What's the best Nightmare on Elm Street movie? Likes decide best movie

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Dream Warriors

But I loved the cockroach scene. Could't get that nightmare out of my head for months.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master is the best.


That’s from part 4, The Dream Master

I said 'but'. Love Dream Warriors as a movie , but cockroach scene is my fav.

Part 2 Freddys Gay

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Delete that, bitch!

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Why you only got three fingers Freddy?

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Freddy would browse Yea Forums
What would Jason browse? /r9k/?

Taryn best waifu, we can all agree on that

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/r9k/ is autistic and that shit fits more to Myers.
Jason would be probably somewhere on bedrock like Yea Forums,Yea Forums,/mlp/,/toy/...

>not /out/

Yea Forums, but only in summer

The original, and it's not even close


Ghostface is proper Yea Forums character

he can swim and hes not afraid of water but he's afraid of drowning, like anyone else though

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But he was afraid of going through thin stream of water in Freddy vs. Jason.

Probably 1 or 3. Personally I like Freddy's Dead.

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Parts 1 thorough 4 are kino as fuck then it goes down hill fast.

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Lisa is cute af. Top tier waifu

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>God Tier
New Nightmare

>Good Tier

>okay tier

>meh tier

If only more characters died in New Nightmare.

>mfw freddy's the cunnyposter

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pretty good ranking but I'd switch new nightmare with 4. There's just not enough kills/tension in New Nightmare.

Let’s get to the real question. Who’s the best dreamfu?

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Chucky would be on /toy/

a movie asspull cause they didnt know what to do, if you wath the series you'll see him swimming in almost every movie and surviving being down the lake for a whole year

Lisa please god

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How about none of them? The original could've been a great movie. For some stupid reason, they cut out a scene where Nancy's mom explains she killed Freddy and that's why he goes after her. I don't understand why they did this. Fuck the plot, I guess. More ooga booga and they bonce ronce corne fe to 3zxvcn

Watch this

don't care who

1>3>2>4>everything else

If you're counting NN and FvJ, you should've included the whores from the shit remake.

THIS guy gets it

Rolling for Freddy

You're a couple hundred posts late buddy.



trips, nigga

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Question is, would Englund browse Yea Forums?

I overslept

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Rollan for angela

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It's the first one.

He's too pure for us. More likely he's into 9gag

Nancy please

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New nightmare

shit taste

Why is Taryn so hard to get?

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>superior taste
Thanks bud

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This one. Really wish Wes Craven made more Horace Pinker movies than that Scream shit.

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>mfw i'll never make love with prime langenkamp with all that illustrious hair landing allover my naked body.

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julie plz

Yeah I liked her too.

Always felt real bad for the MC. Basically all of his friends and family die.


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nice Nancy get

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Wew I won.
Suck on that, Bitch.💯

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fpbp although the Dream Warriors trilogy of NoES 3-5 is pretty solid overall.


Part 2 and its not even fucking close😂