
Repeating numerals edition

Attached: Star Trek DS9 steamed dubs.png (630x352, 387K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: ddnw.jpg (400x397, 72K)

gaykat lol

Attached: gaykat lol.jpg (400x397, 42K)


"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Attached: Soren.jpg (528x544, 30K)

I hope this day never ends!♨️

Attached: ItsPerfectBenjamin.png (720x540, 466K)

None of you are funny or interesting. That's why you don't have real friends.

Whoa! What a projection

Your fortune: Better not tell you now


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If I'm not funny or interesting then why do I have stalkers?

Attached: 1553952150716.png (335x297, 126K)

Sneed edition

tars rekt



Who stalked you besides Valley Fag?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

I like star trek

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Okay this is epic

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>tfw no one remembers Erika

Attached: Star Trek ENT smooched.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)


Get lost VF

>mfw i just got here and there's all these fags with perks and likes

Attached: xd.gif (250x187, 733K)

This guy.

Attached: Screenshot_20190328-184148_Omnichan.jpg (1080x2220, 497K)

there are worse things than being forgotten.

Attached: DestinyCC.jpg (683x1000, 175K)

>He's avatarfagging
Nevermind, I can't wait until this day ends.💔


>reposting your pictures is considered stalking

Pwease no nasties

Attached: Hitlerprise.png (1670x741, 425K)

Hi bash

Kill, and I cannot stress this enough, yourself💔

If dubs give me all your likes

now that the dust has settled, did she do anything wrong and were Kira and Sisko just autistic?

Attached: Star Trek DS9 Kai Winn.jpg (706x530, 103K)

I’ve never stalked Bashirhomo. I was able to figure out her neighborhood by looking for Japanese Food Stores near laundrymats. Tripfag attention whores that post selfies and make non-Trek related blog posts should have thicker skin.

She has a right to post

why is he so perfect

Attached: 1543721908500.jpg (692x530, 68K)

shut up retard


How the fuck did she end up hotter than Drew Barrymore?

She's like the culmination of all my high school crushes.

Attached: https___cdn.evbuc.com_images_42329810_163226294571_1_original.jpg (1537x1630, 342K)

Yeah and that's not stalking at all, is it, user?

>I’ve never stalked Bashirhomo. I was able to figure out her neighborhood by looking for Japanese Food Stores near laundrymats

Literally who, scorelet?

Remember when I went to Vegas to try to suck Alexander Siddigs dick in the bathroom of a 24 hour In and Out and then Shatner warned him in was comming and he didnt show up? Remember when I used to post on topic OC?

Attached: chu.png (319x318, 65K)


What an attentionwhore.✔️

Who's your waifu, /trek/?

This cutie along with Ziyal stole my heart. I cannot watch their last episodes to this day because it still hurts to watch them die. Fuck Cardassians!

Go to 00:52. That's Shannon Fill in the back aka Sito Jaxxa in the pic. She has cute pink little titties if you can get past the grainy stuff.


Here's she getting raped by the High School principal. No time to indicate she's in the entire movie.


40:41 she plays a cute pregnant girl here.

She's also throughout an episode of Walker Texas Ranger called Collision Course. She's throughout the entire episode.

But the greatest scene is of her on an episode of the show Silk Stockings Season 4 ep 3 called Reluctant Witness. She's in a pool and comes out with red bikini bottoms and a black shirt. You can see her titties right through it. Throughout the episode she's fine as fuck.

I can't get the last one but now that I have found them maybe some hornier and nerdier user can rip them.

Anyone want to share non-trek content of their trek-cuties?

Attached: Sito_Jaxa_RibNose_Cutie.jpg (640x640, 194K)

Now THIS is traffic generation.


my popefu, desu

Attached: Star Trek DS9 popefu.png (870x489, 335K)


Because Jeffery Combs is perfect. He could play a talking pile of shit and it would be the greatest theater ever. His shit is more charismatic than all current Hollywood actresses combined.

