Pitch a movie based on this image

Pitch a movie based on this image

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Take the Knot. A gentle exploration of a young woman's desire.🦑

the pitbull mauls and eats people, and it gets larger with each person consumed
it would be a self-aware schlocky scifi B-movie like Sharknado

>Was this /pol/ user telling the truth?

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What a based and redpilled /pol/chad.

6 million and 1 nights

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you just know😂

The adventures of Shylark.

A movie about the pitbull saving the owner, that cute girl, from a pack of blacks intending to rape her, by mauling her to death.

Beethoven with a pit bull:


please like my post

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too bad she fuck nigs

Post girls who probably fuck dogs.

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jessia just moved to the new city fresh from college to a sweet new job in the city.
but can she find love?
which bachelor can tame her best pal, a mastiff, and her heart?

turner and hooch

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the pitbull is actually a nice guy, not like those other pits. it's a love story between girl and pitbull

they get married, get children

and the pitbull mauls and eats the babies

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she was so cute, now she looks like an alien

God you faggots are the most boring, predicable and cringe posters on here. What is it with furfag virgins and this repetitive, unfunny posting?

I agree, but there’s only like 2 HURR KNOT posters in here tbf

movie opens with a giant baby playing on a lawn

a classic for you

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90 minutes of the dog knotting her asshole

lucky dog🐶


Fucks and eats dogs more like

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cujo remake

daughter of samantha


As much as I hate pitbulls, I hope the cremating them before they're dead part is LARP
That's a little unnecessarily cruel, I look forward to the day when every last pitbull has been exterminated but I want it to be done humanely
They didn't choose to be bred over many generations into savage crazed nigger dogs


> Be me.
> Condos have hoa.
> Live next to school, so close it might as well be dorms.
> Every fucking out of towner with a shitbull moves in ready to defend their choice.
> They're the first ones to kick them out the door the minute they get a fine for leaving the shits on their porch to bark at anything that moves.

No idea where they end up though.

Sophia was only 12 years old when she rescued this sickly stray pit bull puppy. She nursed it back to health and against all odds it survived.

Sophia felt bad for the dog because it looked so frail, so without her dad's knowledge, she stole his HGH formula and injected a little here and there into the dog to make it stronger. Over time the dog keep growing and growing. She knew she should stop but she just couldn't, it was so much fun that she kept doing it all the way up until her 17th birthday, until tragedy struck.

While she was walking her dog on a leash made of present ribbon, the pit bull spotted a 4 year old girl riding a tricycle and rushed towards it. The leash unfortunately snapped and so did the toddlers neck when the pit bull shook her back and forth like an old towel.

The police later capture the dog and sentence it to death by beheading, but Sophia has other plans. Using her crack team of high school friends, she devises an elaborate heist to free, Freckles, the dogs name (the big reveal).

She succeeds in freeing the dog, but is hotly pursued by the FBI and NSA who want Freckles for experimentation to make better human soldier Manchurian candidates. She eventually crosses the US-Mexico border and assumes the role of Sopita and renames her dog, Frijole to evade police apprehension. Tragically, Freckles mauls her to death when she refuses to give him his toy and Freckles is later beheaded by the Mexican drug cartel for unrelated reasons.

who is she

100% fucks black guys

Bulls on Parade
A gory send-up of air bud and Beethoven movies where the pitbull protagonist mauls innocent people to death while learning the lessons of forgiveness and corporal punishment

That doesn't look body doesnt look achievable natty

>woman have dog
>woman have baby
>dog maul baby


he's a big guy

In the Doghouse. A Lifetime original movie

>The sound of murder

A woman’s pitbull has a disorder where it continuously grows. It mauls her husband to death but she keeps it for reasons she’s not quite sure of and hides his bloody body and quickly forgets him

She then attempts to take care of it while it grows and eventually falls in love with it

Several sex scenes ensue and the crowd watching are ok with it becuase it’s “a work of art”

Later on, the dog is now the size of King Kong. She believes that she’s incredibly important to the dog and attempts to placate it from rampaging by getting naked like hundreds of times before; but she is simply eaten instead

The movie ends with the dog attacking the neighborhood with helicopters closing in from above

*cue sad music

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He's a big guy

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A girl (Anya Taylor Joy adopts a pit from the local pound). But one day a genie curses her and suddenly her dog turns into a human girl! (Played by Rihanna)
Together they must go on a magical quest to undo the curse while having lots of lesbian sex along the way

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>a cross between Shape of Water, King Kong, and Rampage


As a Mexican, i love this

If this post gets 5 likes, I'll post the complete, uncensored transcripts of Harry Fucker and The Gobbing of His Fire Cock

>Later on, the dog is now the size of King Kong
I don't know why but this made me burst out laughing

>but I want it to be done humanely

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The Hulk (2003)🐸

Love on a Leash

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this guy looks familiar

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john carter

Your fortune: Good Luck


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Tegan Nox biopic

she looks like she has to poop

She looks like she fucks black labs

Your fortune: Average Luck

Idris Elba as Big Dog

I'd rather have a giant cat tbqh

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Posting chunkybois.

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Turner and Cooch

>stretch marks on bobs
>lip ring
>tan line
>scene girl trashiness
>mentally ill
wew lad

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Because they are still living creatures who feel pain. They are not guilty of being born.

fast and the furious 15: smashed and slammed
