Dr Pepper, Im KFC

Dr Pepper, Im KFC

Attached: 636692246063397826-VPCSOCIAL-GEORGE-CONSTANZA-COLONEL-SANDERS-DESK-FROM-KFC.jpg (1920x1080, 51K)

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Uh you dont get to bring sides

Dont worry no charge for them

and why would I want them?

They were part of your combo prize

They work for the colonel..

The goatee man...



This thread is dumb.

For you

Attached: 1412544294249.jpg (720x478, 42K)

For me, it's Bojangles'!

Attached: bojangles logo.jpg (1600x1237, 225K)

Why would someone eat a chicken before throwing them out of the farm?

your dumb

At least you can talk. Who are you?

If I get heads, you must like my post.Coin Flip: Tails

Now I want some KFC and mashed potatoes with that gravy for my Droogs.
KFC is horrorshow for your mouth.

Attached: kfc.jpg (500x311, 49K)

It's doesn't matter who we are... What matter is our brand.
No one cared who I was 'til I put up the sign.

Attached: GusFriedChicken.jpg (1900x1266, 1.27M)


Last time I went to Bojangles I got an extra bo-tato round in my order and I almost cried I was so happy

Kenny Rogers roasters is better

Dr Pepper is literally owned by Nazis. Be a good goy and stop drinking it

Attached: dr nazis.png (623x861, 55K)

Holy heck how absolutely based, fuck jews and fuck women!

i've ate kfc for the first time last week and it tasted like shit
specially the white sauce in it

Attached: 8u3qCoZ.png (866x764, 755K)

what is the correlation between KFC and Robocop?

Attached: colonelrobocop[1].jpg (970x657, 65K)

You needed to eat the tendies.
