/ffg/ - Found Footage General

Featured film: Zlo

Previously: What is found footage? Found footage consists of feature length movies, shorts, or webseries designed to have the look and feel of actual (non-fictional) filmed events that were lost and subsequently discovered and made available to the viewer. That is why it is the most creative subgenre ever to exist, with over 700 movies and counting!


FF IMDB: foundfootagecritic.com/found-footage-films-database/

Conversation starters for newbies:
>What is your favorite found footage film?
>What found footage film are you looking forward to?
>What is your idea for the perfect found footage film?


a) Download Sources from best (1) to worst (5)

1) Private Torrents (PTP, CG, and THC are the best for FF and THC is easy to join)
2) Private Usenet accounts (Get these from private torrents and private piracy forums)
3) Public Usenet (use Binsearch, get a free usenet account, slow but it works)
4) Public Torrents (use BTDB, torrentz2, zooqle, rarbg)
5) Public and private DDL (warez-bb, filehosts)

b) Streaming sites have quite a few. Type in google "[name of movie] 123movies"

c) Amazon Prime has a lot of them if you already have an account.

d) Ask /ffg/ for the ones you can't find using above methods. Remember to archive the rare ones for your fellow FF fans!

e) Here's a still-evolving pastebin of FF movies you can watch on Youtube. These are NOT recommendations!

Attached: Zlo aka Evil.jpg (565x1000, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


wot language.

cool poster.

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Fourth for Tom

expand this btw
looks really cool👌

Attached: baked toma.jpg (300x300, 20K)

Sixth for MARK👌

I like it


Is there any movie like The Monster Project with cryptids and folk tales instead of cheesy demons?

I wonder how would people react to Karika's works

Oh hey😃

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He looks like a faggier version of my friend, poor bastard

How about now? Heyy

Attached: 1553227779178.jpg (500x700, 36K)

much cuter without the beard

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Zlo? That's a pretty fukken cool name brah

I hate general faggots so goddamn much

Better but still a little gay

Uh that's not the same guy. He's from a different movie

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what the heck is that?

is that jamal?

Thanks for the bump kid.

It's a wall

gotta go fast

look at the fancy city slicker over here with his 1000 point Gucci loafers💔

found footage sanic when?

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wtf indeed

Hell House LLC is


Attached: Fuck you Jamal.webm (1016x652, 1.22M)



It's a haunted house carnival ride in the worst way possible

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I thought the Monster Project featured different types of monsters, not just demons. Anyway, I don't know of another movie like it but you can try searching on the FFDB. Big Foot is lamer than demons btw.

If you were talking about the Houses October Built maybe


Well it featured Vampire and Skinwalker. Traditional vampires have demon origins and Skinwalkers are borderline demons.

there was one demon, a skinwalker, and a vampire.
i can't think of another one like it either.
this is also accurate for TMP but replace worst with best.
not saying its the best by any means, it wasnt very good. but when they got inside the house it was literally just running through a massive haunted house. which was really fun cuz you don't have real people shouting in your face.

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Yes, but the ending was shit because all the cliché statnic ooga-booga. If it wasn't for the ending the movie would be one of my favs.

>Skinwalkers are borderline demons
No they're shamans who shapeshift, not demons

fair point. still not 100% accurate.

aww man i loved the ending. it was a bit cliche but i liked it a lot at the time because i forgot that that couple was in the house too so the twist got me.
and that goat head was a dope prop.
this is one of the lesser Eggmen pictures but it's relevant so...✔️

Attached: The Monster Projeggt.jpg (1908x1068, 199K)

To become a skinwalker, you have to kill all members of your family. They are neither good or neutral.

None of these movies are not creepy in anyway. With how found footage films are filmed they scary yes but they can't be creepy with the jerky camera shit that they pull.


yes they can, watch more films pleb

Nigga you gotta like actually watch these movies and not just complain after watching REC once

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>jerky camera

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The Lost Tapes

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never liked a comment so fast

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I'm being bullied, aren't I?

damn man I wanted to post the featured films chart so far because today starts a new one since it could only fit 3 months (Jan -Mar) but some of the titles I've had to put in don't show up when I download the pic

now my computer froze💢

I'm sorry, user, but skinwalkers, before /x/ got hold of the name, were Navajo witches, corrupted medicine men or women who learned about evil magic, taking the form of animals by donning their skin of locking eyes with them, for various misdeeds. They're catch all baddies. While generally negative, they're certainly not demonic. Now they're just generic critters who imitate humans, which is completely the other way around.


