Black Female/White Male Couples

Why I don't see so many couples like these in movies? I see more of these in real life yhsn BM/WF ones promoted by Hollywood. Why?

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because they don't need to show them. white men are being subverted with porn

>subverted with porn
As a porn addict explain this to me.l only watch POV

White men don't 'choose' a black woman, they settle for them

>settle for them
Why? Reasons? Advantages? Disadvantages?

Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t really mean much. BF/WM couples are pretty rare in real life. Go to lipstick alley, majority of black women see white men as beta cucks. BM/WF is probably most commonly used in movies because there’s always been an unspoken social taboo around in the past. Plus liberals worship black men and hate white males


>hate white males
Why? Majority of liberals are white and males. Most black males don't hate white men. I say this because I don't hate as a black male but I don'√ get why liberals do som much propaganda bullshit and shit like that man.

Much like on this board, white male burgers seems to be obsessed with BBC in real life, and born to be actual cucks


black incels on suicide watch

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Like and I get a black queen another ad you get one too

Ugh. Extremely problematic.

Mentally ill n*gger lover

Attached: nigger women 21.png (1532x1888, 915K)

t. seething falseflagging insecure black incel

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Sheboons are bottom of the barrel you cringy Estonian incel get a life

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keep crying

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I do enjoy a bit of /pol/ in my Yea Forums yes I do thank you very much!

Blacks males on suicide watch

like if you would date a black queen

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I want points


liked friendo :)

Where do I get a black queen? How?

holy shit that's bobo vieri

The nearest zoo in your area

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why are you so obsessed with trying to prove us that black chicks arent hot? are you a woman or a black guy?

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WMBF is taboo because of slavery, but 10/10 black women always date white men.

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>those lips
Looks more like average whitoid lips. I'm white but my lips are big not like you apes. Black and white kangz forever!

reminder there's no way she can wipe properly

>not wanting to slurp all the black chocolate from that already chocolate ass
like if you think this user is gay

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>chimpanzee "Mafuka"

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o-oh no

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Good question.😃

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loving it🏳️

in Israel, many black girls have white boyfriends irl

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Black women have ridiculous comic book proportions. I've not seen any other kind of women come even close to what some black women's bodies are like. Like god is a pervert allocating every point to sexual traits in the character creation menu. It's I don't - if you've been with black women you know how big and still perky some of their breasts can be. Like there's weight to them if you cup them from behind.💚

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Wonder why.....
>I need to protect the white race
>but the tempta

>tfw once you go black you never go back
Bros...will the queens love me? 20 cm it enough?


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>all these AIDS lovers

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Zoe Saldana and Amandla Steinberg star in movies with pretty much exclusively white men as their love interests
I'm pretty sure WM/BF outnumbers the opposite in media

jews want to keep all the black qts to themselves

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>lipstick alley

but I did user and they're all talking about the BIG WHITE COCK

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>clownface beard
I hope none of you anons fall for this rookie mistake

Fuck off nu male

Black girls love white men for good reasons

White women can't compete, dear God


As a white man,I'm a COLONIZER
It's our duty to explore new workds and places and exotic nature


Fag detected

White men belong to asian women.

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no no no, do not listen to this man. black women like nicki minaj are plastic apes, you do not want them, you're better off dying alone saving your genes, its for the greater good, trust me

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Michael Fassbender's a 6'1 Irish hunk and almost his girlfriends prior to Alicia Vikander were black or mixed race.

Dude it's hard being prince harry and having literally no options. Just kidding he doesn't really count, she's not *really* black because semantics.

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I watch ebony porn almost exclusively so I'd be very surprised if my eventual wife isn't at least thandie newton colored.


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The upcoming Men in Black International, the one where Yea Forums complained there is a black woman.

More like this one?

>You will never have rich father hiring Nicki Minaj to suck your dick for your 13 birthday.

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>Black women have ridiculous comic book proportions.

Yet they almost never cast those figures in comic book movies. Go figure.

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this thread has made me decide im going to go JO to black girls getting fucked by white men. later friends! brb

all the women in the world belongs to the white man.

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So the reason white women hate female body proportions in comic books is racism?

Based and truthpilled


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BasedWhite roasties can't even compete to black and asian girls