
Bajoran milkers edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Spock? More like spook


>buck teeth
>misaligned eyes

this "red squad" guy is the shapeshifter and he's an amateur

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bajoran porn is a fetish I long suspected I had but never confirmed until now
thanks op

Who's your waifu, /trek/?

This cutie along with Ziyal stole my heart. I cannot watch their last episodes to this day because it still hurts to watch them die. Fuck Cardassians!

Go to 00:52. That's Shannon Fill in the back aka Sito Jaxxa in the pic. She has cute pink little titties if you can get past the grainy stuff.


Here's she getting raped by the High School principal. No time to indicate she's in the entire movie.


40:41 she plays a cute pregnant girl here.

She's also throughout an episode of Walker Texas Ranger called Collision Course. She's throughout the entire episode.

But the greatest scene is of her on an episode of the show Silk Stockings Season 4 ep 3 called Reluctant Witness. She's in a pool and comes out with red bikini bottoms and a black shirt. You can see her titties right through it. Throughout the episode she's fine as fuck.

I can't get the last one but now that I have found them maybe some hornier and nerdier user can rip them.

Anyone want to share non-trek content of their trek-cuties?

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That's Moot

>niggers in space, haha benny that's whack

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Is this supposed to be your le epic post?

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don't give a fuck about Star Trek, but i'd like to know who the chick is.

Like, more like yikes

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Here's Zyal

Best part is at 8:53?


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well gang seems this thread is off to a pretty rad start

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>Allegedly the character of Data (Brent Spiner) was inspired by many sources. Roddenberry is said to have felt that Spiner's initial portrayal of the character was too human-like, leaving many viewers confused as to Data's exact nature. One of the suggestions put forward by the writing staff would be for Data to make a short "bleep bloop" noise whenever he confirmed an action or produced a computation. Spiner, however, tended to notably vocalize the sound effect much to the annoyance of other cast members. In addition he would make whirring sound effects when moving or just before responding to a question. Eventually it was decided that limiting Data's vocabulary by avoiding the use of contractions was the best way forward. Spiner's original interpretation of the character would become the basis of his performance as the character Lore.

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Let's all thank the Borg for never transwarping directly to Earth. Let's all thank the Borg for never assimilating any planets on their way to Earth, thus creating an unbeatable army of shipyard building drones. Let's all thank the Borg for equipping less drones with ranged weapons than the Soviet Union did during WWII. Let's all thank the Borg for only beaming over a few drones to abduct Picard when they could have beamed over a drone for every crewman, despite being written as a collective consciousness at the time. Let's all thank the Borg for opting out of using communications probes to drive Picard and 7/9 crazy with constant visions or communiques. Let's all thank the Borg for failing to properly weaponize nano-machines. Let's all thank the Borg for only ever sending the one ship, which was never a tactical cube. And let's not forget to thank the Borg for never using time travel before or after any such conquests.

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/u/PunkBiBiBi on reddit

Please don't make this into a pasta

if heads, Selar
if tails, RoCoin Flip: Heads

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if i roll good luck or better you've gotta post full tits

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

The problem with collective consciousness is that often the collective is a brainlet

I'm just trying to start a /trek/ conversation. Contribute, faggot.

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discovery leaks are out.
it actually solves this canon problem. The borg can't attack earth until a certain time.

also explains why the borg call earth sector 001

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Can't have groupthink if the group don't think

let's have a conversation about how you're retarded



I want to, but I'm a man

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Any "fren" posters? I wanna kick your stupid ass (not April Fools)

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Here's the truth the lying Vorta don't want you to see

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midnight's edge is not canon


in this thread? are you crazy? this is a trek thread, meaning no fun.

anywho there's a connection between the 950 years in the future burnhams mom's goes into the future and when the borg first popped up in the delta quadrant.

Rolled 16 (1d100)

i want you to kiss my ass, sexually

Gul Dukat has been inside more Bajoran women than Hasperat.

He heard about how Genghis Khan had over a thousand kids and millions of direct descendants and thought, "I can do better than that."