Attached: Data_(mirror).jpg (320x480, 21K)


Did anyone actually try to call BF's home or workplace or was that just a rumor? Did anyone do anything that affected her irl or just figure out her real name and location based on personal information that she herself posted?

Attached: It_does_not_count..jpg (1436x1080, 367K)

daily reminder that this kills the STD shills

Attached: Star Trek the absolute state of STD 2.jpg (1200x675, 138K)

Just give him a (you) and move on.

shut up retard you're a gigantic faggot everyone hates you


There was one user who was gonna go jerk off outside her apartment but I never heard how it went.

Hi, Colin. Still obsessed, you old dog?😃

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Here's Zyal

Best part is at 8:53?


Attached: Ziyal_Being_A_Bajoran_Whore.gif (245x300, 2.81M)


>fucks Bajoran sluts
>half-breed daughter turns out a slut
Dukat should've expected this

Absolute kino

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dubs for ENT


He still did nothing wrong, mi negro.

Attached: DukatGivesOrders.jpg (664x774, 66K)

>He was born a man
No evidence of this

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

shut up retard we all know it's you

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dubs for Riker getting the Donut

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Rolling for his favorite food🍅

What a shame
Just missed it

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>this thread🙁

Attached: I DON'T KNOW KARATE BUT I KNOW KURAZY.jpg (500x375, 24K)

>just eats it off the floor
jesus, Riker...🥄

I'm the whoa guy and I never made any racist comments. It isn't spelled woah, by the way.🏴

dubs for Ensign Hoshi


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/trek/ is on fire today!
and by fire I mean gay


Imagine how much better /trek/ would be if this sperg wasn't here

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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You're grammar guy, not whoa guy.

It's just one faggot. Probably an STD shill paid by CBS to kill any mention of the old series. This sort of faggotry got bad when when STD was announced.

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Virgin conspiracies


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His Hunger

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pretend? What do you mean pretend?


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I'm not coming to these threads anymore.


It's all I got. At least you guys don't hurt me.

shut up retard


I'm here for you, fren. Don't let the blue check mark hurt you.

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Data is an unsympathetic, heartless, cold computer and that's all he'll ever be.

Thanks, brother.



I just finished the first two seasons of TOS and I found it very enjoyable. Seeing all the scenes that would influence later science fiction works was a real treat. Is it true that Season 3 is complete shit with no good episodes? Should I skip it and go straight to the movies with the TOS cast before starting TNG?

Just when I think /trek/ can't get worse perks come along and make things that much shittier🙁

Nice dodge, Vee Eff. I was the one that let Bashirfaggot know you had a secret dox room in your Discord and ruined your chance to become best fweinds.

When did /trek/ get so angry?

watch it all, man. S3 is rough, but you'll manage

Trekkies will feed on any swill.

When Colin started spamming and using a signature to monopolize attention because he's a lonely person who constantly makes up ridiculous lies about himself to seem cool.


Attached: bleep_bloop_stops_0.jpg (756x664, 95K)

I don't need likes

>tfw watching a TV show is hard work you have to "get through".
The west deserves what Islam has in store.

Since when did I become /trek/‘s booger-man?

What lies?


Attached: SpockSeriouslyHopesYouGuysDon'tDoThis.jpg (1000x750, 188K)

>Jim, /trek/ is dying.
>LET it die!😃

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Where's the Meetup? Bash's apartment?

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I’ve never been dishonest about anything I’ve posted on Yea Forums except the copypasta about Mike Stoclasa bullying James Rolfe in college.

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That's just really mean.

like if you think kirk is a jerk

Attached: KIRK_IS_A_JERK.jpg (332x394, 19K)


When you say things to hurt others it makes the community toxic.