Oh, ok. So they are something like voodoo bokors, but instead of catching souls in bottles they shapeshift?

it's the same one you know about, this has happened before but I just refreshed and it got fixed but this time it's not working no matter what I do. maybe it has to do with the site itself temporarily bugging. it's fine, if it gets fixed later and not even today the full chart is there and will not be erased

Attached: qt topsters.jpg (1051x913, 47K)

Kinda sorta, they're both magicians working with good and evil magic, but I think skinwalkers are generally always evil while bokor can 'serve the loa with both hands' and you can hire them for good, and skinwalkers figure as baddies in lots of stories. Apparently Navajo kids will take NA urban legends like Hook Hand killers and replace the Hook man with a skinwalker.

I mean plotwise the ending was fine. It's just sad that movies overuse hebrew/christian mythology with misinterpretation. Like those gargantuan cgi Nephilim in Jeruzalem FF which single-handedly ruined the entire atmosphere. That's why I prefer pagan/folk cults theme instead of hollywood satanic bullshit.

Shiori's really cute in that pic🖤

Rolled 1 (1d100)

as long as you save a copy and write down what went in the missing spots so you remember, it wouldn't be too hard to recreate.
how many posters was the site missing?
it's usually pretty good, but for some reason I know it doesn't have any King Crimson album covers

the thing is my "autism" or is it "OCD"? makes me want to use the same exact posters the OPs used for the movies so for example, Cult is there but not the exact poster the OP used lol. It has to be a bug because Haunted Changi and Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones are two of the posters not showing up in the featured films chart and yet they're showing up here for this chart

Attached: top 15 favorites seen in 2019.jpg (1452x913, 145K)


>makes me want to use the same exact posters the OPs used
i know that feel all too well.
i remember that the Cult poster is something different too. its kind of a cool design but i would be the same way about wanting it to be the same as the OP.

i still need to see nightlight, end roll and changi but i liked the rest of those

you watched Gifts from Strangers..? well it was on prime for a time

Is creep movies found footage

oh whoops, no that one too.
I’ll see if I can remember my password to log in on my ipad.

si senor is moobie

wait a minute I thought you watched Nightlight, it's the one where the camera goes through all sorts of shit like under a moving train and into some whitewater rapids but maybe you don't remember. it was pretty cool how they inserted a camera into a flashlight so it was flashlight camera they used the whole time. remember they were playing the game nightlight which is like hide and go seek and both the guy and the girl heard each other as they were counting with their backs turned?

no I’m pretty sure I didn’t see it.
I think the last thing I saw was Hollows Grove and Re:Cut.

I really hate that I haven’t watched anything in so long. I’ll get back in the game eventually.

dont die

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but you watched it with me. either that or somebody was imitating you but I'm pretty sure it was you

I won't let it mate. Not this early.

I'm gonna have to check the archives but I'm going out for a few minutes right now, I'll do it when I get back

i hope we're all excited for the next bad ben film❤️

No! I want more boobegone episodes.

wait did i?
ill check once i finish my cig

oh fucking duh they lay down on the tracks and the camera goes over them
yes I just had to read your post again.Coin Flip: Tails

yup that's it, just got home, did you check the archives? I'm sure you can recognize some of your posts there

also it's one of those surreal FFs like Crowsnest and Preternatural, something you should rewatch when you get back into it. I'll definitely watch again in the future

no it dawned on me when i reread your description.
that flashlight thing was actually pretty clever. i knew that there were a couple that i had enjoyed this year.
i can't believe that it's already april.

and i can usually tell when it's one of mine, even unmarked.
i dont spend much time in the archive unless im looking for something specific like a link or a phrase that reminded me of something someone recommended that i wanted to watch.

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lol I figured you might remember by how I described it. I didn't find out that they put a camera in a flashlight until later after I watched it but it was kind of obvious looking back, it's just not something they've done before in any other FF. I also just use the archive to look for specifics but I have glanced over some posts before. remember that one guy who used to call people becky? he was annoying but it's funny now looking back, the memories haha

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yeah buddy

we didn't even mess around with the perks here lol

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

>tfw still no good Cryptid found footage film



it was becca, becky was what i called her to pretend like i didn't remember that it was becca lol.
and yes, those were the dark days where i did everything wrong over and over again until someone snapped me out of it. i don't blame the guy for his hatred of generals, i just liked /ffg/ a lot and never know when to give up because i think im being funny.
i wonder how quickly i would've burned out if that had never happened. im already over /bb/, i didn't even watch the last season.

also thats a really nice high res kagutaba mask.

