ITT: Sub-100 likes only. Likefags are redditors in disguise, this thread is for true frens to discuss movies and have fun.
ITT: Sub-100 likes only. Likefags are redditors in disguise...
Based I’m at 40 and I don’t know how to use perks
cope harder niglet
fuck scorefags, likes are for normies
ITT: Socialist plebs hating on the liked elite.
Yeah I just watched Shaun of the Dead. I like how Martin Freeman, Reece Shearsmith and Tamsin Greig had a cameo all at the same time.
I was in a local healthy/expensive type supermarket here in College Station, Texas(we have a lot of those) and I'm in line to buy some ham at the deli there. The lady asked me what kind, and I said "I have no fucking idea what different kinds of ham there are lady" ENTIRELY to loudly and the guy behind me in line I hadn't noticed burst the hell up laughing.
I turn around. Steve Martin.
He kinda half leans around me and says "Honey glazed!" to the lady over the counter and I just kinda stare at him for a sec then smile and say thanks. I'm about to pay for it and he says "No way this one's on me" and pays the check for it right there. I was astounded, it was so awesome that I did the only thing I could think of ... The Three Amigos salute. Once again he cracks up and asked me if I had any idea how long it had been since someone did that. I said "a year?" he said "try ten".
We ended up having coffee at a place across the street. Turns out he bought a house in Monticeto, a really expensive residensial area in SB, and has been living there a while. We talked about everything that wasn't his career for about 45 minutes before he had to take off because his deli stuff was gonna go bad. I shook his hand and said he made my year today. He smiled and beat my head in with a tire iron. I looked up from the floor, my eyes covered in my own blood as I made out a blury image of an anvil being hoisted above his head. Through the ringing in my ears I couldn't hear his probably witty parting line before the anvil came crashing down, ending my life.
I thought Us was boring and shitty.
fuck reddit frog
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>post porn
>Fags like me against my will
Your fortune: Bad Luck
choir km LCD
assert on kith
a family chokes guy
fallout GCSE egg
Greg knoll charging glycerol
drunk old gig
flute add drug
fêtes high jig deck
heh, what you gonna do about it
>I thought Us was boring and shitty.
What do you think about This is Us?
chunk fed
red high chill Greg hasty olds
potted duchy
killed CNN
etching DRC
as gully greet Fylde
my favorite movie is Darby O'Gill and the Little People💯
Likelets are so salty🐅
a sRGB kola dry, biomedical good funds fetching an noted dB, jolted humid, underregistration, high on retyping golfs edgy, though greet, builds RFCs as etch king GC
how do i make sure people don't like my posts? do I get myself banned?
nah just keep doing what you're doing now
my favorite movie is indiana jones and the last crusade :-)
Likes are for losers
Nice repeating digits, those are only reserved for true frens
Also how the fuck does the like system work, my number just seems to be random
I can't imagine being pathetic enough to think points matter and sitting there for hours shitposting just for skeleton/dino gifs, they're all just neets finally having a reason to post
Will I ever get over her?
We are going to take what is rightfully ours
my favourite movie is moby dick
Rolled 40 (1d100)
If >80 user will never get over her
Hasn't CM already made more than Venom?
shut up
giv lieks or els
my favorite movie is Master & Commander, give me some likes if it's yours as well
p.s. i'm a grill
fuck niggers
are you a butch lesbian my dude?❌
fuck likes
mfw mobile site users don't see Likes or perks
Stay gay wannabe redditors.
Hey, guys, what's going on in this thread?
Not for long
>Not turning desktop mode on
LMAOing at your little brain😃
Can I get some like for my gf's ass?
what you got, fren?
What are likes? Can someone explain what is going on?
i guess ill leave then
kick me out with likes dog
fuck reddit and fuck scorelets
You have 0 likes? Imagine the smell!
We have our ways, gayboi
Don't fall for it, scorelets! Redditors are trying to like-rape you!
Where's the penis?
1 like for each day I don't masturbate anymore
>Real frens
>I guess I get what I deserve, don't I?
very cool fren, lets see what future brings to you
Your fortune: Outlook good
What's going on in this thread?
good shit
8 points. lmaoooooo
Shitposting probably
reddit is for asians who think video game misogyny is something we should care about
*dabs on you*♨️
nice single❤️
Gib likes plays
>come into thread with specific intention of posting pic related for easy likes
>see this
Just ain't my day.
Rolled 2 (1d6)
heck yes
Is this actually a functioning thing?
howdy doggo🐶
I found a secret
Why is no one liking my posts? I asked nicely
only dino bros can reply to this guy
dont fucking like this post i want to stay low👌
Rolled 3 (1d6)
nice reverse psychology bitch, if you actually wanted to keep it low you wouldn't have posted your lame post
What if someone starts giving us likes to remove our comfy status?
This, tbqh.
testing again🏴
I like films and televisions
who here zero (0) likes? join my club
>has a like
Get out
look who is talking...
i only have like 8 likez bros
Those quad zeros deserve a Like!👌
How do I like posts on mobile?
NO its some kind of mistake I swear
Likewhoring truly is reddit behaviour
>turning desktop mode on just to become a redditor
That's a YIKES from me dawgs
Dont like this post
im a sick sneed i need a quick feed
Based. Nobody wants to like my posts. Fuck em, you're my true frens.
How do like?
>he's a phone poster
oh no no no no no🙁
This some gay shit
I'm gonna post here and nobody can stop me
fuck Bosnia
Bosnians are still butthurt that we stopped their genocide lmao. I was watching a video about the Nighthawk (stealth jet), and half of the comments were Bosnians bragging about how they shot ONE of them down.
Who won the war again? Oh that's right, NATO. Fucking loser Bosnians.
God bless Kosovo!
here i come bois
whats up virgins
I fucking hate this event.
Nobody ever gives me likes :(
>no skelly
stay jelly
get on my level likelets
likefags are fucking cancer and ruin the board
omae wa mo shindeiru
I've been doing nothing but arguing all morning the hell
Please help me get to 1000 likes, the 1000th user gets to see my special place.
Many of us do, user.
Itachi could stomp 99% of the Narutoverse. He has the Yata Mirror and the Sword of Totsuka, not to mention his powerful genjutsu + Ametarasu. He was easily Hokage-level.
Can I have a like?
>This thread is to discuss movies
>Doesn't post any kino
Once again OP is a fag and shows irrevocably how scorelets are just as bad as scorechads, except scorechads know how to have fun.
Sure, fren.
based retard😂
Me neither.✔️
0 here
virgin in real life, virgin here
>tfw no likes♣️
Stop posting gay porn, dubsman.
tfw ugyl incel
dubs and every likelets in here will get a gf