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Rolled 16 (1d100)

Watch this

Based stupid ass kicker👌


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Rolled 2 (1d100)

All frog posters, including fren posters, must hang

Based Gul "busting nuts in Bajoran sluts" Dukat.


lol faggot you are powerless to do anything

Is it possible to stealth larp as Dukat? I gotta get laid and don't care if some Bajorans die in the process.

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N A M E ?🌈

I want to fuck that space cat.

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The real question is whether Jupiter's Locket is canon

Is there any evidence Dukat hasn't tasted her spicy Bajoran hasperat?

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I'VE GOT FAITH (I've got, I've got)

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>people bringing back hasperat posting now
I'll have you know I started hasperat posting, but no one was ready for it then... it was before its time.

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>tfw no smug Bajoran gf

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Cool signature. What does it mean?

why do you always say that about my posts? anyway does dukat ever feel haunted by all the puss he's slain?

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Imagine kira's hot spiced breath tickling your face on a summer eve at risa

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No, but it is said that many Bajoran females still experienced phantom penis for years after The Occupation ended.


I want to feed and seed Riker🍻

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Get fucked

give me a like, & i'll explain x

>computer, pause simulation so i can make out with t'pol
space joe biden?

let's be real gang if Riker posted in /trek/ he would have found a way to use his Likes to get laid by now

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Post moar best dax pls. I am 550th level wizard.💯

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You are like a little ensign

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Season 2 of TNG is underrated

Where do you think Ensign Pretty went? She never left the crew, any time you can't see below Riker's waist, she's there bent over and pounding her ass into him like the salivating dog she is.

Sure, why not.

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she looks like monica vitti here, very nice💯

>that tfw when more likes than Riker but can't get laid

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My wizard level is rising.♨️

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gimme romulan or andorian milkers any day of the week over bajoran slags.♥️

>What? you mean that thing actually loved me for the past 150 years? well now I'm disgusted!
*gets put in human body*
>I will teach her love.

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>not even the real Dukat poster

For every like, he gains one pound

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hmm tipping your hand a bit here

He’s an adolescent changeling. It makes sense if you think about it.

Nicole De Boner

To bad she turned into a total Canadian Leftist.

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you better post results

*gives energy and likes*👌

You are the worst waiter I’ve ever seen.

>sje is naked in fromt of me
>see her anus hole
>'"start reck"'
>cum makes beam up sound😃

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I apporve
Riker is the common man these days. Total pimp when he was young. Banging and slangin hoes left and right.
Starts getting old and fat and scared. Ends up with a woman with a VJJ that's been double dick dipped. Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway


Worf has 2 penises. He's a 7 foot tall klingon with 2 huge wangs the size of a pringles cans. and he put them both in her VJJ. That chick is ruined.

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I need to be able to like faster. I want to like her up and down much faster than is allowed by the rules of this board. Any trek episodes for this feel?

How about Gramma Dax?Coin Flip: Heads

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Reminder that Miles O'Brien could have tore his tiny little wife's hymen apart but chose to get all emotional about it.


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captain james tiberius meme

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*uses the force to set flip the switch on your ship's life support to off*

>sure, I'll sign it user...

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pshh we don't talk about it but the star wars ships are way way more powerful

>just put it on the table...

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What is the funniest scene in Star Trek?

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Does anyone have any tips for unlocking Spock's Brain?

I just need one more to complete my collection.

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the end of the trouble with tribbles when no one wants to tell Kirk where the tribbles went
>You..you didn't beam them into space, did you?

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all in all. we've seen weirder things happen and nobody was getting hurt so what was the big deal?

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Based Jupiter's Locket user.


Hey Valley, you're a pretty RAD guy/gal/NGC-people, you know that?

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What does fatriker do?🐷

why did the quality of women after TOS suddenly drop?
TOS is full of model-tier women, but almost all the women in every other series are cute at best.
there are few HOT women

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More tranya pls

bad pr

Did we ever figure out the Aluminum Foil's secret identity?

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You have to like this post

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based gene was taking a hands on approach for casting during TOS, if you catch my meaning🐰

star trek milkers you say?

