Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Some cute chinese OC. What does it say?

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>Hey user I'm a little hungry

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1 like = 1 sequel

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>Grab this, fresh out the oven for you.

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Imagine when we can get the second picture in HD

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1 like = 1 Alita kissu

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Thought the same as soon as I saw her

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China bringing the memes

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Think of the lewd posts that would be made with this.... :/

flan time

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You people are pedos

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>Not this again Jerome....

I want to put my peeter in her artificial poop chute

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Hey user, this beer is making me feel a little funny, can you help me upstairs to my room?

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>Time to get the fuck out user

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how old is Alita's body and face supposed to look? 16?

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i like that they didn't really sexualize her. there are obviously so many reasons not to. but the wholesome approach was a great choice

no, we aren't.
but everyone agrees that you are a faggot

Well done.

>Well, well, look at the sky city slicker walking up in her fancy Martian body.

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Like for this comfy desktop background

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Imagine if she sat on your face! LMAO

Attached: Alita Battle Angel Trailer 2.mkv_snapshot_02.17_[2019.02.11_19.15.33].png (432x582, 572K)

Thanks, got anymore 4k walls? I'm legit going to use this.

But you have no ass, Son of Lar

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Don't get me started with you faceless prick

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I think about it every day.

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>Alita will never empty her artificial bowels in your mouth

Attached: Alita Battle Angel 2019.720p PROPER HDTC-1XBET.mp4_snapshot_00.06.19_[2019.03.31_22.10.13].png (1280x538, 1.41M)

I'm planning to edit this scene when it comes out in 4K where she has orange goo in her mouth so it looks like cum

>That's it I'm getting the hammer

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you will die ... she's too heavy

Chill with the image posting anons

What did you say, fungus?

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>Please don't

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My favorite scene of Infinity War✔️

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>user: Care if i talk. I'm kinda nervous when i take tests.
>Deckman: Please don't move.
>user: Oh, sorry. I have already taken the captcha test this year.
>Deckman: The reaction time is a factor in this so please pay attention and answer as quickly as you can.
>user: Sure
>Deckman: You're in a landfill, walking in the garbage, and suddenly ...
>user: Is this the test?
>Deckman: Yes. You are in a landfill, walking in the garbage, and suddenly you look at your feet ...
>user: In what?
>Deckman: What?
>user: In which part of the landfill? In the center is dangerous, in the north ...
>Deckman: Dosen't matter. The questions are completely hypothetical.
>user: But how did I get there?
>Deckman: Maybe you needed parts. Maybe you need to be alone. Who knows? You look at your feet and see the upper half of a cyborg girl's body
>user: Upper half? What do you men?
>Deckman: Apparently the body is tore in two.
>user: I have never seen cyborg girls. But I understood what you mean.
>Deckman: She is half full of rubbish, but you can see her perfectly ...
>user: Do you make up this questions? Or they write them down for you?
>Deckman: he girl lies on her back, the sun burns her face, cyber and bio blood flow from her, she will not survive without your help. And you do not help.
>user: What do you mean i'm not helping?
>Deckman: I mean you're not helping. Why is that user? They are just questions user. In answer to your query they are written down for me. Its a test designed to provoke emotional response. Shall we continue?
>user: [nod head]
>Deckman: Tell us in a few words about the crimes that come to your head ... when you think about the criminal Alita.
>user: About the Battle Angel?
>Deckman: Yes.
>user: Let me tell you about the Battle Angel
>user: [Gunshots]

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Life on this shithole planet almost defeated me again, but last thread and even the ridiculous shitposters perked me up.

Healing is real.

Attached: adores.png (1280x538, 1.14M)

this deserves a like and a (you)

Anyone who actually has a crush on Alita needs to jump off a cliff


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it's missing the audio
it plays Swan Song obvs

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You're my daughterfu, alita💯

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Ah, the mark of a coalburner

Silent Running?

Imagine once being human, but then getting reduced down to a barely mobile fridge bot with only one arm and one eye.

