Why the media blackout?

Why the media blackout?

Attached: Unplanned.2019.webm (320x180, 2.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:


people actually believe this is how it looks on the ultrasound? LOL

Because realizing they killed their baby makes roasties cry

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There's an article on drudge. I didn't read it but I saw the link this morning.❤️

more realistic than all the magical nigger fairy tales

God’s Not Dead But Your Baby because You Got An Abortion

you sound mad. That webm shows how unrealistic the scene looks.

This movie looks like an abortion.

During the abortion it looks exactly like that. The fetus literally tries to fight for it's life, to the best of it's ability anyway.

Why do women love to kill their babies so much?

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are you denying all the magical nigger shows are unrealistic

Why don't women just not get cum in?
Seem easier.
I've been alive for 24 years, and no one has ever cum in me.

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>implying there needs to be a media blackout when the only people who know whatever this even is doesn't post the name of the fucking source
saged and hidden

they are and they all are shit. Still doesn't step away from the fact that the ultrasound looks unbelievably fake. The fetus is moving far too much.

t. abortion clinic worker

no it doesn't, because the fetus isn't alive. Only exception if it's a late term abortion, but even then you'd be hard pressed to find a doctor willing to approve that unless the woman itself was incapable of giving birth and a c-section would kill the baby anyway. Even PP itself won't do them without enough reasons because their doctors don't want to be accused of murder by pissed off grandparents/relatives. This is what fuels the abortion industry along Mexico's border.

t. sister had to get an abortion because the spawn was a genetic failure and would have bankrupted her

imagine willingly being a party to murder

Because everyone's busy liking this post

Open bobs

>doesn't look at the filename
newfag be gone

you're severely overestimating them, my ex got at least three abortions over the span of five years when she had a drug habit. In the end her insurance stopped covering it unless she took birth control pills, and she shat out two useless niggers that have already been in and out of jail.

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I call it what it is. Population control.

>The fetus is moving far too much.
So the fetus does struggle during the abortion

still more realistic than a white character on netflix

You mean a white character portrayed in a positive light.


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>kills babies for money
Wow. If there is a Hell you are DEFINITELY going there. Enjoy your eternal torment buddy.

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>Fetus isn't alive

because it's softcore porn, I unironically nutted during the scene. Moralfags need not apply.

>hard to find late term abortion

Come to America! Land of the free!

Are you black or something?

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Post-term abortions are the best.



Abortion is fucking disgusting

Mal is that you?

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because they love cum

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I'm Catholic. Repenting on my deathbed senpai. Keep being upset over a fetus.

Only for non-whites.
White women should not be allowed to abort their babies (unless the father isn't white).

someone got paid to make this


What even was that garbage?

It isn't in the same way a braindead comatose person is. The fetus is on life support in the same way someone who experiences brain death is, but instead of a machine it's another person. By the time it has enough of a brain to be considered alive a doctor will have to do a c-section instead of a normal abortion in order to not kill the woman.

(not that it would matter anyway, most abortions are niggers and more dead niggers is always good especially when sterilization of felons is no longer allowed)

It doesnt work like that, sinner

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Post sauces

Even a jelly fish reacts to outside stimuli and those are only technically a lifeform.

>fetus isn't alive
Based, we should start killing 1 year old babies as well since they aren't alive either.

God I wish that was me

>mfw right wingers don't realize that roe v wade is what says the government can't control your body
>mfw it's overturned and then a liberal government is now free to ban you from eating doritos and can force you to take vaccines, no exceptions, etc.

good one conservatives, thanks for giving the government more power

There is literally no "pro life" argument that doesn't boil down to
>b-b-but MUH FEELINGS!!!!

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I'll like your post just because you're mad.

Here's hoping Amy Schumer's spawn is the poster child for those new post term abortions.

wahhh wahhh wahhh boo hooo hooo fucking faggot

I live in the US, CA even. Even here doctors won't do it over a certain weight/body mass, which is the real issue for them in preforming a successful late term abortion. If they can't get it out normally they'd have to operate, but then (by the rules of their own medical license) they have to consider it against a c-section. And women on Medi-Cal are often pushed into a birth anyway since c-section + incubator costs are lower than a surgical abortion. This is how the state of California unintentionally finances spic anchor babies because even the ones who want to kill their spawn are often not allowed to without wrecking their credit rating.

They cant make up their minds on what the government should be allowed to do

Bottom line, abortion is black population control so I'm for it

>I'm Catholic. Repenting on my deathbed senpai.
God and the universe don't have loopholes. The weight of ever baby you've murdered will weigh on your soul at your judgement.

