Based, have an upvote
Score got wiped for some reason
Jose Ramirez
Alexander Green
Hapeened to me earlier, almost there by now. We're all going to make it.
Logan Williams
check these however
Dylan James
that is the point of anonymity. you're not supposed to care who is behind the argument, you're supposed to think for yourself about the argument. you're also supposed to ignore things you don't care about instead of sperging out over everything.
William Martinez
Maybe a good fortune will bring them back!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Brody Collins
How the fuck are you doing it? Are you one of (((them)))?
Asher Adams
someone take my like virginity
Brandon Richardson
I just restarted my router, I should be out of the system now. Fuck mods and fuck niggers
Camden Ramirez
Why was the skeleton so lonely?
He had no body.
Owen Cook
>score went up for some reason