sure we did. but someone mentioned that the big points were outside of /ffg/ so people were out shitting up the rest of the site.👌


he called her becky too though, like becky becks or was that you too because I saw him do it in other threads lol. look at yourself

redpill me on toma

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I'm skimming over that thread and lol that's when we first found out Bad Ben 6 was coming out and the first clips for America the Beautifthreadul and also egg man's 3 month anniversary

it's like looking into a mirror but into the past...

oh yeah i definitely saw it in a thread or two, but it was never actually directed at me in those threads, other people got caught in the becks net.
that barren reddit cunt lmfao.
i remember seeing a post in a random thread once that said more or less "go call /ffg/ fags and youre guaranteed 3 (You)s"
and i still can't say that that's not true, although for the past few months ive tried to stay out of it as best as i can.

Attached: oh how the times have changed.jpg (384x384, 28K)


it's a mystery, he comes and goes. sometimes he saves threads, pretty based imo.

i still don't actually know.
i just know he liked my blare witch moobie song.

he started to post it after the second time that Exists was the OP and my original theory was that he wanted to see if ill just meme anything, regardless of what it is or if it even has a meaning. which obviously i will. he definitely knows that now even if that wasnt his aim.
or it could be like an "i have entered the thread now"

idk in the movie toma was a chill bro who just wanted to get baked in the woods and unintentionally (and then intentionally) peep on interracial cuckolding.
and in /ffg/ i honestly have no beef with him or anyone, i never hold grudges anyway, and i always want everyone to like me.

fugg I forgot that the movie ended like that, just reading the thread makes me wanna rewatch it tonight, I won't though because I'm gonna lay down soon

oh shit that was a good thread. i guess that was the most recent reviewing of hell house.

Attached: Savageland.2015_Moment(3).jpg (1280x720, 248K)

kek good times

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-01 tv - Television Film » Thread #109760207.png (587x292, 32K)

>blue dot version

I saw that, made me chuckle. this was funny too, it's not even called nightlife

jesus i really botched that crop.

nailed it.
i followed it back a couple posts.
how many likes do you need to get the dino?
i hope they get rid of everything except him.

Attached: hell house LLC_00530.jpg (1280x718, 184K)

I don't remember anymore I got him early, probably like 900 pointsCoin Flip: Tails

i actually remember that. i thought it was funny then too.
that chick has an incredibly wide mouth👌

Attached: hell house LLC_00002.jpg (1280x718, 121K)

it's her vs the chick from Crowsnest lol

but why can't I find the convo about the nightlife game when they are hearing each other with their backs turned?

im at like 400 on my computer and i switched my wifi on and off on muh pad and i think it reset my points there cuz i had 260 or so and now its at 64.

it's okay, the real april fools was the friends we made along the way.

true. she was quite sticc but she could probably suck the chrome off a golf ball.
wow this shot is perfectly sfw.

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she pretty much has a tomboy body and judging from her height she was probably an athlete, my boo is the blonde though you already know

no clue, i don't remember much of the specifics.

she's a good choice. she has a really nice smile.

Attached: crowsnest_00033.jpg (720x480, 76K)

this was my pic btw, these are my fffus, oh and mirei too

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sit down, be humble

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she's a qt

all good choices. especially lauren.
i will always have a soft spot for mirei too.

seconding damn

Attached: hell house LLC_00284.jpg (1280x718, 172K)

damn could it be because I renamed the chart that my topsters is messed up


I love her gummy smile, I'm feeling like ryan gosling right now, I need a cig

i just had one.
she does somehow have a gummy smile but it's still really pretty.

scotch, i think the subs might be wrong there

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Wait, toma is someone's name? Shit I always thought it was the start of Usui's chant from Cult

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will you tell me if my theory was correct or not?

lol he's such a wanker

kek that's the dudes name from Exists.
the chant goes nomaksanbandabatadatasindamakadashahtayswaytoma.

oh nice now my points are back, it was the wifi so I guess my neighbor had 64 points.
I still haven't unlocked Dino and spooky.