>doesn't even understand Catholicism
lmao guess who's going to Hell

Line up every nigger and shoot them. Put all their spawn into boats and sink them. Gas their churches. Jews next.

Leave no survivors.

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Is there a way to let niggers continue to get abortions but make it illegal for white women to?

Just don't have sex lol.

Imagine carrying about something that barely even qualifies as a person

>wanting white women to have racemixed babies

ew, gross also fuck off jew

We keep em comforble.

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That little dude getting the SUCC of his life. Not bad desu😃

The filename is Spoiler Image

It has a heartbeat. It's alive. Good trapping for (You)s and points though.

This is the reason the movie was rated R? What the fuck?

pregnancy licence

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Except it does. I go to confession every Sunday and am washed clean of my sins. I'll be enjoying heaven, where all those unbaptized babies won't be.

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's

People keep treating the symptom, rather than the disease. Abortion would never have been legalised if non-whites weren't in white countries. It's really that simple.

You're a lot of things, but Catholic isn't one of them.

Mal malloy google group
Except whites/latin/natives are the ones having all the abortions and birth problems
Literally children of men 2006

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why are conservative reactionaries so dumb? these people would literally eat their own shit in public to "own the libs"

At what stage of development does the brain have enough neurons to form a memory? I think that would be the point where you can start calling the baby an individual. Anything before that could be replicated with cloning methods at no loss.

They actually pierce the skull and vacuum out the brains before cutting the rest up with scissors, then vacuuming it out piece by piece.
I suppose that was too gruesome for tv though.

Humans can live without their heart, therefore presence of a heartbeat is not indicative of life. Every person with a pacemaker (artificial heartbeat generator) is walking proof of it.

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Yeah, that's not how Catholicism works. You think God the all-knowing, all-seeing deity can't tell when you try to trick Him? Spastic.

I mean that's basically whats happening right now anyways. The white women that get abortions are too dumb to be breeding or have jamaal's kid squirted into them after a party hookup.

Abortion is fucking based when you look at it like a legal eugenics program

is this a pro or anti abortion movie?

It's not a trick. Catholic dogma has these loopholes. Much like the pope cleansing the sins of those who gave him money.

Enjoy being upset!

>doesn't know what a pacemaker is

>hispanics massively controlling their populations

Sounds good to me

>mfw the government mandates that sperm banks stock 50% black sperm and the woman doesn't get to choose which sperm she uses

my favorite thing about conservatives is that they hate abortions but also the vast majority of people that get abortions are those of color

it's like they want more baby niggers and spics flooding the country

lmao what bullshit is this?

probably pro, the idea of running over niggers gets me hard anyway but snapping their babies necks makes me drizzle precum

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My earliest memory is probably several months old to 2 years old (clearly)
What I think is fucked up is letting teenagers and single digits take hormones and get surgery aka jazz

>phonefag and newfag

cringing at right wingers desu
retards the lot of them

>I go to confession every Sunday and am washed clean of my sins.
You are only absolved of sins that you ask for absolution for and THEN make your best effort possible to not commit again. You can't commit murder, be absolved, and then plan to murder the next week. It literally doesn't work like that.

Oooooh, you were adding your weird "cucktholic" shitposting to your other shitposting. Got it now. What a bizarre way to live your life. Pretending to be Catholic on the internet to try to paint them a certain way.

Do you really, genuinely not have better things to do with your life?

Asian hapa Master race sounds fine.
T. Aussie

I'm a conservative but freely available abortions are a proxy eugenics program so I'm cool with it anytime before 20 weeks

Interesting how abortion is only a controversial political topic in third world countries.

>human rights
Fetuses are human beings.

Abortion =/= Murder.

I'll like your post since you're so upset. Stop trying so hard.

would have gotten a NC-17 rating if it showed that

I mean in an ideal world abortion would be recognized as the atrocity it is

Unfortunately right now the atrocity of abortion isnt as big as the atrocity that is black "kultcha"

>The fetus literally tries to fight for it's

Attached: pope abortion.png (710x248, 24K)

Blood is pumping. It's alive. Good trapping for (You)s and points though.

>freely available abortions are a proxy eugenics program
This would be true if only low IQ people got abortions, but guess what, the higher a person's IQ goes the less children they have.

As per that chart I posted their births are declining more then whites Asians and basically every other non native/Hispanic race at least in America

Why is this? Not just isolated to America either 30% of men are virgin's ain't even even born in countries where they currently inhabit

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>Why do women love to kill their babies so much?
because the women want to go out and have fun or get a career or some shit and a little brat is going to get in the fucking way
Honestly as a child feeling like you're not wanted feels terrible and makes for a fucked-up adult; sometimes I feel like the aborted were better off.

