Some Western nations are playing with the idea
Should we lower the voting age to 16?
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this isn't allowed as she isn't Yea Forumseddit approved
filthy whore
voting age should be 21 fuck teens and "young adults"🐑
>Television and Film
Fuck off and die /pol/turd.
>billy eilish
*giggles like a little girl* tihihihihih! she's gross user
Powerful. Is there anything young people don't know?
>democrats basically admitting only uninformed retards vote for them
>can't film them getting fucked on camera
>but sure they can vote
We should increase the age of voting to 40.
>young adults
Then why not make the voting age at least 25? Though it would be better if it was between 30 and 60, any older than that and you have senile fucks shitting the polls.
that's a tranny right, wouldn't generational zyklon have him in a gulag post haste?
does anyone else feel an odd despair when you realize everyone telling you that you're fucking retarded when you're a teenager was actually true and now you see all of these woke 100% in-the-right teenagers acting like they're never going to mature and change their opinions and you feel like an old man because you know they're fucking retarded
And put a land-owning stipulation on it
Nobody should be able to vote, we need a new Fuhrer to guide this great nation to prosperity and ethnic purity.
same party that made insurance companies cover policy holders' "children" up to age 26.
your brain is corrupted, that's a biological woman
who ordered the milk?
lol fuck off, i'd have swapped gnc male but you're pushing your luck here
the fuck is that thing?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
it should be raised to 25 and only land owning males should be allowed to vote
Did you get smarter or did you lose your confidence?🥘
I'm sure this would be hot if she didn't have a weird face and disgusting thin hair
We had this thread yesterday, just keep dumping her tit pics.
Absolutely not. You should need to be at least 25 and provide proof of employment.
this unironically
18 is too low✔️
only if we also lower the age of marriage to 14 boys and 12 for girls, like it was during the medieval ages.
Who looking at the face and the hair? Are you a girl?
lol no
Rolled 4 (1d6)
So sick of this useless thot
>t. 26 year old shelf stocker
This. Society might fix itself then.
>"Teenagers know more about the country we're living in right now than anyone else"
Is the very reason we should not.
I like attractive women
No, it should be 21. The effective point of adulthood has gotten later in Western society
Western nations already gave the vote to dumbass teenagers. They were called baby boomers.
Don't like this post.
I honestly think it should be raised to 23. Most people have never taken care of themselves until then. Things change when THEY become the overburdened taxpayers.
Post some. Thread is off topic anyways.
>generational zyklon
This is one of the most pozzed generations to date though
the vast majority of them are nonwhites and the ones that are white act like shitskins. the shit they use to say in the 80s and 90s about how hiphop will destroy white youth actually happened with this one
We should let anyone vote who is in the US but you need to pass a test to see how knowledgable you are before being allowed to vote. Jason Brennan calls this, Epistocracy.
Teenagers are retarded because their parents never expected more of them. Compare a Duggar teen to the typical public school girl.
And you need to have a valid driver's license.
You mean those 30 year old boomers?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
At least it would be something, and at 26 if you're still doing menial jobs like that, you see how much money gets taken out of your paycheck to fund government bullshit for people who refuse to do anything to help themselves.
>disgusting thin hair
ahahahaahaha jealous roastie detected
How about we lower her pants hihi that would be pretty funny
teenagers can already vote
eighTEEN you dumb fucking OP
I can only assume you're the one saying 16 since the quote doesn't fucking specifically mention 16
Teenagers are fucking retards. So no.
It took me a while to realize those are all different black guys🌈
>fucking niggers for clout
absolutely pathetic
No one should be allowed vote except me and my boys
Imagine thinking you know anything as a teenager.
the only true way for voting is property owners are the only ones allowed to vote but theyll never do that again as it would make everything hard right and hurt people who cant vote feelings that theyre poor dickheads🐙
Zoomers are redpilled as fuck though
Women, faggots and their mentally ill variants shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Thank god. At least she isn't one of those white girls who emulates my culture and then dates an aryan Chad.
Only landowners should be able to vote.
Crazy it ever changed past that
World be a better place if kept that simple rule in place
>nobody has posted the video yet
cringe, back to the stone age retard
Yes she's White but she's more or less as subhuman as they are.