>tfw I'm a likelet🐸

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wait I just looked I don't think his name is TOMA
it says Brian WTF

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it's an interesting album.
i dont think ive ever listened to something labelled neo-psychedelia AND post-industrial.
tbqh im not quite sure what post-industrial even means and i like industrial music.

please give me a hint where it came from.
this is larra and the meidera girl all over again except 10,000 times worse!!
it is really funny though.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Attached: toma.jpg (384x384, 22K)

*runs back to pick up the camera*

I was actually thinking about this the other night.
maybe in an unbelievable situation where someone is still filming to the point where it's kind of silly, you should just imagine that whoever is filming has a secret greedy impulse to keep going because they know they can sell the footage for millions if they make it out alive.
it's kind of like REC "people need to see what happened here!" but less altruistic and more selfish. and maybe the character just doesn't want to say it out loud cuz they don't want to seem greedy when the footage is finally shown to whoever buys it.

genre fixed.🌈

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1040, 231K)

what the fuck is this? bunch of wankers

there was one in the catalog not too long ago.
oh wait that's it
i was "lol bump"

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can I get some likes guys? I'm always nice to you and I like man bit the dog

there are plenty of movies where the reason to keep filming is explained and sometimes the greedy impulse isn't secret.

lol it sort of reminded me of you
>mfw man bit the dog

Attached: mbd9.jpg (480x360, 12K)

the likes keep disappearing in my browser so I only remember to like when I'm mobile.
Man Bites Dog was kino too, I'm glad it's on YouTube cuz it kind of looks cooler with the gritty low res.

that's true, sometimes it's explained like they're almost too scared to put down the camera and face reality. but there have been plenty of movies that do a fine job of justifying the continued filming.
I just meant in the worst case scenario, where you really start thinking "come on, no way, why is he still filming??" just imagine that he's thinking "I'm gonna be so fucking rich when I get out of these woods, I don't care if all my friends die, it'll probably just make the footage more valuable"
if a movie is already bad enough where you're questioning why it's ever still going, just attribute it to human greed and selfishness.

idk I'm coming off sounding like it's deeper than it really is. but at least now I'm talking about found footage for a change.🖤

I did it bros

i actually thought friendly farmers general was pretty funny, and i dont mind being the butt of a joke now and then. definitely not all the time though lol.

side note: sometimes when i post some random non-sequiter picture in response to something its because i feel like im subtly being baited in posting a specific pic and i imagine that im throwing a monkey wrench like someone has money riding on predicting my posts.
i swear im not as mental as i seem...
just occasional delusions of grandeur and unwarranted and inflated sense of self-worth.

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>at least now I'm talking about found footage for a change.
lol I think I started it with the charts but this is why I come here, to talk about found footage films and I think it's good for you to do so because at least past the beginner stage

Attached: chronic12.jpg (267x524, 59K)

fuck shrinks, im so much better at their job than they could ever dream of being lmao.
see, there i go again with the inflated sense of self-worth

nice! how many did it take?

Attached: ooooh hoo hoo hoo.jpg (384x384, 26K)

lol it's all good I understand, we're all a little bit strange

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Like 780 or some nonsense

i meant in general not just this thread.
ive barely even been talking about old FF ive already seen, let alone any new ones.

ive always been weird, even in my younger more normie days.
like awkward and not good with eye contact, even though im exceedingly friendly and polite. id imagine its even weirder from an outside perspective.

Attached: noroi00196.jpg (720x384, 116K)

WEW lad how did i miss this one when i went thru the noroi folder???

Attached: noroi00205.jpg (720x384, 126K)


Attached: AYY GABAGOOL.jpg (925x925, 144K)

I meant in general too
nice hori dab

Attached: TheMidnightSwim08.jpg (1273x595, 45K)

give me a movie to watch you fuckin niggers!


I'm amazed, I went through that folder with a fine tooth comb over the course of two or three days to the tune of 50+ reaction pics and at least 10 of the album covers and I still missed the hori dab...🙁

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now THAT is a hot take

how do I downvote

I'm happy that this general is so popular. FF has a bigger following than people think.

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found this footage to be pretty funny

Frosted Kagutaba Flakes (now with Boo Berries!)

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no it doesn't, it's all a tranny discord plot to bet on which picture I can be baited into posting.
big money changes hands, it's huge in Vegas.
I've cracked the code. no I'm not crazy you're crazy reeeee

okay good night


>come home white man


this video had a good payoff.
probably not funny to most people though.




I hate myself. I hate myself. I want to die! I was so close!🐸

based nirvana b-side poster💢


>we actually made a ff movie

Fucking skellys



aw my perks are gone

I was expecting to wake up to an archived thread but it's still here and other threads with good movies die in the middle of the night
Fuck you yuropoors!


*blocks your path*

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i like greep heheheheh


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peachfuzz is grat kekekeke

did you watch it?