>oh, is that all there is?

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being a low rent cyborg is suffering

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Is it Ido in the suit?
nice OC

Glad to hear it, friend. We'll always be here for each other.

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she's looking at his sword, if you know what I mean


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Hey user, you want some orange slices?

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Fuck off girafa💢

I hope one day all you alitans know the joy of holding your firstborn.


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I imagine that would be one of the perks of being a cyborg, just shoving your hand in an oven without a second thought because it's not like a oven gets hot enough to hurt you, then again you might end up burning someone or something else after doing stuff like that since you might not realizes your hands are so hot.😂

Now that there's more space inside, i know what'll fit right in there!

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Beautiful girl
Like if you agree
Ignore if you don’t think so

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Can't fucking wait, it's not the right moment now though

Based kissu poster


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I believe people are capable of incredible things. I believe our dreams can be made true as long as we believe in them. Believe in your dreams.

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Don't worry, we'll get a sequel

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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oh no

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that is better to have a surprise

The fuck do i have a hat for?



based uplifting poster

hats are "bugged" lol

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You got it.

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Alita for hugs, not kissu.

Sequel announced soon

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Make me

>last day of alita in local theaters is wednesday

I don't think I can take being without Alita, guys

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Blu ray in 1 month

I might be stubborn, but I NEVER quit. Not even in the face of sure defeat. If anything, the idea of failure makes me more dedicated. You should feel the same way.

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My love for Alita suddenly grew overnight. Now it's back to how it was when I first saw the movie.

What did you call me?

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You sure? Because the BluRay does not release for another 4 months here in bongland.

Steel book never, sold out before release, DVD in july. We have plenty of Captain Marvel Blu-rays though.

Why would there be bullet holes in a Silent Running bot?



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we love alita

Attached: Alita.png (760x570, 391K)

Tomorrow it'll be one month exactly since my first viewing, and the feelings just keep getting stronger. First few weeks were pretty rough on me emotionally; now I feel like I could run through a goddamn wall if I set my mind to it.
>tfw this post turned out to be fucking true

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It's hard not to. Best cyborg

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So, is this the last week of Alita in the US?💔

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yes we do, why the sad face though?


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5th viewing done. What cracks me up is that in 3rd 4th and 5th times the front rows have had 1-2 fellow anons sitting In the centered seats, and back rows have had normies, couples etc. May the brotherhood of Alita prevail!

Attached: cozy igloo alita.png (880x518, 955K)

>superman cheap knockoff is a good role model for girls

>mfw rapunzel has an anti-life goth-mode now in that animated show of hers

I don't even know what the fuck Disney's doing

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hat-a-lita go

have sex❤️



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fucking perfect

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Insert my penis into mouth battle angle


that means they will wait until the blurays

>I have no arguments

Merry Alita to all of you! ho ho ho!


Attached: FeminismIsAMentalDisorder.jpg (1080x1134, 525K)

Other Alita backgrounds I have saved

Attached: AlitaBackground.jpg (1920x1080, 954K)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

six and I marry alita

>Better not tell you now
because it would ruin the surprise?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: Alitabackground2.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

Alita was shittiest movie I ever seen

Looking good fren

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Good riddance



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one more try before i sleep

Attached: AlitaBackground5.png (1920x1370, 3.2M)

Thanks - I project 420

How could you tell they were anons/alitans?

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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You're fucking pathetic

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can't wait for the 420 milestone party

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Fuck off faggot💢

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Rolled 6 (1d6)

Nice shading

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Let's just be friends user.

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Reminder the only reason this shitty general exists is because of Yea Forumss hate boner for captain marvel.


If you ever were actually in these threads, you'd know we never talk about Captain Marvel.

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cant wait until wednesday

Attached: 1722757.jpg (1180x1600, 555K)

Even I disagree with that

Attached: strong woman.jpg (596x253, 20K)

To be fair did talk about how the first Shazam! trailer was better than the second one when we did viewing reports though, and how Hellboy looked like a shit. So we did talk about it a little bit.

