>Lois, did you know that blacks are only the 15% of the total US population, yet they are responsible for over 50% of the murder rate?
Calm down Hal
>Lois, did you know that blacks are only the 15% of the total US population, yet they are responsible for over 50% of the murder rate?
Calm down Hal
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Is he right? That's a crazy statistic. Why aren't more people talking about that?
No he's incorrect the murder rate is a lot higher.
Your not allowed.
Hal's joking right? haha
i hope everyone ITT knows why the titanic really sunk
Wood doors you say?
Where did you red that Malcom?, 4channel?
To create the federal reserve?
That can't be right, blacks can't into statistics.
hal only had black friends and didn't like white people
I wonder if whites would have the same stats if they were enslaved and disenfranchised.
What if I told you that it’s even worse? Half of the black population is male. Male niggers, are 7.5% of the population and are the ones responsible for 50% of all murders.
>what was the ottoman empire
How big do you think his cock was?
>Stevie, statistically you're more likely to have a lower IQ and commit more violent crime than I am!
Why was Malcolm being such a dick to Stevie?
If non-black gentile were to know the truth about niggers, blacks would be either exterminated or deported back to Africa overnight. The nigger cannot stop acting subhuman so the jew must censtor the hundreds of violent crimes they commit on a half hourly basis in a single American city.
If you want to understand better listen to a police radio in a black majority city it is completely fucking insane how much crime the cause in one day.💢
that stat is different every time I see a stormtard post it
Why do they act this way?
It gets worse the further back in time you go
13% causes half crime
7% causes half crime
2% causes half crime
Blacks are 12%, not 15%.
You also have to discount elderly black people, black children, and most black women.
Most murders are committed by black men in their late teens to 30s.
So it's more like 4-5% of the US population commits 50% of all violent crime.
That's fucking ridiculous, though, because race doesn't exist, you fucking Nazi.
>stats lie
Blacks have behaved this way long before white people even biologically existed meaning it is completely impossible to change them.
Good you just confirmed jews are behind censoring black savagery.
So its still blacks, correct?
>Some ancestor being a slave explains murdering someone for their Jordan's in the present
Take that shit back to /pol/
Alot of it has to do with gangs. My cousin was a teacher in a school for impoverished kids basically meaning its 98% poor black kids and 2% poor hispanics and he said it was gangs.
Most of these kids are 5-9 years old and already know all the gang signs because that's what they're raised in. Father is usually in jail, mother works all hours of the day and cant pick them up, most of the time it's actually a grandparent who is the only person at home and they don't give a shit what the kid does as long as they do their homework.
Their only option is to walk home where they're easy targets. Gangs come up to them and just say
>hey we'll protect you from bullies if you do us a small favor and run this "package" to someone
and they're just raised on that. Here in North Florida it's pretty prevalent. Most of the time you see kids under 18 shooting up downtown trying to get rival gangs.
Don't think you can really blame anyone for this, you cant force kids into after-school programs where they'd be safe from these gangs and the only parent you can really talk to is the grandma or grandpa who just don't care.
>if they were enslaved and disenfranchised
you mean when