Fear Footage soon lads

can't wait m8, might actually be a good new movie

I was pretty disappointed by Noroi anons. I'm not a found footage fag but I thought it would be interesting at the very least. It's well acted I'll give you that, but demons are fucking boring itt.

fuck off

It looks alright

Attached: thefearfootage.jpg (1334x750, 175K)

nice, looks proper spooky


I think he might be in heat



you can kinda see the face under the blanket

looks like a spoopy skellington

yeah but you can see eyes too


why does it still work?

idk lol😃

I found out, it's still in all the threads that were created before they shut it down.

oh, well this thread should be up for a while longer

im in the mood today, im gonna watch 3 films today

Attached: j smile.jpg (417x682, 71K)


nice, I'll probably just end up listening to 5 or 6 albums.
what's on the docket for today? gang tapes?

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Hey guys how many FF films do you think you've seen?

and I liked probably 120 of them👌

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A lot, I've actually gone through playlists on youtube so they add up.

im watching gore, quebec right now
>tells the story of two acquaintances who are set up by their mutual friends on a cottage weekend in Quebec. What was supposed to be an exciting and fun weekend, quickly turns into the blind date from hell, as the Couple discover that the cottage is not safe, and that their friends are already dead.
then im watching zlo and dabbe 4

Attached: mark smile.png (316x437, 18K)


That's Marcos


sounds like a lean night.
gore quebec sounds interesting. it's a cool title at the very least.
let us know what you think of it.


Attached: image.jpg (1536x848, 136K)

Does nonsense still work?

Guess not

what does that mean?

I still see a Like! button but I can't use perks or anything anymore.

the like button is gone for me, but the perks were working. that last post was supposed to have a fortune though, so I guess maybe now it's really over.

picture just in case the sad perk is gone too🙁

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I can't like anything though, it just brings me to the top of the page for some reason🙁

I can see all the emojis in color on my iPad. My computer shows them without color and some like that one is an incomplete square.

i guess it really is over.
thank the lord.

>on my iPad
not allowed!!! im a special boy reeeeeeee

Attached: spergout.jpg (500x500, 28K)

baited this exact response, I need my iPad for when I'm outside smoking taking a break from watching a movie or to browse on the shitter. You know how it is.

I'm looking for a movie

I don't wanna be here, I can't leave here

im aware. it's why i stop posting for days at a time.
and no you didn't, ive never used that picture or the phrase special boy before. so you baited a similar response, but not exact.
anyway i hope it's entertaining.

actually no i don't lol, i just pretend like i do.
it hasn't been fun for months now, besides the random off-topic conversations i have.

butthole 3: the fingering

Attached: sure.jpg (380x380, 22K)

this but literally actually 100% unironically

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Ya, Ya I'm
Off two acid tabs rapping fast
and an ambulance behind trying to pass us
I pass blunts in both directions
Fucked yo ho with no protection
Dope suggestion
Turn off the pop from 1 to No direction
A correction

Attached: shiraishi.jpg (1000x1000, 100K)

please tell me you wrote that

Acid tablet addict in the attic smoking chronic in the basement
Blunts I'm facing
Shots still chasin
Hearts are racing
I, tell the truth I'm not a racist
Random fact it's just a statement
That'll make it
Don't be hatin
You ain't phasing, time you wastin

I didn't but I like those lyrics
It's trippythakid

hell yes.
im going to be really mad if you say "haha nah that was obie trice" or something
>Acid tablet addict in the attic smoking chronic in the basement
i really like this line in particular.
not even because of drug references, i like the way it flows and like playing with the syllables and slant rhymes.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now im mad
who is trippythakid?
i know gillie the kid, or whatever his name is.

Attached: you spit hot fire.jpg (800x800, 62K)

underground rapper

oh i just remember gillie the kid cuz lil wayne said
i don't have time to deal with willie the squid
l-l-lillypad niggas l-l-look at the monster
y-y-you don't wanna crash like la-la-la bamba

where is trippy from? is he also on anticon?

Attached: bruh .jpg (400x400, 16K)

he's not on anticon, he does trap rap mostly
he's white

gillie the kid used to claim lil wayne stole his style

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I guess he's not that underground if he has over 500k views considering that's a new video from this year
he's pretty agile for a chubby dude
funny dude

this track is pretty dope

nice, I’ve been trying to check out some trap music lately. so far I like Denzel Curry a lot but I don’t get Playboy Carti no matter how many times I try.
back in my day we had Young Jeezy and Clipse, now THAT was some trap music.
but for real tho, Hell Hath No Fury by Clipse is one of my favorite albums of all time.

also I’ve spent too much time in the actual trap, like in actual trap houses or on the block, so I get the spirit of the music. I just wish they would stop glorifying it cuz it’s not a virtue.