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Pro-life Nazis remind me of the Confederates who would go on hours-long screeds about the inferiority and worthlessness of blacks, only to finish up with a demand that they be allowed to import more of them from Africa. You're advocating for the eventual ruin of society.

So I hope you don't masturbate either since that's killing away possible life. And let's not forget how the Old Testament had abortion in it.

in an ideal world post-birth abortions would be legal again and all niggers, spics and their jewish masters would be finally dealt with.

It tries to crawl away fro the blender/tongs that are used to dismember and vacuum it out.

lol wut

conservatives never grow, they die. Over time, the current progressives take the place of dead conservatives as the new generations move forward. The world is getting more and more connected. White people need to be kinder or die from the overwhelming pressure of the rest of the world.

Why is abortion all of a sudden a hot topic? I swear every boomer on my facebook feed mentions it no matter the subject matter.

Not talking about a memory you can remember but a memory that has formed. Even if you forget, they will influence the basis of your personality development. And with that make you unique with your own personal, individual, subjective point of view.



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>Blood is pumping. It's alive.

is this alive? it's a machine.

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I don't masturbate.

>doesn't understand the difference between a gamete and a zygote
>when confronted with the pope's actual words, he immediately gives up his 'pretending to be catholic' shtick

Some Christfags made a shock film about abortion and Fox News posted an article shilling it.

That's not the same as an abortion. That's just being smart with BC

i too, saw idiocracy. Quality education programs go a long way to improving general quality of life.

Now put a jelly fish into a bowl and try to remove it with instruments. See how it will react to those attempts.

Except I am Catholic. You're so upset. Have a like.

>no fap loser is a christcuck

>the higher a person's IQ goes the less children they have.
And they also get fewer abortions. Try to follow the conversation.

abortion is like gun control in that it's very divisive and nobody could come up with a solution that satisfies all parties. Also europe allows all sorts of abortions but bans guns, and since liberals fetishize europe this causes them to not think critically.

when you're into it and enjoying it it's hard to pull out
Your body by default makes you want to cum inside and the girl's body is exactly the same way. You have millions of years of evolution that wants to do everything in its power to make you cum inside a pussy and you're trying to force it the other way because you're not ready to procreate.
Sometimes the biology wins.

somebody should have aborted you

You should've been aborted. :^)

God, the lengths you're going to to justify the killing of babies.
You're a baby killer. A murderer.

Gee it's almost like there is a shadow eugenics program where they only want dumb immigrants and worker bees to breed
So non self aware memories? I find genetic memory infinitely more interesting

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>Except I am Catholic
>but I ignore the Pope and Catholic dogma when it comes to both abortion and Confession

I just have sex with my wife instead of wanking. You should try sex sometime. It's pretty fun.

You might be right. Too late now though.

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>I just have sex with my wife instead of wanking.

t. virgin

You can try to justify it all you want. You know abortion is murdering a baby and a sick and selfish act.

technically you're classed as dead when you have no brain activity, the heart is just a muscle to keep your brain oxygenated, and in that image im assuming it has a brain, so yes it's alive.

but if I don't want to keep a baby, who is going to keep it for me?

what about the millions of other orphaned kids? what kind of lives are they living?

t. Roastie enabler

Btw dont fucking like this

Genetic memory can be replicated by cloning at no information loss. Not so much luck with neural patterns.

guilty as charged.

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Whatever makes you feel better about plugging your arse with a finger while choking yourself just to achieve an orgasm these days.

>make thread on abortion on /pol/
>nobody takes the bait because the idea of 500,000 less black children being born every year is of unquestionable value to society

>make thread about abortion on /pol/
>larping christcucks crawl out of the woodwork like termites to express how immoral it is

What happened?

You're not here to talk about television or film.

>you lived long enough to see feminism turned into a Nazi-like eugenics cult
Like pottery

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okay why not get a morning after pill then

its 40 dollars, that wont bankrupt you

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How can right-wingers hate nigger AND be against abortion?
Protip guys. If you hate dirty minorities. You should be proud abortion

too late. You've been liked.

guess why🐁

like if you like abortions and dead nigger

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yeah i dont get it either. i got called an election shill when i questioned why people suddenly got morals about killing fetuses while they laugh at shit like 9/11 and christchurch

The white birthrate declined incredibly and they want it to go back up, perhaps?

