shitting drug addict niggers there too.
There's hardly any of them because the police actually do their job.
Look at this sweaty manchild.
>he lives in south lake union
>he pays more than my east side mortgage to rent an apartment
I’m so sorry
You’re welcome on the east side any time
It's pathetic. I'm an LA native in living in LA and I'll be the first person to say this place is a bum-ridden shithole and the only way to make it better is to annihilate all the bums and illegals.
>of all the possible answers for "city better than Seattle" you picked fucking detroit?
Yeah and it's true.
As bad as Detroit is, Seattle has a worse homeless problem than Detroit.
Have you ever been there, I don't think you have.
>hahaha are you actually a leftist just trying to make conservatives look as dumb as possible by giving terrible arguments and being obsessed with anime master race japan? This is just an elaborate troll right? no one is this un-self aware, r-right?
Are you sweating profusely right now?
Bellevue’s fine, especially if you own property. It’s where microsoft reigns supreme and is mostly inhabited by people who actually want to be there
>If we had a free market, housing prices would collapse and people would actually be allowed to build new property.
so to be clear, your answer of why not helping homeless people using available resources is "natural" is to impose an entirely artificial, very recent modern system which intentionally limits people's access to resources necessary for life as a way to create profit? That's more "natural" to you than feeding a starving person?
really this thread is just giving people a weird portal into your decayed mental state, none of the things you are saying sound natural at all.
Oh wow Sinclair Drones are out in full force today
I can't tell what's bait here and what's not anymore
>>comparing fucking Detroit favorably to Seattle
It's actually fucking true. I've walked all over downtown detroit and there's hardly any homeless, even the homeless that do exist don't shit in the street
>holding up Japanese cities as some sort of paradise
Why are you mad over facts?
lol just can't get over the fact Japanese cities don't have major homeless problems
stay mad seattlecuck
This is also true. A large proportion of the homeless belong in insane asylums, but Reagan really did kick them all out onto the streets so now that's where they shit and shoot up. But again, conservatives can never accept blame for what they have done to themselves.
In california, plentiful supply of drugs because of proximity to mexico. Also effort to reduce jail and prison population a few years ago led to spike in homeless population.
>this fucking leftist faggot is actually attacking the documentary as an evil nazi conspiracy
You actually defend what's going on in seattle because you're a sociopath.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>As bad as Detroit is, Seattle has a worse homeless problem than Detroit.
>Have you ever been there, I don't think you have.
M8 even if the homeless situation in Detroit is slightly better the quality of life in the Seattle area is leagues above Detroit. If anything you're making a case for Seattle not dying and pointing out an example of a place that's way more fucked with homelessness having nothing to do with it.
Thanks user. I'll probably get a house eventually but decided to stay in an apartment a year or two while I decide if this is where I really want to stay. No commute is pretty nice too.
>criticizing daddy trump
careful user we can't have any of that on our radical free speech board lol
>is to impose an entirely artificial, very recent modern system which intentionally limits people's access to resources necessary for life as a way to create profit?
Are you stupid or something?
I'm against central banking and housing regulations.
I want housing prices to fall to the floor.
>decayed mental state
You're literally a leftist defending people shooting up heroin in front of children and shitting in the street.
Do you ever get tired of being the mouthpiece of a shitty fascist media conglomerate? You don't even live in Seattle you dumb faggot.
Fuck the somalis in the international district, literally black hawk down gangs hanging out across the light rail station dealing on the corner 3 blocks from SPD headquarters and no one fucking does anything
>blaming the president from 30 years ago for today's problems
Verified Drug dealing needs to be an expedited Capital offense
>M8 even if the homeless situation in Detroit is slightly better the quality of life in the Seattle area is leagues above Detroit.
We weren't talking about that, we were talking about the policing the homeless.
You're changing the subject because you're losing.
Detroit actually polices their homeless for the most part.
>fascist media conglomerate
You want to know how I know you're a seattledrone?
Fuck man I bet you're actually part of seattle antifa or something.
I bet you actually smell like feces right now.
If the citizens started killing the homeless...the homeless would take off
kek true, you can already see how riled up the r/the_donald refugees here have become when actual seattleites call out this documentary for being bullshit.
Do you think the effects of a president's policies just magically go away as soon as they leave office?
