Here's your kino

here's your kino

Attached: theguild.jpg (1048x1500, 198K)

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Looks fun, thanks.

I'll credit it.
Felicia Day wanted to get more roles and couldn't break through into the mainstream so she went out and made her own show. That's something I can respect.
Here's you're kino.

Fuck Felicia, but I've been nostalgic for the early 00's MMO golden era lately. I'm finally gonna watch this; it better not be gay, OP.

Is this feminism?

what happened to the daily felicia day threads Yea Forums used to have?

Yes. Almost ten years ago this was feminism.

She stopped making them.

It wasn’t even that she couldn’t get roles it was that she couldn’t get roles as the pretty girl lead. I did like The Guild though.

nu/tv/ happened.
SK became a janni, i

Attached: 1554139525000.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

It was well written, showing that she had a good understanding of the MMO community.
I've always wondered why she never really took off as a writer, I know there is less money but it's a job that has a longer tail than acting.


Tourists leave

Attached: 1384540292183.gif (245x215, 989K)

I still come back to this every once in awhile for the comfyness. Always makes me wish I had been serious about a game like WoW and joined a guild and made other loser friends.

Instead of making her own show, she should have taken acting classes.

It's gay

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She cute

I'll just wait for the porn parody.


I thought she was afraid of nerds walking on the street with t-shirts on, why would she make a show catering to those evil scary nazi-nerds?

lol should have been called "the wall"