Truthfully though, it's just that the population of /pol/ got older and therefore learned that conserving your country isn't done by merely preventing non-whites from having babies, but by cherishing and loving your country's history, religion, people and culture. The key is to make abortion illegal, but also remove non-whites so they aren't a factor anymore. /pol/ just learned what being ethnonationalist really means, beyond merely "less black babies = good".

What is this from? Please help a filthy phonenigger.

"Reactionary" literally means reactionary. It's not a coherent belief system, just contrarian opposition to whatever liberals want.

>Yea Forums 2008: Hahaha pedobear is our mascot, faggot nigger nigger faggot, free speech over everything, fuck politics both political parties are fucking retarded
>Yea Forums 2018: if you even joke for one instance that you or anyone else have ever done anything suggestive at all towards a child you are automatically guilty, support Republicans and owning teh libz over everything including free speech, we should believe Kavanaugh until proven guilty but nobody else if they aren't on OUR side, if you try to not talk about politics on non-political boards you're a JEW KEK
partly contrarianism as has always been in vogue here, other part reddit invaders that think they are in good company

whoa liberals are the real racists!

>Catholic dogma has these loopholes.
I noticed that in not one of what I'm assuming to be (You)r posts was there any mention of God, Jesus, or belief.
Have you literally never opened a bible?

fat desu

new movie Unplanned

Yea Forums is full of christfags and their kike masters

Fertility = number of children had in a women's lifetime. Low fertility aren't birthproblems/defects. It means the millennial Latinas aren't having 5+ kids like their mothers before them.

thanks fren

time to register as a dem. dems doing good work eradicating niggers

It started extremely high brainlet

non-ironically actual KKK white supremacy guys started buying into the larp and set up shop on pol

Then the election happened and facebook boomers found r/the_donald and were gradually directed here by faggots

Remember a few years ago when Planned Parenthood got in trouble because it got revealed they were trading baby organs on the black market?

This user knows.

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that got memory holed quickly

Yeah the morning after pill has probably prevented millions of abortions; it's one of the best things we've come up with in a long time.
There's still some dumb broads that still don't get it though, and probably a lot of dumb guys too.
The problem isn't the $40 (forty bucks vs. raising a fucking kid for 18 yrs) it's more likely ignorance and stupidity.

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Apparently you're alive without a functioning brain.

You've just invented a causal relationship to justify your retarded beliefs. The white birthrate already fell to sub-replacement levels in the 60s, a decade before abortion was legalized, because of no-fault divorce, birth control, and women being allowed in the workplace. Abortion had almost fuck all to do with it, and banning it will end up having the same effect that it had in 1970s Romania: A one-year bump in birthrate followed by reversion to the mean as Romanian women got more cautious about using birth control and having sex.

This is why I only watch cream pie porn. Shooting it anywhere other than up in the guts is against gods will.


Yeah once they get 2 way body mind interfaces going shits gonna get real interesting.
Human brains are only read only atm.
Once they take the write protect off and get people to successfully retain downloaded/uploaded info we will literally be in the matrix
Newfag I was on pol back when it was news and pol news then remembered when it got shit canned and came back
I've always been anti abortion but pro eugenics
Sadly modern pol is dogshit
And? Brapgenics
It's not just them having less kids it's also more birth complications defects and deformities as well as difficulty conceiving in the first place
Falling testosterone and sperm counts in western men seem to be a isolated case as well it's all very fishy

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Sooo you're saying the solution to war, hunger, poverty, homelessness, and planet degradation is to murder babies? And I'm the bad guy?

>the white birthrate already fell to sub-replacement levels in the 60s
*in America

Your entire post refers to America. You're an idiot. I'm talking about white countries.

It was more along the lines of them "donating" tissue in exchange for "donations".

I know this is exaggerated but do they really vacuum it out with such force that it gets mulched?

By that logic, there's literally no argument thay doesn't boil down to
>muh feelings

sometimes they snip the baby into pieces first

Late term abortions are the only solution for people who decide they want an abortion too late. It doesn't matter whether the creature is alive or dead, all that matters is how much energy you put into it. Killing a 4 year old is wasteful because they're not old enough to have been useful, but they've also used up the majority of the development energy and coddling, but "killing" a 0 minute old baby is saving tons of energy because you don't need an adult to care for that soul-sucking creature for its entire lifetime.

All that effort and the nigger population still isn't going down even if niggers kill themselves by the dozens in places like Baltimore and Chicongo.
The fuckers breed like rabbits.

>do they really vacuum it out with such force that it gets mulched
There is a blender mechanism in the first few inches of the vacuum.