You should have seen what they wrote on Spock's shirt


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>she thinks this is a community

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after the fools festivities have come to an end

Attached: IggyDubs.jpg (320x320, 16K)


Not now Iggy

digits and it counts✔️

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Attached: laughing_starfleet_whores.jpg (600x596, 26K)

Yep, hence STD



they mad cuz im stylin' on 'em

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Spock wore it better.

Attached: A9665454-276B-4BDD-A56B-89CD273A7B1E.jpg (500x621, 27K)

He cute

It does not count.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

What did he mean by this?

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Did Porthos and Hoshi...?🐶

Attached: Star Trek ENT Porthos.jpg (350x320, 17K)

yes, hoshi ate porthos stir fry style

In Star Track, Porthos eats Hoshi. In Korea, Hoshi eats Porthos.

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Attached: Weyoun smoke.jpg (640x480, 23K)

I like this episode
don't like how thirsty that bitch is for 20th century cock tho

STD is bad. Real bad. Worst Star Trek ever. It isn't Star Trek. In name only.

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not based


>It isn't Star Trek.
Neither is DS9

fuck off retard

Imagine being such a reddior you get enough likes to be verified



pretty much


why don't you post something star trek related instead of attentionwhoring?



not liked

Attached: ddnw_.jpg (800x507, 236K)

Dude this is a Japanese cartoon site ran by Asian people and Moot was a mexican anyway.

Attached: full.jpg (600x449, 65K)

Yeah i cant wait for this day to end either. Worst april fools yet, but at least it's exposed Verifieds as being the dumbfuck autists they are.

Anyone with 100+ likes should just be banned at the end of the day

based likelet.
but also quads.

Quit being an anti-semite

those numbers are nice but I will still strive to skeleton post


Marc Alaimo's wardrobe is the very definition of cool: contrarian yet congenial, a bricolage of sensible "dad" trends.

While most of us probably recognize him as the eminent Gul Dukat from the massively popular Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series, since the series wrapped Alaimo has come into his own in fashion circles.

Marc's sartorial smarts are exemplified by his signature khaki slacks in tawny which he pairs with a canny "Harley Davidson" button down men's blouse; the fabric of which appears to be a serpentine "Cardassian" gray linen. Watch out ladies this melange makes even the most vestal of Bajoran Kais flush and swoon like casualties of Zanthi fever. The collar unbuttoned, leaving a peek-a-boo of undershirt screams "here's a guy who knows how to raise a sexy step daughter". The look is consummated with sleeves that are rolled up past the wrist, exuding an air of enigma and braggadocio. Ladies, he's not a snake in the grass, but he may as well be a snake in the sheets!

Marc is often seen wearing an 'on trend' black hoodie embossed with chic white "Star Trek" embroidery that can only be purchased at exclusive Star Trek conventions. Get them while they're hot!

Attached: marc-alaimo-at-fedcon-18-FFH72G.jpg (866x1390, 124K)

reminder to report and ignore shitposting

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Rolled 2 (1d6)

Are they going to do the easter teams again this year? That was rad.

probably not
easter was a lot closer to april fool's last year

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Like if you're an ezri fan

Attached: SPICY.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>Yea Forums should be just like our home site of reddit!
Bootlicking retard.

Easter was ON April Fool's day last year


Is the Spooky perk a ghost or a skeleton? This is an important question and will decide what's about to happen here for the rest of the afternoon.

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>gay pedophile

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based Marc /fa/ poster

Attached: Star Trek Marc casual.jpg (576x720, 47K)

>implying we aren't tomboy lovers
Bashir is the luckiest motherfucker on that show

We’ll talk about it in the super secret Discord, Vee Eff.

skeleton, no ghosts


I'm corrupt? Whatever your angst is boring just give me likes so I can unlock spooky perk.

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this shit is why I just make my own threads.
underage tier shit-flinging.

Friendly reminder that if you're a fan of the Federation then you're a commie.💯

shut up nigger

>I'm corrupt?
Yes. You're a corrupt janny. Everyone knows it. Not sure why you're pretending we don't.
Typical faggot reply when they're beaten. Get murdered, champ. It'll be a lot more forgiving than what'll happen if you last until the culling starts.

