Haha this score system is so much fun

Haha this score system is so much fun

Attached: c1hU1Rjh.jpg (583x616, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


its fun for r*dditors

>scorelet faggot
Get dabbed on loser


we are but manchildren

Give me likes, fuck op, salty ass nigga

Beam me up 4Channel.👌

Attached: 1527469419255.gif (500x360, 549K)

yes it is

fucking hilarious
we need another purge before game of shits comes back to bring in even more

Ikr! Based Jannies desu💯

I literally railed against the system for several minutes & I'm almost crock status. \

Reddit looks enticing.

All I want is the rainbow so I can show how gay I am🙁

hopefully 4channel will finally let me worship Christ❌

>he can't into likes
pathetic desu

Attached: 1554089169634.png (600x600, 165K)

>having fun

Attached: angry 5.jpg (457x701, 60K)

>barely made 5 or 6 posts
>still a scorechad
Get on my level

here, have a fortune, friend

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Anyway give me likes.

go to bed grandpa

Right away

like and subscribe.

Attached: 1546430209933.gif (1022x683, 99K)

You will make it bro

It sure is! It’s making lurkers like me want to post more, to gain more points. However, I’m not crud posting, just being super enthusiastic!

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Attached: 1000times.jpg (580x842, 115K)

I'm just sad hiroshimoot didn't monetize this fools with some kind of ad scheme like last year. Ah well, at least he has his datamining money

Also If you like my post you also like /pol/

Attached: partyhat.gif (160x160, 1K)

Hey user you wouldn’t happen to know how to give likes, would you?

Phoneposters dont have to see it. LMAOing at ur life.

>blade runner redditor
Holy shit is right

Gimme some likes so I can dinopost

its funny because if you think about it the people with the most points are the biggest losers in here
just think about how much time they must have spent on shitposting every board with nonsense to get virtual approve points for a single day.
Every time I see someone with over 100 points I feel sad because I know this human beings doesnt get a lot of affection in real life.

Attached: Jesus-Sananda.jpg (500x500, 41K)


>sub 1000

Likelet detected

Attached: 1553533728526.jpg (1706x960, 481K)

Bow down, likelets.

Attached: werewolf jones.jpg (640x718, 224K)

>t. scorelet

Yeah, I love it :)

>mass reply faggot

Attached: 1533482961145.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

um, get verified you irrelevant virgin


reply to the post with ":LIKE:" in the name and options fields




Like this? I think I got it.

the hat has a hat😃

Attached: Capture.png (402x375, 9K)

There we go, much better. Thanks for clarifying!


good job user!

Yeah fuck having a job and being a productive member of society amirite guise!!

Fucking incel losers

Just gotta be positive!

I remember when I only had a few points.

Look at me now. LOOK AT ME!

How do you get a score?



Attached: 1530386133156.jpg (759x604, 31K)

How do I get the blue checkmark? I've seen people with 600 points who have it. Why can't I have it?

>he thinks the blue checkmark comes from likes
unverified post right here gentlemen

okay this is based



try putting :LIKE: in all fields. That covers all your bases.

I feel like a...
like a normieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

but how?🐱

Attached: patrick hand.jpg (512x384, 39K)

oh fuck

Attached: 1543714466909.png (600x475, 196K)

Haha, I agree, haha😃

by being absolutely based

Attached: 1493662869586.gif (500x268, 792K)

it just for today so

Very good posts


like this post and you'll get some of my godly luck

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

>He's at 2 points an hour

Here it is.🐰

absolutely based and likepilled

>he doesn't have over 8k likes
Might as well just kill yourself now, it's too late for you

It's so easy to increase your score user, try making some quality posts! or a lot of shitty posts

Attached: 1545210847242.jpg (867x685, 96K)