You're doing god's work sister! :clap: :clap:💯

you've been brainwashed by PR jews

>if you won't raise my baby for me then I might as well just kill it now
Therein is the real crux of the issue. Female entitlement and the nanny state. Remove any and all welfare benefits for single mothers and watch unwanted pregnancies all but disappear overnight.

And you can feel it too
I remember I was with my ex one time and we didn't have condoms and we were laying around and chilling and we kind of wanted to have sex but we were too lazy to go to walmart that late at night
And we started just kissing and making out and next thing you know I'm behind her with my dick out and you can literally feel the millions of years of biology pushing hard on you
Next thing we know she's on her belly and I slid my dick in and I had never had sex without a condom before, it was a beautiful feeling just warm and a big grin came over my face.
Then I remembered and snapped out of it and pulled it out and she got majorly pissed, I mean she didn't want to have kids anyway but it feels terrible to interrupt. We seriously ended up having a fight over it until I ran over to Walmart to get the condoms

Who wants ICEES?

>soul-sucking creature for its entire lifetime.
>Liberals hate babies
>Liberals projecting
Imagine my shock.

It's really not all that exaggerated outside of the ultrasound part. It's like getting sucked through a garbage disposal.

How can something with a heartbeat not be alive you brainlet

"I never knew you, depart from me"

highlight the fucking "Spoiler Image"
search unplanned.2019

Because fuck people

Guns aren't used in abortion procedures so I'm not seeing the comparison.

That's pretty funny actually

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Because reality might trigger people

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That's exactly what he's arguing for. That a heartbeat doesn't determine whether something is alive or not.

I’ll pray for your soul

>Once they take the write protect off and get people to successfully retain downloaded/uploaded info we will literally be in the matrix
That may need artificial implants acting as access nodes for memory chips that can then be accessed like real memories and switched out. The implants is threaded into all the sensory parts of the brain to emulate the memory experience and the chips has the code to make the implant stimulate the brain in the appropriate ways. The neural threading of the implant will probably get more and more connections with the brain every time a chip is used, so it may have side effects when becoming a dominant "void" memory when no chip is playing. And the brain doesn't like "void", so it'll be manufacturing random stuff and making you remember it as if it were a real memory. Could lead to rampant memory pollution. Geez, no wonder we're not there yet, this stuff is fucking complicated.

ayy lmao

It does tho. Anybody who thinks otherwise had let the jews warp their mind

Abortion isn't even a debate in any white countries outside of America. Ireland just voted for abortion 2:1, for instance. And the birth rate there has been in the toilet for decades in spite of it being illegal the entire time.

Same logic applies here though. You could spend your time fighting for less immigration or something actually impactful, instead you bitch about this shit first figuring it will all work out if your "kill the shitskins" policy can just gain popular support immediately after. It's an inherently dumb opinion to have.

Is this alive?

Not gonna lie, it looks kinda cool.
Just edgy enough to be gore porn, but not explicit enough to make me nauseous.

If smashing an eagle egg is illegal then abortion should be too. Not even a conservatard.

This shit is just murder to fix poor reproductive choices just use a condom/birth control or whatever dozens of contraceptives available now

>the fetus isn't alive🖤

every /pol/ poster is willingly a party to murder

#1 more fetuses are "aborted" naturally through miscarriages. God is the greatest baby killer.
#2 in premodern society, babies only counted as life when they were baptized, unbaptized babies were free to be killed in far greater numbers than today

Do you think single celled organisms aren't alive?

The real problem is that current data storage tech is dogshit.
Ssd/memory is too volatile and needs to be powered on every so often then there's also problems with data/bit rot and data loss.
Not to mention the fucking scary shit that could happen if corrupt data makes its way in.
How the fuck would someone's brain even interpret corrupt data?
But yeah your right I think biologically it's over complicated and too much physical work to remap nurons at a cellar level it's gonna have to be done in a chip as you say or some other method

Abortion was legalised in Ireland through years of anti-church tribalism reaching a boiling point. And was purposefully worded in such a way that would liberalise abortion far beyond what the average Irishman or woman feels is acceptable.

>Irish birth rate has been in the toilet for decades
It has literally been the highest in Europe for decades now. Don't talk about things you don't understand, mutt.

>that part where the fetus gets sucked down the vacuum hose Ghostbusters style

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Because in our modern society the ability of roasties and sluts to murder babies if they feel so like doing should not be challenged by anyone

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Do you think a single human cell is a human?

FUCK incels
FUCK /pol/tards
and FUCK jannies

Irish fertility has been sub-replacement since the 80s, and only barely above replacement for ten years before that.

You're a cuck beholden to a psuedo-kike religion

Attached: THANK-YOU-BASED-GOD.jpg (401x300, 27K)

Why the fuck did you date someone so degenerate?