Please put your trip back on so I can filter your asinine posts

Nah. Short haired girls are the ultimate straight guy magnet. If you don't like them, I'm sorry to say, it doesn't look good for you❌

What if I’m a fan of the Cardassians? What does that make me?
Cardassians > Romulans > Borg >>>>> shit >>>>> Klingons >>>>>>>>> double shit >>>>>>>>>>> Federation

organians>>>>>>>>>>everything else

They want to lick your boobs, and suck your feminine penis, BF.
I love you without needing to do that.

Attached: Diana Ewing.jpg (1329x1000, 155K)


The 2017 board combine was the best

Sorry you're gay. I feel bad for you

Dominion > all


>I posted pics of my pancake tits on the internet, why do I have stalkers?

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Attached: 80B2422F-CB9F-4A85-9301-B819DEB6FD08.gif (245x163, 628K)

Post-scarcity isnt the same thing as communism or Marxism.

Attached: 1550158448913.jpg (1280x1015, 329K)

Cardassians>Humans>Andorians>Romulans>>>>>>>>>>the rest
prove me wrong

>April Fool’s Day
>Actually says something intelligent
Joke is on us


do they show up in any other Trek series?

Attached: tos capellans.jpg (515x250, 135K)


shut up retard no one wants to be loved by a snitch bitch and your beta orbiting is creepy


why the FUCK hasn't my husbando (linus) appeared in std since episode 4?

Attached: theabsolutestateofstartrekonline.jpg (527x577, 97K)

Based verified poster

Friendly reminder that Anjohl Tennan did nothing wrong.😃

Attached: 134.png (1039x1047, 1.34M)

What was your major?

True, but also kind of silly for him to trust Winn. Guess the pussy does go to his head.

Attached: Star Trek DS9 SPOONED PART 2.jpg (707x530, 82K)


How is it that this guy spamming the thread with off topic shitposting and a signature never gets deleted, but other posts are? I think we know who the actual Janitor is and he does it for free.

Sorry Doctor Big Dick.



>bitching about posts on april fool's
based snitch bitch suffocating on his autism

Attached: bjd_star_trek_slouchy_purse-enterprise-model_1024x1024.jpg (680x1024, 99K)

data's painting is making me dizzy

Attached: 1342.png (1347x1067, 1.68M)

How can I get my verified checkmark, I'm a famous jewtuber.

the fug?!

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that sucks. I actually liked that episode.
this guy was really cool.

Attached: tos akaar.jpg (1024x764, 120K)

bum p

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If there are enough resources for everyone, hoarding resources for profit is a form of slavery.
I don't care for left or right wing extremism.
"There is a left wing and a right wing, but they are mostly for flapping. The bird brain lies in the center."
t. Crosley Bendix
Check out Negativland, BF.

Attached: 1530479609515.jpg (640x616, 46K)

Fuck off.

dumbass hippy

kill yourself, nigger

Reminder that Janeway wanted Tuvix dead regardless of what it meant for Tuvok and Neelix

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>Computer, give me some likes, please.

Attached: Galaxy-class_replicator.jpg (1000x750, 110K)

c r i n g e t r e k

too much ass

you think you're among friends but you are not

You new here fren?

Star Trek sucks.

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are you a furfag? you always post the same five pictures of the cat girl so is it a gimmick or do you seriously wish you were a cat girl who gets fucked by other cats?

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That particular form of faggotry did not last much beyond the date April 1st, 2019

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I am. Is this the thread where we talk about killing God and card game anime?

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I want to fuck her.

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I am not a furry, or a faggot. I am a troll, plain and simple. I am happy it upset you. Don't feed the trolls, dumbfuck.

