I'm putting together a team

I'm putting together a team.
One question is...

Are you in?

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Like & reply and I'm in

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wtf those animals look funny :)

I'm in... One last time.

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this the dream team jack

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I already have my team pal

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Pshhhhh them bitch-ass niggas ain’t even dropped a single.

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Okay but one rule, there are no rules

Alright i'm in
But no funny business

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You have my chord.

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>Your score: 6

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And my box!

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only if you like my post

Just when I thought I'm out... They pull me back in.

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I swore to never do it again...

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here fren, let's get the band back together!👣

I'll play you guys in

And- a- one And- a-two And- a-three And- a- four And- a- Five And- a- six And- a- seven

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You three seem hopeless... I guess you'll need me.

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Daddy's gotta go to work

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Hell... I got nothin better to do👌

That’s a bull terrier like the target dog. It’s a reddit approved white boi dog.

And my blubber!

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I'm the getaway driver. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours.

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What do *I* get out of this?

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Hey guys! What's this I hear about putting together a team? Can I join?

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They always underestimate the Mastermind.

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You'll need a wildcard. That's where I come in

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im in

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Unfortunately... Not

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No way.

I'm out of the game. *inhales cigarette*


I've got a good life here.

Why should I risk it all...

...for one last job?

Tell me.

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Based on several meowgorithms, I estimate the success of this operation at around 136% percent

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Professor Phineus Enguin at your service, gentlemen. I have a broad range of knowledge, but my specialties are applied physics, chemistry, and ... exotic weaponry.

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How many times have I said "one last job"?
Aw hell, youd never make it out without me.
Besides, what's the harm in one last job

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Tell me about the pittie. Why does he wear the mask?

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Someone called for a sweet talker?

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Only to avenge the death of my fallen comrade

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>Is he good?
>He's in his own league. Although I have to warn you, he is somewhat... unconventional.

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>all these ugly pets in this thread...

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is that a fucking vampire chinchilla?

And my braps!

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You'll need a smuggler

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They won't see me coming

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Wait’ll they get a load of me.


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bork bork🐶

>Y-You'll need a... cuckold beta

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gentlemen ...

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You can always count on us Goodfeathers🐧

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*gives you toxoplasmosis*
nothin personel kiddo🐱

Break me out and I’ll help you boys

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You'll need some hugs

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Im in

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Waving Bear reporting in.

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Count on me

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Lets do it

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I knew I should've stayed home today

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Holy shit. What kind of cat is that?

you don't need to be a human to be an EARTH ROCKER

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I'll protect you

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This time, I’ll make things right

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You're gonna need someone who can release you from your suffering.

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>white boi dog.
the interesting thing is that, like white people, Bull Terriers have been so inbred that they all have self-destructive mental issues and they look fucking retarded

Sorry but I work alone

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That's a horrible thing to say

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I'm on my way!

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You're gonna need me

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He is here.

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I'm a little out of shape right now

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We're in

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Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All Systems Nominal.

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Yo lil Donnie...
I'm in.

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Quiting my job now and coming to join you.

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>at around 136 percent percent

he corn too big for he gotdamn mouf