>a media company actually telling the truth and doing real investigative journalism is "a shitty fascist media conglomerate"
lol all more excuses to never question your own ideology
So you're looking at reality in the streets and denying it exists. Do you know what that makes you? A liberal.
>capitalism, a 300 year old system, is the most natural state of mankind
>using resources to help mentally ill and disabled people like every other successful society in human history is unnatural and we should just let them all starve
do you realize how dumb you sound
Not him but I'm right wing and actually agree with you, most of these people belong in asylums and forced drug treatment facilities.
America's liberals have genuinely lost their minds. They've become more evil than any fascist or Nazi. They're more delusional than any mental patient. They're pro-homeless, pro-addict, pro-shit in the streets just because they think Trump is against that. Liberals have lost their souls and their minds.
>with 300m people spread out over a continent
its insane to me how dedicated these people are to boomer rageposting about stuff that has like zero effect on their life.
Pretty comfy in cali...
>You're changing the subject because you're losing.
>says the person who played himself and gave an example of why the homelessness hysteria in this documentary is overblown
Detroit doesn't police shit. It's a fucking wasteland and no one's going to take you seriously comparing it favorably to Seattle of all places.
>I bet you actually smell like feces right now.
Seething detroiter. I bet you're just mad that homes here cost more than thirty dollars.😂
You spelled nuclear apocalypse wrong.
>>capitalism, a 300 year old system, is the most natural state of mankind
I was talking about central banking, not capitalism but if you want to play that game okay.
All capitalism is voluntary trade and property rights.
There were bits and pieces of this existing in history but it was mainly voluntary trade being suppressed by violence.
Humanity is getting more peaceful so obviously there is going to be more capitalism.
Capitalism is pretty in line with human nature actually.
Socialism is not.
>>using resources to help mentally ill and disabled people
I'm not opposed to this, I'm opposed to the government doing it.
Also we were originally talking about empty housing which I refuted your argument.
>do you realize how dumb you sound
You're the unironic leftist.
Shut up faggot you're probably a shitty 19 year old too scared to take off your MAGA hat outside of the apartment your parents pay for you
There's no overpopulation in America. We have one of the lowest population densities in the world. Countries with actual overpopulation like India and China have much lower housing costs. Liberal policies and regulations created the housing crisis by restricting how homes can be made, where they can be built, and driving the price of homes sky high. New construction for low cost housing is almost impossible today because of the regulation requirements. A house has to be worth $250K or more to be worth jumping through the legal hoops to get it built.
>samefag redditor from /r/latestagecapitalism
You entered this thread and saw almost every single post was right wing and supporting the documentary, then start whining like crazy and claim that everyone here is actually left wing and is against the documentary.
You have to go back, you obvious redditor.
Sucks cause I used to fantasize about moving to the PNW from LA. But if Portland and SeaTac are bum-ridden shitholes, I might as well stay in the bum-ridden shithole with nice weather.
>Boomers didn't destroy society
This is an absolutely fucking retarded take. Why is Yea Forums getting taken over by old people?
The tiny house villages and tent camps just become controlled by the cartels real fucking quick since SPD isn’t allowed to police them outside of the navigation teams. They aren’t just selling drugs, they’re trafficking Chinese and Korean women to force into prostitution.
Shwama Sawant is allowing this human trafficking to go on because she needs liberals angry at the police to get reelected. It’s a fucking disgrace.
Drug dealing should be a capital offense. I’m not conservative but I live in the international district and I’ve been black pilled since our semi famous neighborhood watch guy was gunned down in a drive by after 25+ years of staying up all night and calling the police when people got in car crashes.
>>says the person who played himself and gave an example of why the homelessness hysteria in this documentary is overblown
I did?
Where exactly did this happen?
It seems like you've gotten btfo and are now trying to save face by lying.
>Detroit doesn't police shit.
I've been to detroit numerous times, their police force sucks ass, they don't investigate murders and thefts, but what they do police is homelessness and public drug use.
Downtown detroit is pretty clean actually.
Stay mad at the facts kiddo.
>comparing it favorably to Seattle of all places.
lol for the third time I only said Detroit polices their homeless better than Seattle, I said nothing else.
