Who started this whole trend pf white female and black male relationships in hollywood?

Who started this whole trend pf white female and black male relationships in hollywood?

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>ariana grande


No one it just happened

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I'm so sick of this /pol/ tier bullshit

Give one fucking reason the Jews stand to benefit from interracial relations

hm, I wonder who indeed

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Established white protestant males (like thomas edison) would justifiably exclude jewish people from their clubs, churches, businesses, etc. Jewish people had to rely on the dregs of society to make money due to being excluded. Thus hollywood, blaxploitation, etc. Was formed. White people being bored of going to church watched the jewish movies and allowed their culture to become tainted by its influence. If they had allowed jews in from the beginning, none of this wpuld have happened.

erasure of history and tradition; the creation of a uniform underclass

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does it fucking matter? None of us here are a blip on her radar. It's not a concern. Go back to /pol/

The Jews rarely do interracial relations/marriage and promote it worldwide so they become the only white race

Racial ambiguity means they no longer have a uniform ethnic "enemy"

I don't buy the idea of a unified conspiracy, but Jews DO seem to have a weirdly strange love for pushing degeneracy/racemixing/LGBT shit


pick one

>Who started this whole trend pf white female and black male relationships in hollywood?
Lighter-skinned females are universally seen as more feminine, while darker-skinned males are universally seen as more masculine.

Why is she trying so hard to look blacker?
she posted a video on instagram from when she was young and was just a normal white kid

If they allowed jews from the beginning Americans would have been extinct 250years ago

wait actual

Darker skin looks healthier. It's why blacks look like they hardly age

Makes her more popular with niggers.

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she never looked white

more like spics

Um, white women who like black males and black males who like white females? Other peoples tastes vary from yours, you know?

>he hasn’t read kevin macdonald

They believe that as long as there is ethnic nationalism in the world it will inevitably lead to pograms against Jews

>literal pseudoscience

Lmao she wants to be black so bad, I wonder how long it'll be before she becomes transracial.

All social science is pseudoscience. Funny how Kevin Macdonald was widely respected in his field until his work became popular with anti-semites.

Because it make a more striking contrast for a visual medium.

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What? They're one of the most mixed racial groups i the world- They just trace lineage from mother-to-daughter, so when the marriage dies off the kid is still jewish.

>Jews DO seem to have a weirdly strange love for pushing degeneracy/racemixing/LGBT shit
It's not weird-They're historically non-conforming to culture and bonded to things like civil rights, gay rights, etc.

But she's hot

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You know who

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The real reason:

Hollywood wants to increase diversity because everyone keeps bitching about it. The safest way to do this is to cast a black man, because black men are more marketable than black women.

That's literally it. It isn't some scheme, they're just greedy cowards.

>Give one fucking reason the Jews stand to benefit from interracial relations
I guess there are multi levels but I think it's designed to trigger white men and there fuel racial tension.

Is it really the jews fault that white women are repulsed by you? Or do you have other flaws that women would find undesirable?

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Here's your ass bro

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That's it you're not getting a like from me friend

>white female and black male relationships

*giggles like a girl* tihihihihih!

Nobody is stealing white women nigger, they are the least likely to race mix. What is happening however is that there are way over-represented interracial couples (black male white female, one of the least common in real life) being pushed by all forms of media by jews. Fuck off with your disingenuous meme. You’re the same kind of retard that thinks race realism is dangerous because “lol why not just kill them all then if they have lower iq.” Nobody is buying it anymore kike.

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literally all you incels do is cry about how too many white women are banging nigs. Stop damage controlling because it's embarrassing.

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if you incels are all IRL chads and whites can compete sexually with blacks...why are you so afraid and bitter about anything contrary to it? Why is it an issue if the jews aren't keeping you virgins? Unless....

White women aren’t banging nigs though. It’s literally only shown in fiction. Just like how black peoples most successful city, Wakanda, is fictional. Literally niggers can only have what they want in fiction.

Faggot, I only play EU. Pic related is my rig BTW

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You realize white women are the least likely to race mix right? I’m 99% sure you’re an asian “male” because if there is actually a group of women being stolen not based in fiction, it’s asian “men.” Yellow women looooove the bwc and you can’t do anything about it my little hapa friend. The other 1% chance is that you’re a nigger.

I bet mommy is really proud

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>In the host country, any kind of historical or cultural symbol of european culture must be crushed to make way for the progressive society of tomorrow
>When back in Israel, litteraly sterilize niggers and mow down arabs with missiles
Things that make you go hmmm

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so what's the problem? I guess it's all a big lie and the stereotype about you being a bunch of bitter incels blaming the jews for it is wrong...why are you so butthurt about what "your" women have sex with?

