this year's game is pretty shit if compared to last year, not even gonna play it desu
This year's game is pretty shit if compared to last year, not even gonna play it desu
I'm sorry you don't have any likes jewbro.
>tfw no fun board mix again
just like another shoah, innit?
do you wish likes where shekels?
maybe, anyways, have trips
lol pickle. Pretty ironic don't you think? He could turn himself into a picke but not others.
don't reply to be shabbos
who else here partying like it's 2011 again?
idk tbqh smfh famalam lads desu baka
i will not sleep until i got my spooky
Not a story a sneedposter would tell you...
Alright, get a (you) too.
Look at him go! Cute!💙
yeet my nigga
Upvoting is kinda shit, you could easily get a high score but it'd be just low quality baiting, I'm not even gonna bother
imagine posting on Yea Forums THIS much
1 like =1 dead jew
i liked you now like me back fren
seething likelet LMAO
get on my level you scrub😂
epic /pol/jack dude
Gonna be honest not really a big fan of these Jewish fellows