I’ve been checking out cloud rap too and I’ve gotta say I’m not a fan. I think I just don’t get it, I may be too old (which I’m okay with).
I’ve liked the underground Anticon stuff way more than most of the modern rap I’ve tried so far.

this song has positive messages and yeah I always prefer the old stuff compared to the new stuff but the newer rappers with the cloud rap and trap or whatever have some really tight beats with change ups and not just loops
and sometimes they write some dope lines


Attached: noroi.webm (720x384, 2.93M)

okay yeah this is pretty hot.
I like it when you can tell a lot of effort and thought was put into the music. I feel like a lot of cloud rappers and producers don't even view it as art. they just think "this sound is hot and if I recreate a slight variation of it, I will get a million followers on insta".

I'm sure you've heard my anti-lazyposting rhetoric before >inb4 yeah, and that's the same feeling that I get from a lot of cloud rap.
maybe my problem is that even if I pay attention to lyrics, I don't really think about them in the sense of their meaning, I'm more about flow and rhythm and the actual sounds of the words and syllables and the rest of it just flies over my head.
and I feel like the beats are hot, but that's just what they're supposed to be.
that trap style is specifically engineered to elicit a "oh damn that's hot" response, which is surprisingly easy to do.
you just need a part that builds into a beat drop and 808 tuned kick drums and fast hi-hats with random triplets thrown in to make it bouncier.

I'm not saying it's all bad, I think I'm just not the intended audience and I'm also over thinking drugs are cool.
also I only like autotune when it's done sparingly for effect like a vocoder, not just all the time because someone can't actually sing.

you're listening to the wrong cloud rappers
the ones I listen to don't care about anything except making music they don't even try to sell it to make money even when approached by record labels they just turn them down
they stay dropping albums
but a lot of times they do rap about drugs because that's what they do but they also have deep songs and songs with positive messages
either way they fall secondary to the boom bap rappers to me but I know a couple of them who are cool

I hope it's out by the 20th

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please sirs, i'm a humble found footage beggar, i just wish for a crumb of found footage kino that has a lot of raining in it

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I listened to two albums by Bladee and Yung Lean, since I've seen a lot of positive posts about both of them on Yea Forums.
and both of them have top tier album covers, especially Bladee, but I just wasn't into the music.
I thought I might've gone into it with the wrong attitude but I've listened to them more than once and I still wasn't really feeling it.
they're both white dudes from Sweden too, which I thought was interesting.

hmm raining you say? I'll think about it but nothing springs to mind.

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I wish I could help, there was a film on youtube with a lot of raining in it but it got deleted and I can't remember the name of it.

yeah nah I know who they are and I've heard some of their tracks but I don't like them
that's more like entry level cloud rap

Jump out the gym like Lance Stephenson
Beating these kids like I'm Adrian Peterson
Pussy boy get out your feelings
You know you a clown, kill yourself, Robin Williams

i think i like that cover so much because it reminds me of pic related.
who should i check out?

i still need to listen to that Jel album but then i'll need to re-up on anticon recs too.

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idk who the first two dudes are but the last two lines are dope.

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yeah they have some trippy covers
check out dylan ross
he sings and raps and does love songs as well as satanic songs but most of it isn't really cloud rap just trap and a mix of other things
they use metallica, nirvana, and crystal castles and stuff like that for samples in the beats
the thing about bladee and Yung lean is that they get boring while this is more diverse
the jel is just instrumentals so you'll probably like that

that all sounds good. I’ll look him up.
and yeah I felt like those two were very same-y with their music, like all the songs were the same feel.

who is this that guy, sometimes i see him in the catalog like theres a thread about him right now

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All I really ever wanna do is see you locked up in chains
All I really ever wanna do is hear you scream out my name
All I really ever wanna do is show you that you that we are the same
All I really ever wanna do is see you wanna be released from this pain

this sounds very familiar

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wew lad, reminds me of the poughkeepsie tapes

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I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna watch Incident at Montauk

We descend into the rabbit hole, fingers intertwined
To Aryu, I just wanna know; can I crawl in your mind? To make you mine has only been a fruitless wish of mine
I am the shadows on the wall and the shivers in your spine
I’ll recite you spells of my people while you sip this wine
And just this time, I might even let you grip this 9
If you listen to the sign you know that’s a cryptic line
I’ll kiss you where you need healing but only if it’s fine
We, could, sink, so, deep, down
We could get lost
If I got lost with you, then I wouldn’t ever wanna be found

it's dylan ross but he goes by rozz dylliams for this

I heard it's only an hour long at least

maybe it'll be good. but you never really know until you watch it. just pray that it isn't the worst and it should be alright.

oh dang, that's pretty crazy. ill definitely check him out.