Does it suck being a part of a race that has an average iq of 85 even in first world countries?

I'm a jew so I have the highest IQ in the world and literally am sitting on a goy slave I use as a chair atm

Educate yourself nigger

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Nobody is blaming anyone. We are literally just noticing things in media and asking why. You sound like a schizo hapa manlet incel.

Yup, hapa, nigger or discord tranny confirmed.

I've spent a lot of time on /pol/ and I've determined the "JQ" is just being salty jews are smarter/more successful than you

It's the feet that sell it

but all you creatures do is cry it's literally genocide. What were all of you things waddling about in Charlotsville I mean?

Mandigo film

What’s up John?

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>JQ is limited to /pol/
>JQ started with /pol/

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I mean that is p much the case. /pol/ or other incel boards I guess.

Why do you call others incels when you’ve literally never had sex?


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You can be a virgin and not an incel

Equally, you can be a virgin and still name the incel. Hell you can be a incel and still name the incel.

Let me give you a hint it starts with a J and ends with an oven


Wait, you’re actually a virgin? OHHHH NOOO NOOO NOOO. Have sex john and stop spamming cuck porn, it won’t get you laid.

Your mom

Imagine being this much of a narrow retard.

Jews in hollywood. You can actually see some flicks with black male white female in the background during the 1920s AKA JIM CROW times.

lmao you’re an incel

Blacks are very fucking dumb, jews dont require mind games to dominate blacks they can just use violence to control them like they do with Palestinians. They seek to rule the world and the easiest way to do that is to dumb down all intelligent goyim using nigger DNA.

No it because you are evil sandniggers destroying our nations for no reason.

discord trannys why are you always seething?

Here, this will help


she's white af, she's just started doing blackface a few years ago because it helps her career.

Everyone in this thread is a fucking idiot. Kim Kardashian started this trend when she got famous for putting Ray J's dirty snickers bar in her poopshoot sorry Ye but it's true

that's some seriously disgusting "food"

He’s a hapa who posts cuck porn and hates white men because his white dad fucked his whore asian mother. He’s mad that asian girls prefer white men over asins so he starts race bait threads and spams blacked porn. Oh, he’s also a virgin. See:

Sidney Poitier. Dude has been starring in BLACKED fanfics back in the 50's and 60's.
>A Patch of Blue
>Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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Nice try Schlomo we’re onto you start packing your bags you’re getting evicted again

That's not her.

Ariana a cute

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joos obv


>post yfw you realize this is SIX YEARS OLD

Why did she get famous? Jews in Hollywood that promoted this stuff thats why. I remember being on vacation in Finland and saw an ad of a black man and white woman in a mall, this is Finland where there arent even 500,000 niggers what the unholy shit.

It’s all a big coincidence heheh

Then who is it?

Joke's on them. People hate jews ragardless of race or religion.

upvoted and gave gold

Dunno, but Ari's ankles/feet don't look like that.

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>Jews in hollywood. You can actually see some flicks with black male white female in the background during the 1920s AKA JIM CROW times.

Heh, good thing I have this pale camouflage >:)
>slithers away

>Why did she get famous? Jews in Hollywood that promoted this stuff thats why. I remember being on vacation in Finland and saw an ad of a black man and white woman in a mall, this is Finland where there arent even 500,000 niggers what the unholy shit.
So you're saying that out of all the ads you walked past, you immediately noticed and remembered that particular ad?

And you were asking why marketers would do this?

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>oy vey its nothing to worry about goy

Bitter incel

Yeah, that pic is not her. It was on some nobodys instagram.

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I can confirm this guy is literally sitting on me as I type this

Alter the color of populations? It's like a superpower, very potent threat to many different types of people.

Jews constantly fear whites will gas them❌

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google "Kalergi Plan"

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lol commiecel spotted


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I wonder how well the trannifa will fare in urban collapse combat against brownshirts with their infected crotch wounds.

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That was me, sorry

No one but hollywood bitches about diversity

His facial reaction sides in orbit.

Peggy Lipton (Rashida Jones' mom)

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it's a real head scratcher, I guess we'll never know for sure...

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We'll just have 4hr dilation breaks in combat! It's all good!


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that's not true at all, I know a ton of people who are half jew half something else, white usually.
I think they did it on purpose to blend in more, or draw off the heat if you will.

>I think they did it on purpose to blend in more, or draw off the heat if you will.
Believe it or not it's actually.......living a short existence on Earthy happily doing what you enjoy by your own accord. Hopefully one day incels will figure out the same secret.


You sound like you have no testicles.

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this used to be comical because what an absurd pairing; now you're racist if this isn't the first relationship you put in a movie