Attached: Killy.jpg (550x746, 86K)


Attached: ahem.jpg (511x671, 85K)

TOS is overrated as fuck. Basically dumb boomercore.

none of your faggy soap opera versions of trek would exist without it.

unlikeable opinion, sorry💔

>homo sapiens wouldn't exist without monkeys like me and my dad!
Such a great argument.

test, because that's all generals are good for♨️

man didn't evolve from monkeys.
have you ever heard of the concept of a common ancestor? or course you haven't, too many cocks in your ears.


Attached: STD not Disco.jpg (600x400, 66K)


Attached: groke heart.jpg (400x299, 24K)

Go steal a TV or something, nigger.

You aren't a troll you're a retard and your posts are as barbed as Blando's. The only interesting thing about you is that you're likely BF's stalker.
Not an impressive résumé, I gotta say.

VF, why do you get to make low-quality, off topic posts that rarely get deleted?

His gimmick is crossposting with /wsg/

Have a low quality picture of BF when she was in high school

Attached: jess_em_semi04~2.jpg (239x286, 21K)

because I'm fun to have around and everyone I meet loves me and because the powers that be and I are old foes from a past life and they think it's funny to frame me or something

Attached: 8fda5a091b0263b5dc3f7a75cb928431.jpg (463x735, 33K)


Why are you posting my 10 year old prom photos from photobucket? And then people are like "you dont have stalkers BF fuck off".

Attached: tumblr_lrtzyh2Ao71qazivv.gif (460x345, 492K)

The majority of people outside your Discord hugbox do not like you

>tfw somebody likes you enough to figure out where you went to highschool

Attached: blue eyes faggot dragon.jpg (4000x4000, 893K)

I've got a grand 54 likes that say otherwise and I've only posted in /trek/ today but don't worry I love making friends with enemies!🙁

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based Nog

Attached: nog.jpg (1000x562, 54K)

>post pictures of yourself, your location, your name and place of work
>people figure out your name and google it and find more pictures of you
>this is considered stalking

Attached: jessica_alexsweat_semi04~2.jpg (141x338, 13K)

give me likes for posting torrestitties

Attached: 8547453897 - Copy.png (1418x1080, 2.11M)

I'm not into dickgirls. I namefag because it upsets (You). BF is here most every day, and consider her as a friend, Unlike (You), BashFag posts content, even if it is often off-topic.

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Gross, no

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very nice

If it's offtopic, it's not content, dumbshit

I would genuinely hire Nog at my company. He may be underqualified, but he's got a really positive attitude, workrate, desire to learn and an eagerness to get started. Those are all fine qualities and I value a good character, team player over qualifications - which can be learned. But you can't squeeze blood from a stone, you're better off investing time and money into someone who can improve than someone well skilled but incompatible in your organisation

i can post others

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damn, Janeway looks like THAT?

Attached: 45116.png (1216x923, 2.15M)

Next Generation>Star Trek>Deep Space Nine=Enterprise>Voyager>Discovery

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Now that's what I'm talking about💯

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I thought of her as kind of like a lost cousin of Tasha Yar and Sarah Connor for some reason.

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>*spock aint me starts playing*
>some folks are born made to trek the stars
>ooh theyre red gold and blue
>and when the viewscreen hails another space fag
>lord they point the canon at you
>spock aint me, spock aint me
>i aint no vulcan mans son, no
>spock aint me, spock aint me
>i aint no logical one no

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So how much longer until they come back for a piece of their action?

You didn't post anything relevant to the thread though, did you?
Post OC, or STFU.

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Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Attached: hahaha_time_for_4channel.jpg (855x1024, 458K)

Well you see, I'm posting under Anonymous and I don't have a signature/gimmick, so there isn't a way for you to tell which posts ITT are mine. I can assure you that I have been posting on topic, but what I'm doing is not relevant to the discussion about dumb namefags shitting up the threads with their off topic garbage.




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sometimes no content is better than your content
*beams out of thread*

I've got a good post but it's gonna get a lot of (you)s so can someone make q new thread thx

No. Make it yourself or fuck off.