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I like this because he's singing in a way that people did in freestyle back in the late 80s and early 90s and I don't know if it was intentional but freestyle is one of my favorite genres
he doesn't sing like this in any other track
check it out

it kinda reminds me of bone thugs, with the way he's singing the lyrics instead of just rapping them.
it's not really my style though. the lyrics are a bit emo, but it's well made. I like the beat, it's more inventive than the usual drum machines with the same old sounds. and you can tell that he's really into his art which I can always respect.
I'll check out some of his albums.

yeah I figured you wouldn't really like it but for me it's because of the way he sounds like a freestyle singer
anyway he has several styles like he can go from that to this

I don't know I just developed a really open mind about music over the years
I used to be so closed minded and would only listen to rap but now I can listen to any genre

ive gone through closed-minded phases where i only listen to rap or metal or happy songs or electronic stuff or found footage moobies
but these days i definitely like listening to different styles and artists just to see what they're all about. ill explore more of his stuff.
i got some xannies for my dentist appt, but she gave me a couple of extras, so itll be perfect to listen to tonight.

This fucking video call guy

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the mad man actually released an r&b album and the album cover is death metal
he also has a couple of electronic and drum n bass albums


don't get me wrong though, my love for FF isn't just a phase. but the "only one thing" thing can never continue forever or i start to lose my mind, clearly lol.

the drum n bass album would probably be more of my thing. ill look on RYM.

oh fugg ids a benis

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I don't think u know of any other hip hopper who experiments with other genres eclxcept buck 65
so yeah check him out, might be hit and miss for you


everything dies in the end
so I'm up trying to do just what I can

ebin :DD

I’ll check it out when I get back to my desk

that handsome dude is bones
he collabed with dylan ross for like 2 or 3 albums in which they do indie folk on some songs lol
you've probably heard of him from Yea Forums

How man hours have I been on Yea Forums? Aaah save me shiraishi-kun!!


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that's exactly where i heard of him.
i should check him out too.

did you at least get dino and spooky?

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did you watch the video? what did you think?
a crystal castles sample was used for that beat

Aaaaah I always forget that's it's "help me" not "save me"
I didn't get either of them, it sucks because I liked the war of the teams last year better

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i just got back so ill check it out now.
im waiting a bit before i get lit.

i liked last year better too.
this one was fun, but there was a nice sense of camaraderie and competition last year. this year was more of a lone wolf deal, but teams are more fun.

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if you notice the track is only 1:27
I think I told you about it before but that's exactly how it was cut and he has many tracks that are only 2 minutes long
he has around 40 albums released and he's 21 years old
the only thing is that raps about the same things a lot and in a monotone voice like that a lot but he sings too and has done a bit of screamo on a couple of his tracks
I like him more than dylan though even though his lyrics are simple
he made a whole album about the columbine shooting like putting himself in the killers and victims shoes
Yea Forums thinks it's edgy shit but I like it and some of those beats are really good
what did you friggin think of graveyard god?

>"For the last time Kevin I'm not joining your call of duty clan"

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Just got done with Incident at Montauk, it was shit, but it was worse shit because it had the potential to be one man kino but there was just so much wrong with it.

It commits one of the worst FF sins of not giving a reason for the character to be filming. Okay, so he saw a light in the sky and apparently obsesses over it, fine, but there needs to be a lot more indication of that in his personality and actions, especially early on. I don't need him to be an animated lunatic, but the guy just has no energy. His performance really hurts the movie and if he had more of a personality, the lack of events in the movie wouldn't be so bad. But he's a cold fish.

There's also no reason for him to be filming his breaking into the camp, what the fuck is he gonna do, upload his trespassing crime to YouTube? The 'I must film this...it needs to be seen!' shtick only works on rare occasions. There's also the problem of just nothing fucking happening, I like slow burn, low key shit, Leaving DC is a prime example of one man, low key kino because things happen, there's an escalation of events however small. Incident at Montauk has like half an hour of poor build up and poor pay off. We never to explore any of those bunkers, just fucking forest.

Also, I wish FF movies would stop with the 'this footage is REAL and UNEXPLAINED because these title cards prove it' shit, it takes me out of the movie. Give me the footage, raw, no bullshit. Unless you have interview snippets or some such discussing the following footage, title cards come off really cheap and desperate.