Young, friendly bright black lad takes one toke of a mega-hydro cali ultrablast OG bubblegum Kush-haze and goes into advanced skunkosis, grabs a knife and goes on a 48 hour stabbing spree where he is guided by the disembodied and torturous voices of Hitler, Pol Pot, Tamerlane, Typhoid Mary, Bizarro Marley and Tom Bombadil all at once.
Growers are feeding these plants a mixture of Mr Muscle Drain Cleaner, GHB and Basildon Bomb to increase the natural carnivorous nature of these diabolical plants. If a cannabis plant could kill you it would stab you and every one of the people you love as it injects them with its 50% THC nega-serum.

Thank you Mr. Cameron for bringing us Alita into our world

Shut up bitch

Hi dad

I really liked this style. It's cute, a bit sexy but not too much.

Maybe but if captain marvel never came out this general would not exist and atlia would be forgotten about in a week.

Sequel soon

he were, he keeps posting this

We need more [ A L I T A W A V E ] wallpapers🖤

Attached: IMG_9090.jpg (1522x640, 68K)

Has anyone ever been more wrong?

not a problem lad


Attached: Sad.jpg (320x240, 48K)

2 weeks ago
>1 screening per day
1 week ago
> 2 screenings per day
>3 screenings, one even in 3D
What did the theater mean by this?

Attached: kino.png (843x458, 257K)

thanks based jim
but avatar a shit

I’ll make a bunch of edits when we get the Blu-ray user

Attached: CFFADCA3-58C6-406D-AAA0-172AF4F3BC56.jpg (1920x1080, 647K)

>its verified

based bant

motherfucker, this general has been around before Alita: Battle Angel was even in theaters, let alone before Captain Fungus hit the screens.

this is pretty good


Maybe if you like her first body more than the URM-tech one

Attached: 1552540035811.jpg (2440x2304, 204K)

It's official! Arizona iced teas for everyone!😃

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can you make one now?
i really really really love vaporwave

Crystal ball tell me, will ther be a sequel

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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It has already arrived? I am confused.

what are you even saying right now

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weed is bad


me neither

Attached: dude_weed!.jpg (1920x859, 138K)

based Gangsta!

Kek I thought gangsta was a made up meme name

Don't worry, manj - we'll reach 420 on home video sales - or on the 20th.

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Big if real

nice, can't wait to make a shitload of stoner alita oc

Attached: shoepan.png (295x299, 43K)

apparently he has an actual name besides that but they even call him Gangsta in the art book

He's credited as "Antioch" on IMDb, but he's Gangsta everywhere else. They even had a "Team Gangsta" on the production crew.

Why won't we get action figures from the movie(or manga for that matter)? Besides the 1:6 scale one from Sideshow, there's absolutely nothing. Can't all those non-purchased The Last Jedi figures move over and make room for some Alita toys?


Attached: rosavape.gif (500x497, 1.41M)

>kon-kit drew fanart of Alita
I want lewd Alita

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sounds like a 30s anti marjuana propaganda movie, well except the nigger part

I'll never get over how fucking good this movie looks

Attached: warpaint.webm (1518x720, 2.77M)

/HEALED/ by Alita😃

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First time posting in /alita/
Why do people care about it?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

there are also the funko pops :^)
maybe we'll get something decent for the sequel user

Because the movie is very good and the character of Alita is great.

Really? When was the first thread?

Just wait till bluray, shit will be off the rails

Because it's cool, why else?

Attached: 1550411765609.webm (600x250, 3M)

Back when it got prescreenings and people started flipping out over it, like two weeks before it actually had a wide release.

I've only been here since #139

You'll have to ask one of our elder sages about that.

>plenty of Captain Marvel Blu-rays though
Which we can burn to keep us comfy while we watch Alita.

it's a good movie, based on a good manga, with awesome CGI and action scenes, one of the best characters in film history and you can feel it's made with a lot of love

therefore, beginning of February.