I bet you cry yourself to sleep when you see your antifa friends get their skulls caved in lmao😃
>rural methsmoker can't read a thread
Sad! If anything people are pointing out that it was likely a bunch of people LARPing that don't live in Seattle or too pussy to say any of their edgy comments irl. Most people who actually live in Seattle are left wing and know the documentary is bullshit. Go back to /pol/ if you want an echochamber, sweaty
>You claim to hate feudalism, yet you eat food.
Conservatives are nowhere near as intelligent as they think they are.
How come everyone on r/seattle agrees with it?
Then why is everyone in Seattle mad at the ineffective government and screaming for their heads? People don't like homeless druggies on the streets committing crimes and shitting on everything.
>>rural methsmoker can't read a thread
Oh look more seething from the seething leftist redditor with no argument.
Boy, the fact that this board is right wing must anger you people so fucking much.
Imagine being you right now.
Look how mad you're getting that people actually support this documentary that exposes your retarded, sociopathic, leftist policies.
Go on, call me a fascist again lmao
Why even move to Seattle of all places if you're a bootlicker from Detroit?
>Hurr trickle-down has never been tried durr
>actually lying like this just because a real documentary makes your fantasy political position look bad
Look at yourself. If you have to spread lies like this to keep yourself believing in your failed political ideology it's time to change your ideology because it doesn't work. Seattle residents are pissed as fuck about the current situation.
I'm afraid you're in the minority here bud.
Seattle residents are fighting back and taking back their city.
No amount of you crying fascist is going to prevent them from cleaning up the garbage.
Because police, jails, or even crematoriums, all operate free of charge just because they like serving the public that much. Yes I'm sure all those police LOVE working for free.
This shit right here. This is the most insane thing I have ever heard.
Imagine being a liberal bleeding heart. Sure feels good being a cynical libertarian.
It's called personal responsibility, nerds. It's also called pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.
>hur hur methsmoker
What? You're the one that defends public drug use.
Is this some massive projection or something?
>tell someone to go back to a site
>posts a comment thread from said site
Really made me think
well I don't know what a "free market with no central banking" is, other than pure capitalism. No, capitalism is not "voluntary" I asked you how a society should care for the homeless and you literally said "improve the housing market so they can rent houses" that is literally the definition of non-voluntary, you recommended it specifically as the only appropriate solution to the problem.
So either you are lying when you say its voluntary, or you think the best solution to a problem is one people are voluntarily allowed to not follow, which seems incredibly inefficient. If everyone is going to pick that path anyway, than it is not voluntary at all.
The obvious answer would be have the government take those houses and give them directly to the homeless under state supervision, since even in a free market mentally ill people and drug addicts are not functional enough to buy real estate. But you are a contrarian-obsessive retard so i guess more power to you for being a cringey manchild. here's the (you) you wanted, you can go back to jacking off to hentai now
How am I the bootlicker?
You're the one defending a group of people stealing your shit and shitting all over you.
>if you defend the police protecting you from insane people in your city, you are a bootlicker
Why are you identifying with a group of homeless drug addict bums? lol
Trickle down isn't even a real thing, it's always been a leftist strawman argument from the start.
No it isn't, that's exactly why America always invades if someone tries a different form of government. Nobody can be allowed to see a contrast to capitalism's failure.
>libertarian ancap retard
>also loves cops
user you are absolutely terrible at this, are you sure you aren't a leftist troll?🐷
>well I don't know what a "free market with no central banking" is, other than pure capitalism
Sure if you call it that.
>capitalism is not "voluntary"
It is by definition.
You're trading with another person with no coercion.
>that is literally the definition of non-voluntary
No it's not.
People built and maintained those homes and they have value, the current owners own that value.
If we stole these houses and gave them to the homeless THAT would be coercion.
>The obvious answer would be have the government take those houses and give them directly to the homeless under state supervision
That's extremely non-voluntary.
Also how would this help anything? They would just destroy the houses anyway.
Why the fuck should they get free houses for doing absolutely no work when people that actually worked have to rent or are paying off a mortgage?
You're a sociopath.
Lack of housing isn't the main reason they're homeless, they're mostly drug addicts or mentally insane.
>cringey manchild
You're literally defending homeless people shitting in the streets and injecting heroin in front of children.
