Why is a character staring out of a window of a highrise building overlooking a city such a common scene; It always...

Why is a character staring out of a window of a highrise building overlooking a city such a common scene; It always makes me feel peaceful

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false flag, those feet are disgusting

Is Vancouver a shit city?

Attached: rooney-mara.jpg (1332x850, 185K)

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*laughs like a little girl* tihihihi!

Attached: Ghost_in_the_Shell_Kusanagi_Motoko-11698.png!d.png (1600x900, 574K)

>is that my career I see in the distance?

Attached: Emma Watson.jpg (700x525, 294K)


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Post music to listen to while staring out of a window

Attached: Fight_Club_Tyler_Durden_Edward_Norton_movies_Helena_Bonham_Carter-169866.jpg!d.jpg (1440x900, 201K)

>Band aids on back of feet
>Disgusting veins
>Ugly Canadian dyke

Please elaborate on how this practice is "Reddit".

probably because its low effort the shot


Attached: 1920x1080_px_Cityscape_Lost_In_Translation_Scarlett_Johansson-559107.jpg!d.jpg (1600x900, 195K)

>Band aids on back of feet
To stop shoes rubbing
>Disgusting veins
Circulatory system
>Ugly Canadian dyke
That's just mean

Attached: 53740010_2108459165896656_3119596849453339447_n.jpg (1080x1350, 273K)

its the most depressing city in Canada

what's the first movie that did this?