This general led me to the movie, and the manga, and both are great in different ways. You should check both out if you have the chance.

Attached: 1552032308530.webm (960x402, 2.57M)


This Movie is lewd.

Attached: 1554144842184.webm (978x538, 2.96M)


It means I should take a plane to wherever that is so I can watch the movie in 3d again

imagine, we're going to get hours of HQ footage like this soon

Attached: comfyalita.jpg (870x694, 97K)

damn good looping

U n i t e d

R e p u b l i c s o f

M a r s

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Rolled 5 (1d6)

It reverses your bad luck.

So glad I didn't watch this shit

Bros get in here

Thank you anons, very interesting. I will now make it a priority to download and watch this movie. I will report back here in a few days time. Have a pleasant day.

Accidentally hit like. Wish I could retract.


>hating on a movie after one the first trailer
>not after people started seeing it and left negative reviews

Alita: Battle Angel's first trailers weren't so great, but I didn't see any hate threads for her. Also, if there were any anti-CM threads, they weren't by us and they all came out after the movie was released, not after the initial trailers. Keep deluding yourself into thinking we have 250+ generals out of contempt for something instead of love for another.

the best CGI currently in film


Hey, Scott

>...with me

Attached: SxJXeTT.png (680x680, 339K)

We've passed 400 million two more times since that article. 1.2 billion dollars are surely enough for a sequel.

Wholesome smile😃

Attached: cute 2.png (387x429, 5K)

Silly, user. Shazam! won't be out for a few more days.

even a teen cyborg has more ass than captain fungus

There was quite a lot of prepremiere screenings
I've attended one, it was pretty good
Doesn't have as much rewatchability as Alita but if she's gone from cinemas, you can go and watch Shazam to fill the void

Shazam is cool, but I mean the true kino

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Could someone who speaks moon translate this?

Attached: alita huh.jpg (555x555, 159K)

No, user. Alita deserves only the best. If she's gone from your local cinema, at least wait for the BD.

Attached: alita gun.jpg (1155x1080, 71K)

Lying faggot

Thanks and no, the 501st has been assigned to protect Alita and get rid of the lewd posters.

i mean, don't download it, watch it in a theater, it's so much better and there aren't any good camrips right now

wait for a better version, there are only shitty camrips right now

goddammit i have to make a macro, i don't know how many times i already posted this

that shitty flick is worse than Green Lantern.

Only the best for my waifu. Us cyborgs can get very lonely.


Is there even enough source material for 8 more movies?

I hear the only good thing about this movie is the cat

the manga is still going

Guys what are you waiting for, get in the new general


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>less than 90K for the 85 Million Domestic

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waiting for Captiain Marvel to be as memorable, beloved, and have as much of a cult following as Alita. Might be a while.

Holy shit Jimbo you madman

You can add one (1) thing to the film. It can be anywhere from a single line of dialogue to a full scene, to a new character.
What do you add?

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>Alita 400 million box office
>Captain Kino 1 BILLION
But yeah sure, Alita has the bigger following


You know if hugo was a better actor and the script were a little tighter we might have had another titanic on our hands.


Attached: hiyah.jpg (1273x1230, 689K)

Chad taking Stacy to the movies and picking the most advertised movies (or the one he got tickets for free for) isn't exactly following

Attached: fighto(2).webm (350x250, 1.13M)

Add back Hugo referring to Jeru while he lies dying in the ruined church


I've been practicing this routine in-front of my mirror every morning before my workout as a warmup exercise.

explain, pls

they are just following the avanger saga, not captain rottentoes, you dumbniggerfaggot

Attached: 1551638540834.webm (960x402, 2.41M)

Is this fresh or old?

It may have more NPC'lettes watching it(allegedly), but it has no heart whatsoever.
And we´ll see which movie will be remembered.


Attached: alitas_heart.webm (850x800, 1.73M)

Are you 9?

