Show me Paul Allen's card

Show me Paul Allen's card...

Attached: download (1).jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Attached: 9de.jpg (597x600, 45K)

checked. but look at these


Attached: 1499611764385.jpg (263x360, 34K)

Not bad Bateman, but check this

how'd he swing that?


Attached: 1551741358263.png (787x541, 213K)

Attached: nice get, Harvey.jpg (1439x761, 132K)


You don't want to see it. Trust me.♣️

very nice...

Attached: 1538570674090.jpg (800x800, 86K)

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: 14124633634s.jpg (200x171, 8K)

will I get dubs?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now


Attached: vlcsnap-8028-04-25-17h19m58s468.png (1280x640, 763K)



Attached: logic.jpg (296x206, 38K)

Show me Paul Allen’s likes


>the most fundamental dubs that people get are chaotic, whether they know it or not, because heh... dubs ARE chaotic because they're fundamental, and I would very much recommend trying to roll - or at least check these - for people who's REALLY interested in sorting this chaos out.

Attached: jordanpeterson.jpg (600x398, 58K)

show me Paul Allen's perks

>Absolutely based and liked pilled.❤️

Attached: 1553922657896.jpg (559x558, 49K)

What if my digits match my score?

Check these


I haven't gotten dubs in six years