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>Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is described in clinical literature as a severe and relatively uncommon disorder that can affect children. RAD is characterized by markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate ways of relating socially in most contexts.
uh, thanks you're pretty rad too...?

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Rank the regulars:
Collage Colin
Voyager kids poster
Jimmy 2 Times
Jansa Beesti (aka Kai Winn-fag)
KC (aka Eddington autist)
Nordic Wonder
Miniature Spacecraft
Billy the Bum poster
Armus is a Caretaker theorist
Fat Riker poster
Clog in the gene pool/Right Wing Trekkie/ENT is the best Trek poster
DS9 subtitle poster


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You forgot to tap your island. What is this.🙁

no, butts

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You mean beacause of their laser turrets?
... Lasers. Couldn't even penetrate the navigation shield.

wrong one

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The Menace of the Moon has been terrorizing Deck 12 for three weeks now. Suggestions!

>RAD is characterized by markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate ways of relating socially in most contexts

Fuck. This sounds exactly like me

In reality, Star Wars turbolasers (really supercharged tibanna plasma contained in a laser grid) can vaporize asteroids in a single shot while the Enterprise D's type 10 phasers would take hours to cut through.

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Ah yes, the post-modern pedophilia episode where Worf's son is taken under the wing of a progressive woman (much like Jessie's mom) and turned into a faggot in training while some Paul Reubens-esque bubble clown floats around in an uncanny valley way.

Hated this episode top to bottom, threw my LaserDisc into the street after they showed Worf in the mud bath.

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>threw my LaserDisc into the street
Dude, that was like $120

>In reality
have a like, you rascal😃

Get raped

Who the fuck is Collage Colin?

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I saw a fatriker posted last thread.

It was pretty based.

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Fukkin based

a poor lost soul screaming from hell🙁

Yep, it's about the worst thing.

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>Who the fuck is Collage Colin?
N-word Jim, you ask this every time most probabilistically because you AM Collage Colin trying to further the conversation about your work vis-a-vis thread culture et al.


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>"girl" who looks like a little boy🌈

Which one is most likely to keep collectables in their original packaging?

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Just got this little guy. First Trek merch I've bought in a while.

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everyone else>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tripfags>rankfag

>Dude, that was like $120
Imagine paying this much money for legacy media.

Definitely Jadzia. She's always talking about her past lives; puts much value into old things.

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I wish I could like more than once

Based and redpilled🍺

>top minds
>no bashir
wew lad

Miss me with that Like! shit

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this is my absolute favorite episode of TOS.
such a good message
>real war is so bad it makes you want to avoid it in the future
can also be applied to nipping things in the bud before they get too bad, telling the truth instead of more and more lies, etc.

Bashir is in the CMO one.
>Which one is most likely to lose a patient due to incompetence?

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Some people actually had laserdisc players when it wasn't legacy. Also they're not really that expensive now cause of how shit laserdisc was, the players outlast the media.

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Anyone know how I sort this thread by upboats?

Welcome frens. Hope you're having a foolish day.✔️

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>only 4 lbs
Not very noticeable on a 6'4" guy but we're making progress

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What do you do with it?♦️


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Phlox a cute

It's for my desk. It lights up, I thought it was neat and I'm too cheap to buy the big diamond select hd version.

>It lights up
cool I thought that was just the picture. do you have a link?

>special longer version
>extended play😂

Culber was a professional. Crusher, but it would probably be Wesley's fault.
>that time Crusher killed a significant portion of the crew and mutated the rest because of blatant incompetence

>Pulaski is just a female Bones and other simplistic observations

We have literally JUST seen Culber be incompetent in the past couple of episodes. When did Crusher display incompetence?

Hit like if you're one of those old school "I like to own physical media" niqqas.

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Yeah, but Pulaski's anti-machine (ie Data) attitude came across better than Bones' anti-Vulcan attitude imo

Here you go bro-bro

mmm yes fuck me ghost boyfriend this is what i want


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Oooooh, is that the full 3 hour TMP?


