Achievable natty?

achievable natty?

Attached: efron rogen shirtless.jpg (1280x872, 99K)

Left: Yes, very achievable
Right: No you need artificial soi injections to achieve this

to look like seth you mean?

Would women rather fuck the inshape short one or the tall fat one?

t. Jacked manlet

Like to spit on manlets

Attached: manlets.webm (300x532, 958K)

>I don't got likes, I got yikes.

Attached: _86096429_vindiesel[1].jpg (976x650, 60K)

maybe, but the guy on the left has never been natural


Attached: manlets trying to fight.webm (900x506, 2.83M)

The left is unironically easier to achieve.

doesn't matter. they're both rich.

it's easy to look jacked when you're like 5'2 like Zac Fagtron

Attached: 1546571983248 (1).webm (848x480, 2.8M)

what kind of porn starts off with ice cream?


If you work out 3 to 4 times a week and eat well you can get the Efron physique definitely.

To look like Rogen you'd have to eat a lot and basically do nothing physical at all.

Personally, like the other user said, I find the Efron physique easier to attain.

That one, apparently.



Rogan isn't fat enough to make this funny.

lol wtf how fat are you to make such a claim, he's disgusting and obese

Rogan can lose the weight.

Efron will never gain the inches.

damn that's a bloat

yes but efron was def on roids for baywatch

Left is achievable without soi, eat loads of processed foods and drink lots of alcohol and you'll be there.

Right*, im shit

literally me on the left

>everyday is curl, bench, and situp day

seriously in awe at how undeveloped most of efrons body is

post your body

>always hated Zac Efron because he was just some fag who was in High School Musical and all the girls would try to get me to watch that shitty movie while saying "OMG ZAC EFRON IS SOOOO HOT!"
>finally watch some movies he's in
>he's actually a really good actor
What other actors that you'd assume are fags do I need to check out?

>tfw gyno
Will insurance cover any of the mastectomy?

Based and medpilled

Most handsome actors desu. Assuming people are dumb because they are beautiful is juvenile and brainlet behavior. There's a lot of good looking people in mensa.

I essentially have the same body type as Seth Rogan in this pic except on a slightly smaller frame, and my arms are a bit smaller.


>hating musicals
easiest way to spot a closet faggot

musicals are the normiest thing in existence

Attached: 1552659975688.jpg (250x174, 5K)

>extreme talent and genetic superiority
kek like 1 in a ten million genetics are required to pull off top tier singing

I need some kino lats

Oh no, I didn't mean to imply I hate musicals. I was just saying the first time I ever heard of Zac Efron was back in high school and all the girls kept trying to make me watch that movie and I just thought he was just an overblown prettyboy in some dumb musical. I'm glad I was wrong about him.
I actually like musicals too. That one with Hugh Jackman and Efron about the circus was good (get at me, fags).

clearly never seen the kino that is Le Mis

fuck left , date right

How come I have man boobs and I only weigh 160 pounds but seth doesnt?


Gyno isn't necessarily linked to weight. You might possibly have glandular tissue there, and not just fat. I've never seen a doctor about it, but I'm pretty sure I have actual gyno and not just fat mound moobs.

I've been both fit and fat throughout college, in the middle currently (keeping fit is hard). However, how the fuck do you look like Seth? What the fuck is up with his abdomen.

date right
>after my 30th birthday

is that a power belly?

unironically expected a nice dessert recipe

Attached: 1469796935442.jpg (658x662, 73K)

I've seen it and it sucked. Musicals in general are overemotional normalfag bait that severely lack in substance.