I'm mostly angry because there's a good film in there somewhere, there's little touches here and there that almost shine through, but not with this actor/director.

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>Also, I wish FF movies would stop with the 'this footage is REAL and UNEXPLAINED because these title cards prove it' shit, it takes me out of the movie. Give me the footage, raw, no bullshit. Unless you have interview snippets or some such discussing the following footage, title cards come off really cheap and desperate.
The worst thing is when a film has fake overlayed camera hud stuff like borders and "recording" on screen.

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Has anyone seen Gonjiam?
I saw it at the cinema yesterday.

I was quite impressed, actually. I feel the found footage genre is creatively bankrupt in a lot of ways, but that Gonjiam had quite a good delivery.

>fake overlayed camera hud
That shit is inexcusable and makes no sense

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>I feel the found footage genre is creatively bankrupt in a lot of ways
You haven't watched much FF then lad

I wasn't the biggest fan. I could mention a bunch of niggling things but the main reason was that everyone was so unlikeable. They needed to make the cast a lot less hateable as I wasn't so much scared as I was cheering it on to kill all the fuckers.
I can't remember the movie now but I tracked down one I hadn't seen deep in the ffcritic website that had really good reviews and one that was just okay. One had the fakest most distracting overlay in the world and the other just had the shittest fake film effect that looked like awful digital snow. I'd been excited to see some new stuff then was hit with crippling depression.

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i like the beat and the feel of that track. very interesting samples. ill look for the rest of the album.
i looked him up once but he had so many albums that I didn't really know where to start. sometimes i get overwhelmed when i have too many choices.

damn, i was hoping that it would turn out to be good. ill get to it eventually anyway im sure.
it really does sound like a shitter though.
and I feel the same way about the title card thing. it just makes it seem more like a movie than real found footage and its the easiest laziest way to set up the plot.
the little interviews can also take me out of it if the acting isn't up to par. but at least it kind of sets up the world that the film takes place in, way better than the title card at least.

sometimes it works like in an ayylmao FF, but most of the time it just comes off as lazy and "cost-effective"

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loved it.

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start with paidprogramming, garbage, and skinny
the columbine album is called teenwitch

I've not been following the thread for a while anyone got any advice or an infograph on anything worth watching that's come out or been found since around the time hell house 2 came out?

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see i havent seen all of them, but open windows, phoenix incident, hollows grove and mockingbird were all decent to good.
also slashers was fun but looked pretty cheap.

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Could Blade defeat the big bad of your fave /ffg/ movie?

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uhhhh nah, blade isn't real, you bigot.
but black panther could.

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I could have been a lawyer, I could have been a doctor
But I don't give a fuck about helpin' out others
You act like you be snappin', you say that you're the hardest
But you don't fool nobody, you're a pussy like your father
A bitch just like your mom, a wreck just like your home
I know you feel alone, so know I will not go
I know you feel alone, I know you feel me here
I'm sittin' right beside you, everything's okay

i got that secret ingredient my dudes
gonna go enjoy myself

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Thanks seen those but I'll check the rest of the infograph. Hollows Grove was surprisingly good although I love anything with Lance Henriksen in.

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who dat?

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it's a song called librarysuicide from the teenwitch album
I thought you stopped wanting to talk about music since my last post was ignored
it was nice while we had it

to the others who are here I can also talk about found footage
all day

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India is disgusting but Hinduism is just too cool.

based HP as always

jesus my bad i completely missed it. not to seem like im making excuses but i think it was behind the thread watcher after i loaded the Gonjiam pic and then got immediately spooked by and never even saw it.
and that picture is fucking awesome.

ill try to find those albums, if nothing else i know most of his stuff is on jewtube. but they shouldnt be hard to find mp3s of.

now im feeling those xannies, finna smoke a boge and then put on some headphones.

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I thought you were getting weed

what did you think of that track and music video?
that one and others look like they're in the found footage style and grainy with rewinding as if it was being played on a vcr

>now im feeling those xannies,

Also going to chance a film that looks a bit shit, trying The Hunted out.
What I'm hoping for is cosy innawoods action but trailer is showing me jumpscare shitness.

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i like the lo-fi aesthetic and whatever technique or filter they used to give it that gritty VHS feel to it.
i feel like the piano sample is really familiar but treated with fx.

im probably gonna pass out in my chair soon.

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nah i went to la farmacia

I got the tolerance at the moment, hope you've got that warm floaty feeling.

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start with garbage by bones
if you like it then listen to cracker

new thread