>be roman empire soldier
>see pic related
What do?
Be roman empire soldier
giv more
purchase her as a slave and put her to work on my government issued plot of land
>where's your brother?🏳️
Pray to the metal god that showed me these moving pictures, because no Egyptian (in the past or now) looked like a stupid nigger. They are sandniggers.
i want to see her pusy
Looks more like a cosplay whore than egyptian cutie.
Ethnic Egyptians have been extinct for a long, long time.
Deliver us!
Rome and Egypt didn't exist at the same time, dumbass.
That's not an Egyptian. That is a Nubian. Egyptian's are worth marrying for the status and large dowry. Nubian's are slaves. She will be my sex slave.
Yeah it was called Cuckgypt under Roman control
Prince of egypt said otherwise
Even the biggest idiot knows that Caesar fucked Cleopatra.
It's a special kind of achievement to be this stupid.
This. Plus I'd slap her for inappropriate use of Eye of Ra.
Egyptian empire dated (Early) 3000BC-300BC (Late) then Greeks and later Romans took it over. Cleopatra VII is known as the last ruler of Egypt, +/-50BC.
American education
>no Egyptian (in the past or now) looked like a stupid nigger.
is this bait?
>because no Egyptian (in the past or now) looked like a stupid nigger. They are sandniggers.
>cleopatra was a nigger
Rolled 6 (1d100)
fuck her right in the pussy
ask where is Queen Nicki
meanwhile an actual egyptian woman
Stop being gay
>the LAST pharoah
>ptolemaic dynasty
>macedonian invader
>Egypt goes back 5000 years
>modern borders equal ethnic
this is you
The Nubian dynasty only ruled Egypt for 80 years because the natives kicked them back out
You're a newbie
Probably do a wank.
Fug her pussu
Imagine being a nigger and owing everything you enjoy in life to your (formerly slavemasters) because your low IQ subhuman race is completely useless lol, I'd be insecure too.
Tell her that i want to see her natural appearance and that there's two ways this will go.
Either she will wash all that shit off herself, or i'll pressure-blast all that shit off her face with my cum.
what? her skin is not dark enough, everyone knows egyptians were really black. WE WUZ KINGS
first: rape
then laugh because egyptians weren't blacks
racist bigot, i bet you voted for drumpf too
I would lock her in chastity belt and keep as oral slave.
Cum all over those Nefertitties
>The Nubian dynasty only ruled Egypt for 80 years
so they wuz kangs?
and which chronology are you citing?
Of course it had to be a double digit fag
>be egyptian
>constant sun exposure makes you tan
>that means you are a nigger
>patrician sends you to endless conquest war and repossess your land and slaves
Nothing personell legionary
I tried but my nigger drawn cart was too slow
Cleopatra was closer in history to the construction of the first Pizza Hut than the building of the Pyramids of Giza. No joke.
Isn't that something?
Egyptians were not niggers
Deal with it
>Pyramids of Giza ~2500BC
>Pizza Hut ~1950AD
>Cleopatra (VII) ~50BC
Makes sense DESU
Not really.
Monica Bellucci was the best Cleopatra
Not true, the coptics are direct descendants on Egyptian Christian converts.
Ancient Egyptians closest DNA relatives are Albanians. They used niggers as slaves.
cleopatra was greek you massive retard
even Muslim Egyptians are majority descendants of ancient Egyptians. There really weren't that many arabs when they established the empire
>even Muslim Egyptians are majority descendants of ancient Egyptians
I would fuck her in the butt
Read a book
Take a dna test
>black Egyptian
lol niggers and your fantasies
haha imagine having to fan her with a palm leaf for long hot hours in front of the nile haha imagine she whips you when you're not cooling her enough that'd be funny huh haha
she's obviously a slave from pharaoh's harem, hence gold and precious stones