>Hugo wakes up on the operating table
>He's recovering as a cyborg
>"Everything... feels different. Nothing feels the same..."
>Alita touches his face
>"Does this feel the same?"
>She puts his hand on her heart
>"And this?"
>Shots of them being together
>He is using a grandma walker and together they explore Iron City
>They visit a carousel, some kind of fair
>They play games
>Hugo keeps losing, his calibration and coordination is off
>He's become a true loser
>She loves him anyway
>He tells her he loves her
>She laughs and embraces him
>"I love you too, user"
>They are in love

Please like this story.

Attached: lonelywojack.png (500x394, 54K)

The marvel brand provided the horsepower . The movie itself is pretty lukewarm. Alita is a literally who ip with camerons name attached as the only real push


Yeah, more people paid to see CM once and realized Marvel tricked them and regretted wasting their money, vs. the millions of Alitans fans who only heard bad things from top critics, shown almost no advertising, and had to be pulled into the theaters by word of mouth ended up seeing the movie again and again and again, the average being 3 times, with some fans going in literally dozens and scores of times.

Good for the movie.

Avatar, for comparison, maybe the most money for a movie ever, I believe also that it didn't leave that much of a cultural impact and most people forgot about it after watching it. Everyone instantly forgot about and couldn't give a shit about Jake Sully and his wacky Pandora adventures or about the blue alien bitch. The only difference is that nearly everyone enjoyed Avatar for the fun, CGI-impressive, immersive 3D experience popcorn flick that itn was. CM I only hear complaint after complaint about it being dull, boring, that CM doesn't emote enough, that her character does struggle enough to change and grow and complete a character arc, that Nick Furry was done dirty with the losing his eye story, and that the lead actress was upstaged by a fucking cat.

It is your precious Captain Marvel who will be forgotten, not Alita.

nine inches deep in your wife.

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good stuff

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Attached: Look Dad, I'm Eighteen!.jpg (960x396, 35K)

>Have fun, but don't get too crazy, okay? Be home by midnight, don't drink too much.
>Happy birthday, Alita

Attached: 1553839975649.png (630x472, 311K)

It might be 20 years old, actually. I don't have a source.

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Add? I guess one more day between Alita and Hugo. They go walking around and bump into lots of cool and interesting side characters. They have that one scene from the novelization where they talk about Zalem being connected to a large space ring or something. Alita and Hugo are walking around. She's distracted for a second by something, maybe another animal or a cool shop of windchimes, pinwheels, bubbles, etc. Hugo runs into an unhappy customer. They start fighting. Alita catches the middle of the fight. She sees that Hugo was the one who was jumped, but the way he aggressively fights back in a cruel manner surprises her, showing her a sign of him she hadn't seen before, and hinting that he works with and for some bad company.

Something to get extra bits of world building, cool side characters, and better Hugo characterization.

That's if I could ADD anything. If I could CUT or CHANGE anything, I'd re-do the whole scene of him climbing the tube, giving him more body horror, confusion, and delusion, like the manga and OVA. Would've been more impactful than the final thing in the movie, imho.

I think I know where this is going.

I don't know why they ever considered Hugo being given a sleek cyborg body replacement. Alita's supposed to have the really nice cyborg technology. Plus why would the arm snap off of that body? The movie could've still used a Hugo body horror scene though

This one, for instance, was dated 1997 and was found on kishiro's japanese website.

Attached: Zalem Funposting.webm (1200x900, 2.17M)

Iz ze oven READY?


Attached: nazi alita.jpg (1262x525, 43K)

>I'm not feeling good
>can you come pick me up from Kansas?

Attached: alita drunk.png (694x536, 202K)

That would be a fantastic thing to see, user. Especially near the middle, maybe after the Gru fight, so we get just a little bit more of Alita at different stages of her character arc.

Fire up the furnaces!

Attached: BAKEERRR.png (1349x564, 1.2M)


>Of course, I'll be right there. Did you learn your lesson about drinking too much?

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I love how even though this is a short clip in terrible quality and the action is fast, it's still choreographed and shot well enough that you can clearly make out Screwhead, Gangsta, Kumaza, and Ajakutty