Do you like game of throne because I do

Do you like game of throne because I do.

I want to force lemon cakes down Sansa's mouth

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Other urls found in this thread:

Two types of people:
>Poseurs who don't like season 7
>True scholars who like season 7

Two types of people:
>Heathens who worship demons such as the Red God, or the False Seven.
>Mastermind Theologians who recognize the Old Gods are just the CoTF, but worship them anyways.

Stark Girls are Best Girls

Attached: AryaCatSansa.jpg (588x800, 154K)

Maario Naharis

Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x318, 52K)


Two types of people:
>Ethical primitives who think the greatest villain was Ramsay Bolton or King Joffrey for their ruthlessnes
>Consequentialist geniuses who understand that Eddard Stark was the worst villain because he did not believe the deserter from the wall when he told his story about the White Walkers


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I'm reading the books and it just pisses me off every time it cuts to Arya's or Jon's or Dany's point of view.

>he doesn't play the game of thrones maps on warcraft 3


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Why is Arya an elf?

so whats west of westeros?

our guy has a new video

Glory to the one true king.

Cause she's a gross looking eight year old with a horse face

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>Our guy

I'm sorry, that isn't Preston Jacobs.

The land beyond the sunset where there is no need or want. Another land so that every man can be a king and every woman a queen. We should build 10,000 ships like nymeria did and sail there.

Things would be so much better if Gylbert Farwynd won the kingsmoot.

preston is so fucking based, you just KNOW he goes on 4channel and doesn't like when we called him an sjw libtard cuck

Captain Maario Naharis

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How do I watch the next season because I don't have HBO Go?

your shit meme is shit

Stannis's army must have killed a lot of those cavalry because Ramsay didn't have nearly that many in the battle of the bastards.


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I've beat off to the Deeper Dorne series on more than one occasion for sure.



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What's his most autistic theory? I think he claimed that Bloodraven warged the boar that stuck Bobby B. It's out there, but I love it.

Either Quentyn is alive, considering he has pretty much two videos plus a q&a on it, or Littlefinger's mistake. I'm not sure if Nestor Royce will find the third shoe, but the science update was a tad over the top for me.

Based and liked🐸

what did she mean by this?

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>Wields two swords like a chump, neither Dawn

What did David and Dan mean by this decision?

>Slog acts like a slog
my, oh my. My my my my my. I do believe I am shocked.

Nowy tenz.

Attached: young ned.jpg (1024x571, 92K)

A true theologian would realise the first men worshipped the old gods AND worship of the sacred weirwoods ( cotf ). The old gods are lovecraftian shit that Euron worships.

I'm pretty sure Dawn is in the show, they just made it look fucking plastic.

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Why did they sperg out instead of telling him about Jon.

good post but let me add:

There are two types of people:
>people who hate Littlefinger for being a lying conniving schemer who indirectly kills your favorite characters
>people who realize that Littlefinger is only a "bad guy" because of the available PoVs, and that in any normal story the lowborn underdog who had to pull himself up by his own bootstraps to power, and make the moves to bring down the unjust system.

The show has truly let us down.

I disagree, even the books are meant to be this way. The good guy doesn't get a PoV because then it'd be too blatantly obvious to cheer for him. And in GRRM fashion the good guy has massive flaws like an unhealthy obsession with redheads. Self-insert much, George?

Because "We made a vow".

I thought the book leaves enough ambiguity on his character that we can deduce or decide for ourselves the nature of his character. I think in the show he's just a one dimensional kind of schemer villain.

Littlefinger isn't mentioned in Comcast's dead major character recap video. HMMMMM.

Littlefinger will breed Cersei and rule the Iron Throne.

>Littlefinger will breed Sansa and rule the Iron Throne.


Littlefinger will breed Jon and rule the chair behind the mess hall table