>Not hiring a bunch of Pajeets online to like all your 4channel posts

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I'm doing it 100% legit and I'm almost at a 1000, I'll soon ascend to skellyposter.

>tfw scorelet
Help plox

I have a harem of cunny liking my posts :^)

They are too busy pumping my latest shitcoin crypto scam of the week so that I can dump on all of the brainlets who FOMO in.

Just a typical day on /biz/

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ppl like your stuff if you dubz

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Yeah fuck having a job and being a productive member of society amirite guise

Fucking incel losers

I'd also like to sign up for classes

have sex, gain height, and get a clue

found the likelet incel loseršŸ˜‚


*hits a joint*

Itā€™s a trick to get replies for points! Donā€™t fall for it!

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It shows.

test, am I gonna make it bros

I am a skellyposter now, I have ascended
Basically, just be a shitposting master, ask for likes and attempt to make super witty posts to get likes, also post, post everytime you can, 1 post gives you two points, its how I built up my score.



>the current state of Yea Forums(el)

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Since I'm the only white guy here, I'm now hiring pajeets to like my posts.ā™Øļø

You are on your way, just relentlessly shitpost for as long as you can. Also, dino perk is unlocked at 700, dinoposters are 30% more likely to get likes so definitely get that perk as soon as you can.
Gotta have to work for it, I'll give you a like to help you on your way

like my posts


b-but that's cheating!

Reminder that low scores are cute

the fire rises

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being cute is for faggots who don't want to put the grind in

I got my 1000 score in an hour. Ha likelets make me sick, no work ethic.

my army of pajeets will now like this post

Let's get it done boys!
I'll grind till I die!

Dios mio el hehe!


Have a like, you're a bit late, though. I started grinding 5 hours ago and I'm just at 1000+, I still bbelieve you can do it. Never give up, user/

wtf you broke 4channel, good job

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>just be a shitposting master
But I'm too nice to do that

crashing this mal malloy archive forum with no survivors

Nice tripsāœ”ļø

>bu-bu-but muh first world STEM DEGREE

Sorry, user. It's the only way you'll make it. I believe in you user.

based & red pilled

You're gonna mak it bros

It was so easy to get likes at 1:00AM
Now people are so stingy with their likes even though liking a post increases your score. I've lost all hope in ever reaching skelestatus.

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It's okay to have a little like score as long as you have a nice personality

Being a skellyposter > Being a scorelet
Step your game up, anons


I just arrived home, what's this year's gimmick?

What is a like?

Genuine how do you like a post?




>giving money to literal subhumans

you are the reason they are taking over

Open bob.

Based redpilled sneed chuck bane CIA suck and fuck epic incel chad manlet benis bix nood

Best April fools.

I'm surrounded by cunts, fags, & traniesā€¦ ha ha.


You can get points by posting and getting likes, you can unlock perks through that and you can be a based dinoposter if yo0u're past 700 or a based skellyposter once your past 1000


Gimme likes so I can reach dino

write showscore in options field

Well I'm fucked because no one likes me.

What the fuuuck,

How the hell did you get 1140 points?

I must dedicate my life to shitpoasting on April fools. NIGGER, I GOT A JOB.

Gave you a like, you got 377 points to go before you're a dinoposter, you can make it user.
Gave you a like
You get 2 points by posting, I post alot so I can get alot of points. I have been ginding for points for 5 hours and theres still people who got more than me, I've seen people in the 2500s and even one who got 30000.

Rolled 3 (1d6)

>Gave you a like

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Can I get a few likes? I have to go to work in an hour and don't have the ability to grind out posts

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Well I have a harem of cunny licking mine.

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