Is this the worst moment in major cinema history?

Is this the worst moment in major cinema history?

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It's not even the worst moment in the movie by that point.

If heads yesCoin Flip: Tails

It ruins the ending of another movie in the process, thats pretty impressive

Rolled 85 (1d100)

if tails I get dubs

the TFA title crawl already ruined the ending of the entire star wars saga up to that point.

sort of. it's not the worst moment of the movie, but i'd say it's the one that exemplifies the best what a shitshow it was with the whole "disregard the pass, mock it into ridicule if you have to" thing they had going on

I scoffed when the bomber gunner opened the doors to release the bombs & didn't get sucked into the vacuum of space

The fight in Snoke's throne room is up there...

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Move PM up to med and you're basically right✔️

Good list except clone wars movie is shit tier. AotC probably belongs in shit tier but it’s grown on me and a lot of others. It has a lot of excellent pieces

It's true

it was the moment that alerted me that this movie would stink. very disheartening when these telltale signs are right at the beginning smiley

Vader was so fucking epic dude

That moment lasted for two and a half hours.

Outside of capeshit probably yes.

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I thought it was ok in isolation.

Could have turned into a yoda-y lesson about the lightsaber not being a big deal on its own as you're supposed to make your own anyway but it didn't. Could have also been a bit about Luke not being willing to use a lightsaber at all due to the misunderstanding with him and the emo kid. Unfortunately the film was a mess and was generally pretty boring.

This shameful bit of buffoonery from Rogue One. How dare they sully Vader with such nonsense. I hate Disney Wars so much.

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It's the greatest moment in the entire saga because it made a bunch of autistic manchildren lose their fucking minds


It's up there. Not just because of the moment, but because of how poorly edited it is. >Rey is 15 feet away, takes one step and it cuts to her handing Luke the saber,
>she takes a step back and the camera cuts and she's 15 feet away again.

Bravo Rian

Reminder that Poe's prank phone call, and yo momma joke was before this

awful reddit list, kys asap

Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones

Top Tier: The Phantom Menace, OT
Mid tier: The Clone Wars
Low tier:
shit tier: disney

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Get yourself sorted

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>rotten tomatoes openly admitting that bad faith actors are review bombing movies
>still thinking audience score matters

You will never be a woman