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Who the fuck is Culber?🦖

damn that's cool
thanks user

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STD Assistant Doc, not even the CMO though you would never know because he's always involved in every medical issue even when it makes no fucking sense

Culber is dead, that's magic mushroom man. Also being on duty at all after coming back to life with magic mushrooms is a display of command incompetence.

TNG is just the series with the most common avoidable errors as plot device. Inexplicable quarantine breeches, mutations, Crusher-specific emotional breakdowns, etc.

The most boring top in modern fiction

crusher was in six seasons and four movies yet her defining moment of awesome was when she went hella ghostbusters
fucking legnd

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Anytime mang

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>murdering an innocent ghost who made her family the happiest in the quadrant

She really was the worst

>implying this wasn’t her defining moment

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I want to fuck that lesbian

And the mixing up neural patterns with DNA? And not being able to tell the difference of between Michael and her mother?

Don't let random space anomalies play doctors.

she should have taken the candle back to the enterprise and become the first person to prove ghosts are real...
sub rosa makes me wonder how many other haunted candles and artifacts are scattered around the star trek universe...
there have to be spirits who want more than to fuck old women...
if a candle can be haunted then why not a whole ship?
are there whole sections of unexplored space full of ghost civilizations?
sub rosa only breezed over the depth and complexity of its subject

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>become the first person to prove ghosts are real...
I mean there's that whole TOS Jack the Ripper episode where it turns out it's just some weird energy entity that can bend all kinds of rules

Based Satan.


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Dancing with Data was also pretty good


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I want from you that which is rightfully mine! Your loyalty, your tribute, and your likes!

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We've outgrown likes. We find the spook, quite adequate

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there are dozens of ghost episodes which involve "some weird energy entity that can bend all kinds of rules"
hell, geordi will usually suggest a ghost is the source of a mystery at some point throughout any episode where the ship malfunctions
but every time it's a ghost they blow it off and deny what they just saw
o pack of fools the world they call real is just as fake as their holodeck and they don't even know it✔️

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Eat. The Hasperat.

>The Hasperat
Is that a superhero or something🏀

So spicy it brings tears to your eyes. Almost makes you want to sell out your space nation, know what I mean?

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>did the hasperat mean nothing to you?

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>It's like that disappearing cat in the Russian story
>Don't you mean English, the Cheshire cat?
>I think it was a Minsk, but..
>Never mind that Chekov.

also you find out in this episode that Chekov is only 22yo. I'm 23 and haven't done SHIT

it's a (probably alkaline) brine cured & spiced meat wrap

How thick is Riker's hasperat?

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I’ve jerked it to this. Many times.

>dude the measure of a man is the best f****ng episode!!
>the first officer who drinks and plays cards with the defendant has to prosecute him, what a dramatic twist!
Have these people never heard of recusal

Who was in the wrong here?

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me in the back


You've never had a sense of duty, I take it.🙁

Nothing wrong there.

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I have a duty to sniff braps and dab on retards like you😃

If only you knew how bad things are

so fucking gross
you can smell her stinky vagina through the TV screen
boner killer
would not even rape if dead

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In any sane court it would be illegal to appoint Riker to the position he was in. I have a duty to the constitution.

Doesn't that actually come up in the episode? Anyway starfleet couldn't question the ethics of one of its senior officers, that would break the facade.

>I have a duty to the constitution
thanks for the laugh

>You've never had a sense of duty,
oh I've got a sense of doody alright


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Spam is bad.

Also Data’s sentience was already determined at his Starfleet admittance by a panel comprised of enough members to override Maddox, yet it’s never stated why Maddox could override this and declare Data property.
Fact is, Data had two conflicting origins.
1) He was built by Starfleet and comes standard issue with every Galaxy Class ship
2) Frankenstein / Pinnochio secret lab by mysterious scientist
Season 1 already locked them into origin #2 with Datalore but because of reasons they ignored it.

These are the only Bajoran milkers I need.
Sauce would be nice, though.

