Daily reminder that this kino is objectively better than any of the LotR films

Daily reminder that this kino is objectively better than any of the LotR films

Attached: Willow.jpg (700x393, 79K)

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your mom is objectively better than any of the lotr films

i have to agree, you got a like from me, based mom poster

better than the hobbit movies yes, but not better than the LOTR trilogy

Everything is a better than the hobbit cgi shitshows


Im not a peck you fucking brownie

manlets, will they EVER learn?


I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

Yikes no like from me
Don't hate the player hate the game

Like if you would beat up Warwick Davis and his family in self defense

Attached: 1543147615882.jpg (650x520, 84K)

fuck off everyone knows that

OP you forgot to take your nostalgia goggles off again!

it doesn't have a vivid description of his dwarf cock like GoT does though

Just watched this a couple of days ago for the first time and LotR all trough my childhood and teens, so youre wrong, The James Horner score is also far superior to the LotR score.
fuck off with that tv garbage

He did, that's why he can recognise the fact that te lotr films are 6/10 at best

The videogame is surprisingly great.


still not better than the GOAT

Attached: King Conan.jpg (806x808, 140K)

Like if you want to see a Williw Conon Crossover

Fuck me

I had this on vhs

never finished it

you should its a great film with a hilarious val kilmer

Great. Now I'm picturing a topless dwarf Conan with the Downs reciting what is good in life.
"Eaahhh to eat crayon, eeeehhhhhhh to have mom's chicken tendies and to hear her cry all night."

That pig transformation scene was horrific.🐖

Rolled 32 (1d100)


something something punt
midge daughter fuck

I envy your magical abilities. You are a great sourcerer. Turning simple text characters into a pig emoji. Please choose me as your apprentice