That's why you don't have sex with condoms. Or at least I don't, takes all the feelin' out!

t. tranny incel

Attached: tranny incels.png (500x594, 406K)

I used to pull out when fucking my ex and it worked well

But one specific day i was about to cum and pull out and my ex closed her legs behind me and said " dont leave" and pushed my dick deeper into her. She knew i was about to cum but didnt care
It was like she was possesed. Like she became another person.

I tried not to move and she started to contract her vagina muscles and started swaying her hips.
I almost came but i bit my tongue really hard.

No because a human is not a single cell organism.

#3 both of these are completely wrong

>throws out some blatant lies and then scurries off screeching about how the religion that kikes literally hate above all others is "psuedo-kike"
Ireland first went below replacement in 89, then jumped back up above replacement in the 90s, until 99 where it slipped below again. You mutts must get off on embarrassing yourselves like this. There's no way you're all just outright retarded, surely.

>Like she became another person.
The reptile sucker punched the rest of the brain there.

>you'd be hard pressed to find a doctor willing to approve that unless the woman itself was incapable of giving birth and a c-section would kill the baby anyway

Unfortunately no.

>The Guttmacher Institute has looked at the reasons for late-term abortion, and the reasons are chilling. First, the top-line finding is clear: “[D]ata suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” Instead, there were “five general profiles of women who sought later abortions, describing 80% of the sample.” These women were “raising children alone, were depressed or using illicit substances, were in conflict with a male partner or experiencing domestic violence, had trouble deciding and then had access problems, or were young and nulliparous [had never given birth].”


The problem with this is that it assumes niggers are only pregnant once a year. Which they aren't.
It confuses the number of children a nigger can have with the number of abortions they can and do have.
You could have four "safe" abortions per year, after that then you're really threatening your own health.So if some negress gets an abortion in January, March, September and November, how many niggers have been stopped from being born? That's right, one. Because they couldn't have more than one child in those 12 months.
So what does that mean by looking at the meme pic? Well, let's be realistic. We know that each of those abortions doesn't pertain to only one person and the same person has probably been been counted multiple times. In theory they could be included in each of the years 2010-2014, and they could have had four abortions in each of those years. That means 25 abortions are being confused with the number of actual live births possible, which would be five, one for each year. Because that's how pregnancy works.
To look at it a different way, those numbers are a lot higher than what they actually are and even then the number isn't really all that high. 1.2m out of 330m? What's that, 0.3%? Wow, stop the fucking presses and that's taking their "math" into consideration. Therefore we know the real number is even lower again.
Now take into account that niggers don't take any precautions, so they're bound to have more abortions purely because it's their first defense and not their last defense (like those who take precautions, you know whites and things who the abortion rate actually affects. Let's be honest, there's not a continent exclusively full of overbreeding whites being shipped around the west, so the % of nigs aborted, even if those numbers were true, is completely redundant).
So by taking all of that into account what conclusion do you come to? This one and suddenly it's not such a mystery why it's the case.

>It's a fetish it's not alive!!!

A guy who gave his pregnant gf pills to force a miscarriage was convicted of homicide. Whether or not a fetus is alive in 2019 depends on the mood of the roastie that carries it.

When's the last time youve had some pussy lmao

Imagine being this fucking stupid. The only men incapable of pulling out are impulsive idiots. I've been fucking my wife near every day for the past 3 years and she hasn't gotten pregnant. No condoms, no birth control. Just pulling out with a handjob to finish.

yall need to get laid

Why is it that expensive in America? Last time I bought one I paid 5 dollars for one.

based seething discord tranny

>yall need to get laid
you trannies on Yea Forums do not get laid

Attached: chris tranny.jpg (1118x759, 148K)

Based retardposter

Literally the opposite is true

Honestly once a woman has had an abortion, they have failed biologically as a human being, and a female. I don't know if you have ever met a thot who had one but they are dead inside, striken with the ever reminder that they killed a living being, and that they did it for selfish reasons.

Once a women does this, there is no pretense of respect, everyone hates them even if they don't say it. This clip however dramatized shows the trauma that women go through to kill their own child daily.

Fuck kikes.


Like if you agree

Meanwhile in real life, liberals are disappointed the leader of their country isn't a traitor.

There's a passage in the bible that instructs the reader on the proper situations and procedure to terminate his wife's pregnancy. The only thing we've got wrong right now is giving the woman any choice in the matter.


