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Have fun burning in hell christcuck.


Like this for all my gay Christian brothers!

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Satanists are even bigger brainlets than Christians are.

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more like sucka!!!!💢

Do they talk about anything else but f*eaking likes?

based centrist

I will like every post ITT

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Satan more like gay-tan

Check `em

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>not accepting that god is a fucked up chimera and every interpretation is trying to humanize an unknowable cosmic monstrosity

OP is a false god and true Christians do not worship false idols or pay homage to men and their mockeries

why is Jesus such a pathetic likeslut?

madladCoin Flip: Heads

he’s not OP is the devil doing reverse psychology

Nicholas Gaitan?

They really are, imagine actually believing that eating a baby will bestow upon you some mystical power, literal sub-60 iq mongoloid shit.

mine next, then. then I'll believe