Jim Carey makes these sweeping allogations toward Trump as a fascist

Jim Carey makes these sweeping allogations toward Trump as a fascist.

Is Jim a Communist? That's much more troublesome. Stalin has you killed 1rst off, you cunt.

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>there are only fascists and communists in this world

Attached: safespacefor-trump.jpg (600x579, 92K)

Left or right!

Centrists like me have no home anymore.

A rich communist is kind of a contradiction in itself. Of course I won't rule out that there are rich people who would actually be ready to give up their wealth and live a proletarian life in a proletarian society if one was established but I assume those would be a tiny minority even among self declared left leaning celebrities

I don't get why Jim Carey keeps spewing the most vile insulting things imaginable to people because I recently saw a video where it seemed like he was talking about opening his third eye and ego death and all that one with everything stuff. Those don't fit together at all with being angry.

What society? China will break in half if they don't get 5G

He's trying to head Ace Ventura revisionism off at the pass.

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Death of the ego I am for. Singularity would be cool. Just don't be a commie fuck.

fuck hillary
fuck liberals
fuck AOC
love trump

He's just an inconsistent, unprincipled, and subjective moron, like most rabid, vocal leftists. The people who preach acceptance/tolerance/love but will turn around and shit on white men in a heartbeat. Or preach income and wealth equality while sitting on a mountain of gold in some California mansion, deriding humble midwestern voters for "selfishness".


It is worse than that. He is Canadian.

>fuck AOC
I wish but Riley is already pounding her

Attached: aoc.jpg (720x480, 44K)

A proletarian society. In other words, not China. The only somewhat socialist nations that still exist are Cuba and, more or less, North Korea, which practices a profoundly shitty type of socialism maybe Rojava too, I guess.

Personally, I think a long term succesful type of socialism can only exist in a country with a long history of stable democracy.

I was talking about age of consent

Why do whites get all the best women?

Great Britain is that very test subject.

i like chocolate titties

they don't

>North Korea, which practices a profoundly shitty type of socialism
Juche is based, fuck outta here globalist nigger.

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Day of the rake when?😃

I respect Corbyn greatly but I can't see him actually abolishing private enterprise entirely, even if he does manage to become prime minister.

I don't like Trump very much, I won't lie to you. In an argument between him and Jim Carrey though, ORANGE MAN GUD! every time.

He's a puppet.

>I respect Corbyn greatly
Naive fools like you deserve first ticket to gulag.

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I think he's just a little nuts. His manic energy and constantly being on reminds me of Robin Williams.

god damn those tits

Jim is too stupid and deranged to have any actual political orientation. He's just virtue signaling.