Talking about late abortion...The people of my country literally carried out sickly, deformed children out into the wild, leaving them to die. We did this for probably our entire history, and muh Christianity didn't make a fucking dent in the practice, which is still in use as we basically eradicated downies here. Everybody is SO prolife until they get dead weight they need to take care of for the rest of their God forsaken lives.

What the fucking shit is this? We have fucking likes now? Fucking hell.

>my ex
>has 2 children old enough to go to jail
lmfao you're like 40 years old on 4channel lmfao

>force you to take vaccines
how is that a bad thing lol

lmfao the absolute state of you

>There's a passage in the bible that instructs the reader on the proper situations and procedure to terminate his wife's pregnancy.
Why would you blatantly lie like this? What kid of person are you? Are you a Jew perhaps?

not to ruin your fun here but obviously that fetus is just moving from the pressure of the fluid around it being disturbed, it's obviously not still alive

April fools day you fucking imbecile.

>hurr Ireland was 2.2 in 1997! Behold the based pro-natal power of Catholicism!

Meanwhile, in Niger, fertility is 7.5

Lowscore begotten

>keeps talking about non-white countries
I guess you can only really speak to your own experiences, eh mutt?

Is this real?

It does
t. vet technician with ultrasonography certificate

>Is this real?
The filename says "abortion 12 weeks.gif", doesn't it?

Unironically because /pol/ is the most predictable contrarian place on the internet. It's actually very funny when you think about it. you can get your average /pol/tard to do whatever you want just by saying you support the opposite thing. They are very manipulable.

Vaccines unironically do cause autism and lower potential IQ.

>fetus isn't alive

Attached: 1477860741384.gif (320x190, 1.99M)

It's too early for this type of thread

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>Repenting on my deathbed senpai
Don't tell him

link 5 studies proving that lol

>And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner
>And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:
>Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance
>And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.
>And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:
>And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.

How old r u, boomer?

Not that user, im 36, will be 37 next month. Fite me faggot zoomer piece if shit.

Are you saying babies are dead when they are in the womb?

How do you even measure 'potential' IQ?

>what is civilization

v funny

>[muffled crying sounds]
>How to Save a Life by The Fray in the bg

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Weird, the people who fund the studies that say vaccines are safe" also are the people who sell the vaccines. What a strange coincidence.

>a site full of edgelords cheering mass shooters and longing for "muh day of the rope"
>finger wagging at anyone

wew lad
Fucking hypocrites

The bible also spells out the punishment of causing a woman to miscarry as the same as a loss of property, and not the same as a murder.

I don't know why you dumb fucks are even against abortion other than hivemind reasons. It's literally black birth control.

>Oh yeah fuck niggers kill every single one of em
>Abortion? Murder!

>be astronomer
>discover planet
>it has some bacteria on it
>read the headline on the news article: ''LIFE FOUND ON ALIEN PLANET''

>be astronomer
>discover planet
>zoom in one trillion times
>see an aborted alien fetus crawling on a rock
>read the headline on the news article: ''Alien life was actually just a worthless collection of cells''

that isn't what roe v wade says you fucking retard

additionally roe v wade isn't really good law anymore, the standard is now loosely related to viability

people just refer to roe v wade colloquially because they're retarded

Mark Twain and slaughterhouses come to mind ..... do you feel like shelter employees who must put puppies and pitbulls to sleep?

>a site full of edgelords cheering mass shooters and longing for "muh day of the rope"
Only when it comes to niggers and kikes you newfag

What the flying fuck is that?

it’s april fools day

>it's christcucks arguing against abortion
no retard, it isn't

What causes it? What ingredient

The fetus is alive. Stop lying to yourself.

Less children because they avoid pregnancy in the first place, not because they abort more.

>conservatard cinema


more like lmal

every abortion isn't equivalent to 1 kid retard

and the invasions are coming from south america and africa. If whites outlawed abortion the population numbers would be better able to adsorb the shitskins

more whites in addition to more blacks is better than less whites and less blacks

it also degenerates the culture like every other mechanism that removes responsibility

Because weither or not you believe in abortion being a women's right, Abortion itself is a big money business especially in cities where poorer/middle class women get abortions in order to keep up with the city.

didn't know cinemas took food stamps as payment

You are remarkably retarded.

If you’re for abortion that is literally heresy. Canon 1398 is a rule of canon law of the Catholic Church which declares that "a person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication."

I have a leek in my ass right now and thats still not as gay as this thread

weird, you're retarded and you're not vaccinated? lol

What's your point exactly? That living organisms don't want to die?


>living organism isn't alive

epic. have a like


Imagine thinking that only reason crackers are making less babies is because abortion when BBC wielders are shiting out semen in thousands of Groneshas as we're speaking. I was expecting you to cope and say
>Niggers aren't human so it doesn't count XD
but this is a bigger cope.