There should be a test before you're allowed to vote.
only if they lower the age of consent with it
>never had a job
>never owned any land or property
umm no sweeties
Any man over the age of 25 is gonna be required by law to man up and step to the plate and that's the tea sis
If I can't fuck a 17 year old in Cali then she shouldn't be allowed to vote. Simple as
Why is Billie's music so shit?
Every song sounds the same.
but dude it's got like heavy distorted bass that's cool
That's racist
She's dropping hints she's dating this guy on instagram, nigga waiting until 18th of Dec to announce it when she turns 18
Black and Latinx persons have shorter life expectancies than whites so it should only be lowered for them to help equalize their time of voting elligibilty.
that's bigoted
>when she turns 18
Wait what the fuck
That chick is under 18? She looks 26
takashi murakami dropped a load in her
do you really think she cares about AoC rules?
umm no im gonna need you to stop cyberbullying me okkkk?
More like 25 or 31, no one should be able to vote that hasn't experienced either military service provider the private sector and people who work in the public sector or are beneficiaries of government programs should not vote either.
this is a 10/10 in Muttifornia
I feel like that user, you're not alone
I'll lower the voting age to 16 if they will agree to lower the mouth's of 14 year olds onto my cock
I would rather have anyone who's working vote. Doesn't matter your age, so long as you have a job.
No taxation without representation. No representation without taxation
Agreed. Infantilazion of the youth requires an increase in legal voting age.
>it needs to be 18 because it's not right that kids can be drafted without being able to vote!
>conscription ends 2 years later
>be 16
>cant buy beer
>cant drive
>but you can vote!
>unironically using the term “latinx”
Who is this ugly cunt and why should I care about their opinion
>can't drive at 16
fucking savages
Yes. Teenagers are red pilled as fuck these days.
>Imagine affectionately calling that your culture
At which point does America become a banana republic & they realize their mistake?
No you're not zoomer faggot
Look at my score and don't you ever (You) me with that tone again.
This. Its millenials who should be banned from voting. Anybody currently between the age of 22-40, should be banned from voting. That includes me, but I'm willing to take the hit.
All memes aside. Black people and women of any age should not be allowed to vote.
Voting age should be 35-50 period.
Enough buffer on the young side to learn some shit, enough buffer on the old side to prevent senile old fat fuck Americans from voting.
Democrats would lower the voting age to 10 if they could. All Democrat "human rights" efforts are always voter drives in disguise. Always.
you can drive at 16
>Implying the modern world is better than any previous era when statistics show everything has gotten worse after women where gifted the right to vote.
Lol no just no sweetie
Teenage me still thought black people were human so no dont let teens control America.
Couldn't be a worse idea.
I preferred the threads about her having a feminine penis
unironically, bolsonaro won the ellections in brazil because all the incel highschoolers voted for him
yeah if you wanna be arrested
anybody else having trouble posting?
i cant even post on /pol anymore??
>yeah if you wanna be arrested
Are you stupid?
The american age where you can get a license is 16. 15 for a drivers permit where you can drive under the supervision of an adult
Aren't millennials crying about being too dumb at 18 that they went to a college fro some retarded degree, only to wind up in way too much debt that they can never pay off? And now we should lower the voting age because somehow 16 year olds have the foresight and world experience required to make educated decisions that 18 year olds don't have?
it should be raised to 30 that way only jaded racist can vote
>retard "politics"
are YOU fucking stupid? read my post again
oh baby
What movie
I dont understand unless you mean without a license, in which case that applies to any age. You can be arrested at 50 for doing that
>unironically posting cartoon frog
She has tourrettes. look it up.
nigga im talking about brazil, hueland, my fucking country, not america
>The system was designed where you'd have smart people form an electoral college
>thinking the vote for the presidency is the only vote
Oh I'm sorry I thought you were memeing by calling america hueland because we are flooded with south and central americans
She looks like that moroccan tranny france put in the eurovision last time
Voting age should be 30. You can bypass this requirement if you're
>married with children
>own land
I unironically agree with this.
I’m 33 and a teacher, the kids in high school right now are way more worthless than any I have had in the last ten years. The girls even more so, half of them are dykes or some made up nugender. You are giving these kids way too much credit.
