The april fools prank started FIFTEEN (15) hours ago and there are still people in the double digits

>The april fools prank started FIFTEEN (15) hours ago and there are still people in the double digits

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You may only post in this bread if you feel joy😂

Nobody likes anymore, game is over

fuck likes, i want (you)'s, theyre forever

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i just woke up

I wouldn't tuxedo post if I were you scorelet


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You may only reply to me if you have Dino or better



>i'm sad🙁

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there's never been a good april fools joke. prove me wrong.


The best one is one of the first you get tbhfam.🐃

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Just TRY and stop me, bitch.

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fuck off stupid frogposter


In fact I dare say that if you aren't at least verified by this point just take the rest of the day off😂

>tfw triple digit Chad
Feels good lads🐰

post score

Wait, do people actually post here in their free time?

I really really like this image

that’s alotta likes you got there

ive only made like three posts, shit

I was somewhere in the 300s at like 9am and got a 3 day global for posting this

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This is the point where the weak get seperated from the strong.

Here's a (you) to start you off🙁

Attached: you.webm (1280x550, 1015K)

i just woke of after sleeping for 12 hours and check this out

I liked your post brah. Today it’s okay to be cancer


Maybe the real April Fools was the friends we made along the way


G*d I wish that were me

I would have more points but im not an incel that spends all day on here

all deserved

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Phone poster here: I can't see likes, i don't care about likes, and I laugh at anyone who wasted even a fraction of their time liking my posts.

April 1st 2019 is the day phoneposters objectively and literally became superior to desktop users.

1 like = 1 prayer, please like my post

Just because I came here lately. I'm not a neet incel that browse 4channel all the day


Nice try for points from (You)s

Save it, it's all yours my friend :)

do you ever type spooky into the options field just to flex on brokeass niggas

Disable the mobile Views

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dub and you niggas have to give like

yeah im sure youre having a lot of fun with all 3 other people who are trying to post normally today


excellent point, up the PPH if you want to win. don't chase likes its a terrible strategy

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So mean🙁

but shes not even nude?

Only if you like



b-but some of us just got here..


0-99: incels who cant into banter and get yous

100-999: easy going chads who dont take it too seriously and just enjoy the ride

1000+ : incels who spend too much time here


I was asleep and woke up to this disappointment


Maybe Aliceposter became a janny and bans anyone for posting his pornfu, IDK. I had like 5 legit porn .webms make the archive too.


so close to spooks aaaaa

Two copes from both ends of the spectrum. Interesting.


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Fuck the janitor

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Wtf how

>is in the range he considers good

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honestly fuck this april fools. the rich skelefags get richer and the rest of us are left in the dust. we need some mother fucking like redistribution before the system collapses.

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Unequivocally Based

>tfw working since yesterday and barely got time to shitpost for likes

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By the start of the thread I was a singlelet.
Look at me now OP! Betcha real jelly aintcha.

be based like me

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I detest Marxism but this April fool's joke has really given me an idea of why they believe in what they do...

It's okay fren, let me tell you your fortune for today.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Give me likes

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hi frens

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>tfw at school till 4 so missed out on most of the shitposting
at least we have a life fellow user

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You're a big guy

look at this dude

Yeah fuck having a job and being a productive member of society amirite guise

Fucking incel losers ..

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