Attached: 003.jpg (200x237, 6K)

>the only reason
imagine being illiterate🙁

It's really amazing how you can't find a political movement that is anti-war and anti-abortion.
Fuck this shit.

You gotta get rid off the people somehow

It's called Libertarianism. Welcome to the club.

right wing libertarianism

its not mutually exclusive with nationalism either despite the natsoc retards insisting it is

Yeah, I feel it's wrong to murder babies. So?

It's far worse when they use the tongs, they rip the infant apart literally limb by limb and then scoop it up. Do you seriously think it feels nothing just because it hasn't popped from the womb yet?

Reminder: In NY they will still do this even if you've popped it out

Black genocide

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Perpetuated by the

Women are shit and should be banned

Are IUDs any good? They seem to be the best solution if you don't want a kid but still want to cum balls deep

Attached: 20-iud.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 60K)

Do those block your semen or some shit?
Idk just don't cum in morons?


t. literally a virgin lol

>IUDs primarily work by preventing fertalization.The progestogen released from hormonal IUDs mainly works by thickening the cervical mucus, preventing sperm from reaching the fallopian tubes. IUDs may also function by preventing ovulation from occurring but this only occurs partially
>Copper IUDs do not contain any hormones, but release copper ions, which are toxic to sperm. They also cause the uterus and fallopian tubes to produce a fluid that contains white blood cells, copper ions, enzymes, and prostaglandins, which is also toxic to sperm. The very high effectiveness of copper-containing IUDs as emergency contraceptives implies they may also act by preventing implantation of the blastocyst

You can get non-hormonal ones as well which won't make her mental.

fuck you, i want a strawberry smoothie now

>jizzing in morons who abort their kids then considering spading yourself
Unironically have white mixed kids
Both sounds horrible what's wrong with having kids
It's literally the only thing women where ever good at apart from lactating (which men can also do just not as well)

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eh, I would

Been cumming in my gf for three years now and no problem. Comfy as fuck.
Only downside is her boobs got a little smaller after she went off the pill.

Abortion doctor that performed over 1200 abortions described it in excrutiating detail and yeah that's basically how it goes. Ripping it limb by limb and sucking it out with a tube. Maybe it doesn't look like that on the ultrasound but so what? It does look like that in the womb. This movie had to depict it to get the message across and this was the tamest way possible.❌

Then do so.
If I wasn't a complete shut in I'd be out there breeding desu but white Aussie women are trash and I hate this hell-hole I wunna get out and Colonize
You seem pretty clued into this stuff what's the go with baby carcasses and body parts and black market organs? Alex jones was going on about that just before they got him on muh fake sandy hook fakes
Like what the fuck is the go with post birth abortion? Absolutely sickening


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>Like what the fuck is the go with post birth abortion?
Stem cells are valuable. They make modern vaccines out of aborted fetal tissue.💔

>what's wrong with having kids
Being a collage student that doesn't have a well paying job/doesn't have a job at all and would have to drop everything to raise a kid. The only alternative is eating into your parent's expenses even more. Face it in modern society having a kid isn't something you can just do out of nowhere, unless you get a job straight out of high school/are a woman that settles down immediately (good luck finding one)

I'm glad Abby Johnson realized she could milk gullible Christians out of their money with both a book and movie

I know about muh stem cell but what's the go with forcing women to have less kids? If they want more babies why not just ban contraception? Or are they shadow doing it and making birth control pills not work for certain races? Utopia and children of men started to look into this and literally got shut down
Not American so this isn't a problem

>Directed by Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman

pureflix got kike'd

College student here
I wouldn't be able to make it through my last two semesters without the government assistance I get from having a kid.
My tax return is extra fat too and I'm honestly contemplating about having another one for the extra welfare longevity.
General science major with a 3.5 gpa btw

Yeah I don't know what the fuck happened but back in the day a boomer with a high school degree or less could have an accidental baby and get a job at a fucking factory and they wouldn't live like fucking kings but they could make ends meet; a lot of times his wife didn't even have to fucking work
Nowadays unless you're working for the oil companies you're shit outta luck; you have to get into thousands of dollars of debt in a fucking college and there's still a chance you won't get a good job.

Attached: buick-american-dream-1000x635.jpg (1000x635, 255K)

>what's the go with forcing women to have less kids? If they want more babies why not just ban contraception? Or are they shadow doing it and making birth control pills not work for certain races?
I can't conceive an answer because I don't operate on borderline diabolical levels of people who are using baby corpses as economical resources.