>I don't know what free markets are
>I don't know what libertarianism is
>I dont know what anarcho-capitalism is
>but I'm going to embarrass myself by pretending I do in the thread
Why the fuck would a libertarian be against the enforcement of property rights.
I fucking LOVE cops if they do that.
>all these cringe "seattle is rising up" comments
Yikes I guess this is what happens when you disrupt an echochamber
kek was right
>How am I the bootlicker?
I know you moved here from Detroit but SPD has a long history of corruption and brutality. Wanting to give them more power is a pretty bad call even if you are pro-fascist. Most people who actually live here will tell you that.
As someone who went to UW a few years ago and gtfo right after, I'm going to enjoy this doc. I see KOMO News is the uploader and I can't help but laugh at these fucking Marxist faggots eating their own shit at this point.
When your solution to everyone being poor is "bro just arrest everybody", you have to admit that your system has fucking failed. America jails more people than any other country on the planet and is still a shithole.
>fuck cops I want to be able to shit in the street
Why do you people exist?
Did your parents beat you or something?
I honestly want to know.
The US is fucked mate. Last summer I went to Hungary for a holiday and I'm fucking moving there as soon as I can. Eastern Europe might have its issues but it beats living around these obese fucks here.
that thumbnail on that video holy shit
I've never seen one so bad
the doc says that we should throw them in prison. Which is it going to be? You sleazeballs know that you have no idea on how to solve this problem but can only pounce on whatever solutions the Seattle Council might have because of your "fuck the liberal establishment" Seattle should just buy a bus ticket for every homeless, slip them a hundred and ship them down to the east side or whatever suburb you're living with your parents in before you guys bitch even more. Hiding the problem by throwing it under the rug will have this shit fester elsewhere.
>Actually believing capitalist mythology
This is literally why we cannot have nice things.
why are you quoting yourself?
They've been bought out by Sinclair you dip
>>all these cringe "seattle is rising up" comments
Look like it really struck a nerve huh?
Your redditor tears over homeless people getting btfo are delicious.
>I know you moved here from Detroit
I never moved to Seattle dude, how dumb are you?
>Wanting to give them more power
Power to enforce the law and defend my rights?
Yes. Yes I do.
Why wouldn't I want to do this? Why wouldn't I want them to protect my rights?
>hurrr you support them protecting you against a drug addict attacking you that means you support them beating innocent people in the street
this fucking logic what the fuck lmao
I obviously want to reform the government and police so they actually follow the law.
You're most likely a leftist of some kind, let me guess, anarcho-communist?
You're the ultimate bootlicker lol
>being mad that the video was 100% correct
lol I bet you watch bill maher and actually believe in the muh trickle down conspiracy
>the doc says that we should throw them in prison.
No it doesn't. It says throw them in prison if they BRAKE THE LAW. Not just blindly throw them in prison.
They also talk about supporting massive drug rehabilitation programs.
The only reason you wouldn't support this is if you're a massive psychopath that wants to see these people continue to suffer.
>You're trading with another person with no coercion.
so you don't feel the need for physical shelter, generally considered a basic necessity of life, a strong motivator? And again, I remind you that this is a discussion of what it "natural" and humans have been building and living in shared communal shelters far longer than they have been trying to artificially withhold basic elements of human survival in exchange for an arbitrary amount of currency.
There are plenty of arguments for capitalism, but "its the most natural and efficient" is not a very good one.
>That's extremely non-voluntary.
this coming from a person who said it was "natural" to kill the poor or let them starve.
>Why the fuck should they get free houses for doing absolutely no work
because they are sick either mentally or physically, and its natural to take care of sick people if you have the resources, and as Ive said 5+ times there are enough empty houses to hold all of them.
>people that actually worked have to rent or are paying off a mortgage
so is debt slavery also "natural" to you? an incredibly curious list of what constitutes a "natural" right or a "voluntary" transaction is emerging here, please keep talking its going really well for you
>Lack of housing isn't the main reason they're homeless
just read this fucking sentence and think about the mental gymnastics going on here lmao
How did you know it was in her ass?
>the idea that people create wealth is capitalist mythology
I guess you're right, everyone should be on welfare and dependent on the government
Imagine being you LOL
Why do you still not know what any of those things are? lol
You're getting mad that you're unable to refute me.
Go back to your tent city.