>born as Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell
Sure sounds like a trustworthy person
fucking jej its uncanny. Also Eilish's music fucking sucks
post more webms of this dude
Hell fucking no, young adults don't actually understand what's in their interests. The fact that some literal who musician suddenly becomes famous and starts telling the youth how to think is telling.
That's a little extreme. I say 21-65, with provisions that you can keep voting if you're making a certain income after 65 (wouldn't be fair to penalize productive, taxpaying seniors).
Fuck no. Those children are even easier to manipulate than adult voters, which already are humungous retards.
It actually WAS 21. Only got raised to 18 in the USA after Vietnam and the draft, which makes sense. But now kids don't fight wars anymore, and women have never fought for their country, so raise it back up.
excellent idea
Is this real? Did she post these pictures of her getting BLACKED and her adolescent feet licked herself?
god shes ugly
In order to vote you should have to pass a test of basic intelligence.
Visual example of soul vs soulless.
I would change this to be anyone who pays taxes gets to vote. Be that income or property taxes.
i voted bernie in 2016 as an 18 year old and i'm about to swing the other way entirely because i've realized how retarded and damaging SJW culture is
Didn't their oldest kid molest his sisters?
Nope. My parents brainwashed me into being a conservative piece of shit. They somehow made me think making $300,000 in Indiana made us middle class.
They past 10 years of my life has been getting rid of their ignorant brainwashing.
why he eatin ground wit he peepee
>suburbanite rap groupie gets completely unwarranted record deal
>develops super obvious canned hollywood political views
like a glove, it rhymes
>Literally never heard of Billie Eilish
>In the last week or so interviews with her, or her music have been popping up on YouTube or if I've been out somewhere
that bitch remember me of somebody from hollwood, but i can't remember.
it's almost like the music industry execs contact every single rich person they know to find someones 15 year old daughter for them to carve into an industry plant so she's world famous by the time she's 18, able to make them money for another 10 years minimum
Zoinks, man!
What’s next? Lower the age of consent too?
Universal suffrage was a mistake.
That is middle class.......
Imagine being so far up your own ass that you actually believe op post.
How do I add gifs and verification to my account?
Cara Delevingne?
I can get behind that.✔️
>before and after BBC
I agree
She was genuinely cute on the left
If teens can make adult decisions at that age, the draft and Age of consent are now things people out there will argue to be lowered too
Liberals are retarded
Because her older brother is her only producer.
Yes only if we can lower the age of consent to 14
Before and after a thousand cocks.🏴
yeah. also a male from hollywood for some reasons
My cunnyfu always talked about how much she loves Billie Eillish and then her first bf was black
cringe, it's obviously the effect of getting so big so quickly
Weird I’m bigger and more defined than that dude now
I can’t help but laugh and be introspective. When I was chasing female validation I used to think that “being ripped” would help me get chicks
Now I realize most are just really really damaged and want destructive things. What a funny guy I was back then
How about no retired people that collect pensions or Social Security
Im done. I really want this gay ass Earth to implode
whoa billy eyelash is so unique and doesn't give AF about what anyone thinks! She's sooo cool! I love her and I want to be just like her!!!
More importantly why haven't the police paid that fine black "man" a visit yet about sucking the toes of an underage girl
Black privilege I suppose
Haha that'd me
I saw her on Hot Ones and you can occasionally catch a glimpse of the real girl inside the manufactured facade. It's not too late to save her.
Liberals are condescending and morally righteous
They “excuse” blacks becuase they don’t know any better apparently.
They’re the same as the far right. They believe they are superior and must subjugate or complete rid of everyone outside of their narrow group
Why are you allowed to drive and potentially kill someone at 16 but not allowed to have the old in-out till you're 18?
Why are you allowed to potentially bring life into the world at 18 but not allowed to buy a beer till you're 21?
It's far too late.
>i voted bernie in 2016
How? Just a write-in?
This is what constitutes as "musician" in Gen Z.
Let than sink in.
>They're the same as the far right
Except that the far right have legitimate grievances and the far left have literally no legitimate grievances and one is supported by the entire establishment while thinking it's somehow rebellious.
Other than that, very similar.
she's 17 you fucking pedo degenerates, kill yourselves, I'm reporting you to the FBI