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>can't refute the argument
/trek/ has declined


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>Watching STD for the first time
>Every moment is agony

Starfleet claims anything good for themselves that comes out of a secret lab in Federation Space. Thats why the Ferengi will never join. The government swooping in and stealing your invention (and potential profits) for themselves

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missed you babe

>BF in the discord proclaiming that he's actually a real live she

Gonzo, mental, wacky, etc.

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What are some Treks about bonding in a time of love and war?

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s2 is heaps better for what little it's worth. hang in there.

When did Kira's actress do nudes?

How do I partake in all of this new meme magic and why is it TOS?


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I want to believe

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pic related

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In any sane court in modern-day reality. The Federation operates by different rules. Remember that they don't use money or even care about wealth.

They're supposed to be better, not worse. It's an absurd conflict of interest.

I've seen the pictures and looked at what's blatantly before my eyes. It's a man.

Supposed to be. Not everyone is perfect, as TNG and after often pointed out.

The black fag hands down. Flox is 2nd most likely.

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I was angry at the first season but watched the whole thing because I'm an autismo (same reason I can only call it DIS). I only kept watching the second season because, again, autism, but I actually found myself looking forward to episodes. No idea how the fuck they're going to keep going without pike and stuff though.

Being a trekker is suffering

>captive Estonian mail order bride
One day the truth will come out

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phlox was barely a doctor, he was just winging it with his veterinary skills. That's hypercompetent in zero medical expertise.

Post discord screenshots

I can’t think of anything more depressing


Do you guys think we will ever get a real 2X episode Captain-centered Trek again?
Hell, i'll take another Space Station Trek.
Will we ever see the original timeline again?
Please tell me sweet lies at least

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>Will we ever see the original timeline again?
t. Fedora's Edge shill🐷

Maybe. They're remerging CBS and getting the gang back together with the licenses. The problem is they may have offered JJ rights so the kelvins will have their own momentum and thus competition to dis-incentivize a return to prime canon.

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I want to fuck Major Kira Nerys. I want to fuck her in a pizza oven and get real sweaty.


The reason why we lau(gh/ff) at you pre-modern boomers and your anachronistic mentality is because it's not productive in anyway.
In fact, it's downright absurd and you lack the capacity to understand DISCO's major appeal which is that of a succeeded leftist autocracy that merged with Hypercomputational AI systems so that it's core values were realized through advanced means.
tl;dr Get with the times.

Oh boy, here we go again🌈

>pizza oven
No the space jews hate ovens.

Attached: fuck_kilns.webm (960x720, 2.84M)

90s Trek fans ladies and NGCs

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Agamemnon was one such as you, and Hercules. (You)s and tripcodes. They ignored my posts, until they felt my wrath.

Attached: perfect_trek_bf.png (1443x1080, 1.65M)

What a bitch!🐶

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The scene when Spock is saying he liked the raving lunatics from the mirror universe better than the real Kirk and McCoy

Here i.4pcdn.org/tv/1451826245327.webm

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I don't know what this one does♨️

>I just think it’s funny
Me too

I'm not gonna make it bros...

Attached: 1544744416834.jpg (1440x1080, 422K)

>even care about wealth.
they still need resources, there are tons of episodes about a particular planet with a particular element that the federation needs

We all do, son. We all do...

it's spelled wraith

Attached: the beautiful and perfect wife.jpg (569x960, 116K)

Not gonna lie, former VF voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the tripcodes.

Attached: yezzir-this-a-cringer-for-sure.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

I didn't mind him at first either but around the time he created the discord he became insufferable

Don't pick on Veef, he's my bro🐸

Best Trek strolling on through.

Attached: 2008-09-02.jpg (798x604, 49K)

>crash and burn
hack the /trek/

Attached: discord trannys.jpg (320x213, 25K)

Is Dukat simply the greatest character to ever appear on Star Trek? He is discussed endlessly and I daresay has a depth unmatched by any other in the franchise. He's a complicated, even tragic, figure.💯

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Sloan had a hard life💔

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>Hamlet. Hell yeah.

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Not as hard a life as some.

