>tfw not clever or based enough to get likes
movies for this feel?
Tfw not clever or based enough to get likes
I tried like your post but couldn't figure out how.🙁
Op here, I just found out you can't like the thread only the posts so you'll have to like this to show me some support.
wtf no im op
>3 posters
you almost had me pham
LIKE this post or marvel will dominate forever!
>You know what it takes to get likes?
>It takes brass balls to get likes.
fuck you
>tfw not enough Likes
I'm so based I don't even want likes.
what is habbenig? where are we now?
Hell yes I love based capeshit cant wait to see avengers end game with my gf
you gotta be conniving for likes
This is the fucked up part of the like system.
People who are good at getting them flock to places like Reddit where they learn the art of reposting generic feelgood shit with just a touch of racial divisiveness to get thousands of updoots. The rest of us have to come to places like 4channel where we can get by with posting some variation of >"Bane?" and know that our anonymity keeps up safe from seeing that soul crushing 0 updoots sign. But now we're being judged, even here, amongst the autists and we are found wanting
noonew knows any moovees ftf?
For every "Like" I receive on this post, I will do 5 dabs on the jannies
noooooooooooo that w shouldn't be there
no wonder noone likes me🙁
Hey guys I’m trying to accumulate enough likes to get every perk, think you could spare a passing like on this post?
Light Sleeper
am i based?
gimme likes or else!
let me be, peasant
Rolled 26 (1d100)
so that's what dino looks like
Which one is that?🙊
To say that I'm a big lynch fan would be a ginormous understatement. You see, I'm a ginormous lynch fan to the core and I want everyone to know it. His new tv show has had me hypnotized for weeks!
But in all honesty my most favorite movie of all time is hot fuzz. It's fucking hilarious and has in my opinion some of the greatest camera work in the business. I'd put it up their in the top three movies ever made of all time.
Even my priest agrees. New orthodox bro here btw. Currently non practicing but it's so great to get back into the faith after years of being a degenerate agnostoshit. Now if only I could get my cathlocuck parents to stop being pagans!
That reminds me, am I the only one disappointed that stannis Baratheon is actually gone? Oh who am I kidding! Of course not! Sometimes I forget I'm so completely surrounded by intellectuals of mine own caliber This isn't Reddit after all!
And um, I'd have to say my least favorite movie is a Clockwork Orange. It's far to edgy for me
>Reads entire thread, doesn't like a single post
Feels good to be a gangsta
>almost there
lend me hand, will ya?
god I wish I were that bread
Ha ha loser bet you wish you were a cool guy like me and my 20 likes😃
No, I just want to be myself.
Based and redpilled♦️
Just be yourself, user!
dont worry we're all gonna make it user😃
No one's going to like you for being yourself
Go be like all the cool guys then you can post sad faces like this🙁
>having kikes at all
not gonna make it
LIKE this post or MY MOTHER will die in MY sleep tonight
How does one like a post?
Click the button next to the post number, try it with mine
Doesn't appear on mobile
Top Giman-jutsu, friendo.