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Attached: Family Meal.jpg (600x399, 64K)

I hope everybody who's not a tripfag had a pleasant April Fool's Day

trek fa botty bwoooyysss

Attached: Archer-T-Pol-Shower-Scene-archer-and-tpol-30265565-500-330.jpg (500x330, 65K)

I wish they went for Archer+T'pol instead of Trip.🙁

Attached: boobs.png (1280x720, 665K)

Your fortune: Outlook good



Archer was pure. I just wish they hadn't gone for T'Pol.

>ywn have a autistic vulcan gf

Attached: STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.png (1005x843, 804K)

>four count'em four count'em four count'em four count'em, yes, FOUR tripfag tryhards littering up the general tonight

Welp, see you faggolas later

Attached: AbandonThread.webm (794x338, 2.7M)

>autistic vulcan
Seems like a redundant phrase.

Can someone do a gif version of that webm?🦖

Dumb iOSfag. Mobileposters deserve to be banned, starting with you.

Threadly reminder that Data has no rights.

Attached: dataismachine.jpg (560x391, 28K)

Wow, Adrian Paul!

You lost in a court of law, that means Data now gets to eat you.

if you're such a rad god why can't you create a perfect star trek gf so perfect she's out of your league shaka brah

Attached: 1543680513699.webm (612x720, 128K)

Cool catchphrases. What does "shaka brah" mean?

shaka is probly before your time kiddo

Dunno, think it's from Life is Lesbian.

>What does "shaka brah" mean?

Attached: 0cc.jpg (633x640, 51K)

>An ancient Hawaiian hand gesture whereby the thumb and pinky fingers are extended whilst the index, middle and ring fingers take the form found in a fist.

Shaka Brah is an underground rapper who claimed connections with Chaka Khan though she denied it. His real name was never revealed.

it's hawaiian live long and prosper so it's like telling anons good luck on the next wave, on the next post, on life
also this

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ready or not..do do do doo doot doo

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There are 4 likes.

They should have gone Archer + Trip

Attached: star-trek-enterprise-desert-crossing.jpg (667x502, 22K)

Could Data crack a post-quantum password?
Is Data's mainframe Turing complete and Basilisk compliant?

Attached: Non-Quantum crackable.png (1013x210, 17K)

When did "alt-right" become the boogeyman?

Attached: ss+(2019-04-01+at+09.27.00).png (661x579, 43K)

>Could Data crack a post-quantum password?
>Is Data's mainframe Turing complete
>Basilisk compliant?
I don't know what that is. Are you referring David Langford's short cyberpunk story "BLIT"? If so he is probably safe from such things.

Does Data have tastebuds? Could he qualify flavor relative to human biological standards?

Attached: data_finds_out_what_3_means.jpg (597x450, 46K)

Rolled 56 (1d100)


>Does Data have tastebuds?
Canonically yes. I will discard further questions as this one indicates you have not watched the show.

CBS shill comments are so disgusting.

>Canonically yes. I will discard further questions as this one indicates you have not watched the show.
When does he say he have tastebuds?
He says he can breathe, he can grow hair, he has pores, but never does he state that he has tastebuds!

Attached: descentpartone139.jpg (694x530, 68K)

Imagine this scene being pitched to the actresses

I wonder if it was just cool at that time or if they were weirded out at doing ugly 80s spandex porn

He literally does. You have not watched the show. Elevating security status to discard all further posts from this ID.

>I hate this. It is revolting
It’s possible he disliked the texture, but I don’t think that was the intention

And can Data understand the relationship musical notes have with the feelings they elicit? Can he interpret why people are drawn to tears or moved emotionally when they hear different forms of music?

Attached: intheory1.jpg (257x196, 7K)

>He literally does. You have not watched the show. Elevating security status to discard all further posts from this ID.
I asked you where in the show he says that he has tastebuds and you did not answer the question.
Me 1, you (Zero).

That only implies the potential for tastebuds. Him finding it revolting could be from other reactions to such imbibement.

it was the 80s, they were probly hoping to spin it into a mail order vhs gig

Made a new thread for cyberneticists only.