Why did the april fools thing make a bunch of crossposting tourists think it was okay for them to post here now? Go home you pieces of shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's no such thing as "crossposters" or "tourists". You're not entitled to a board, we all share this site and its boards, don't be a pretentious faggot.

I think he means more like people who don't normally come to Yea Forums at all, not people who aren't autistic and only browse one board.

ah yes
the mid 2010s meme tourist posting his all boards must be the same propaganda like some sort of european leader

What is your idea of tourist?
Different board, different site, someone that lurk Yea Forums every once in a while?

What are you talking about? Is this an ironic attitude or are you totally unaware that Yea Forums is basically run by shitposting Yea Forumsirgins and literal redditors? "Tourists" my ass. Anyone actually looking to talk about television and film is seen as the real "outsiders" by you failed abortions.

Not him but kys cancerous cunt
Boards have their own subculture you need to assimilate before posting so shut the fuck up, lurk moar and please, for the love of god, stop justifying your cancerous faggotry to yourself or others
because no one cares why you're acting like a moron, they just see a moron.
Also fuck you and I hope you die, piece of shit tourist

April fools day always invites lurkers to vote in order to participate in festivities and it's a bad thing that shits up the board with people unfamiliar with its culture.

>There's no such thing as "crossposters" or "tourists"

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based reddit poster

they broke the red boards
plus all boards get shit up every year it's part of april fool you newfag

>this board is primarily shit so denouncing tourists and retards does not matter
Except when you do it yourself, amirite?

fuck niggers

>why do you complain about cancer, it's like this every year lmao
Fuck off nigger

Boards having their own subculture is completely fine, but calling someone a "tourist" for posting something you dislike on "your" board is the most pathetic concept ever.

Stay on your home board, tourist. Let the actual locals of Yea Forums shit up our own board for april fools like before bane and star wars cancer brought you here

I'm gonna cup you by the balls and put my tongue in your ear

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>implying lurkers aren't the purest Yea Forums anons

>tourists on the Yea Forumsrist resort
this is the place we come to shit up while waiting for new posts on our slow homeboards
nothing new about that

>hating fun so much you can't even endure one day of people joking around
Neck yourself, doomer

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

>waaah please don't be mean to me
Go back anywhere else on the internet, you hypocritical piece of shit, unironically fuck you

Sort of like how Yea Forums doesn’t realize they are a containment board for liberals and yet they always bitch at people for saying words like “sjw” that offend them so they report you and say to go back to your containment board

>all these upset crossposters
Makes you think

I'm not talking about being mean, I'm talking about being deluded and paranoid that some evil 'poster from another board' is ruining your beloved safe space. But believe whatever you want, I don't care

>it's fun lmao it's fun xD if you don't like it it's your fault haha
It's not fun, it's just cancerous you dumb nigger
Take your popularity contest back to facebook along with the trash that was last year's event and fuck yourself bloody with them
After all, it's fun :)

# RefugeesWelcome💯

You're admitting yourself you're a crossposter

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>retards posting on several boards they don't know shit about are totally not ruining anything I swear
>hmm, I got them nice 200+ replies on Yea Forums with my capeshit thread, time to talk about football on Yea Forums while I praise the last AAA game on Yea Forums
How fucking deluded can you be

moshi mosh i am visiting for 2chan desu

>shit that last one day
you are a faggot

>Take your popularity contest back to facebook
How much of a brainlet can you be that you don't realize that the exact point of introducing this as an April Fool's Day feature was the exact reason that Yea Forums differs from most other sites by not having likes and scores, so to make a completely ironic environment and contradiction to its spirit with likes and popularity. That's the whole point of a prank, you moron.💢

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If the board has become a free-for-all what is the point of deleting good threads for being "off topic"???

Janny logic...

imagine his father when he sees him post

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>exact point
And yet you spics from reddit and facebook are embracing it. Don't act like for a second that you're not all honorary reditors showing your true nature

>I'm the absolute god of this board
>I haven't visited any other site on whole of internet in 8 years but Yea Forums and know everything about it
>how dare anyone new come here and post something
>other people 'don't know shit' about TV and movies, it's a secret club activity🐰

>haha see Yea Forums doesn't have likes but now it does what a HILARIOUS META JOKE, now that's really deep commentary about the fact that we live in a society lmao
Then I guess it's only funny if you're a literal cancerous retard that came here after spending years on social media and reddit
Because I really don't see how adding points to Yea Forums for a day is even remotely funny or interesting or anything other than fucking cancerous

>it's not cancerous if it's temporary lmao
>after all I'm already acting like a faggot everyday so doingit for points isn't that much of a change lmao

Well then it sucks to be you I guess, I advise leaving the site for today and coming back tomorrow when your snowflake nature won't be offended by a simple metajoke.🐸

"not a secret club" faggots are delusional tourists.
I fucking hate it that some people constantly spout "Yea Forums is not your secret club, everyone can post here". What's good about inviting and accepting every kind of retard that does not even belong here in the first place? What is the benefit of defending retards? Don't give me that different opinions explanation, there are justifiable views that may highly differ and there's retarded shit like OP's linked thread or pic related.
This is what killed Yea Forums (among certain other things of course), nowadays the board is filled with so many faggots who literally use "nerd" and "virgin" unironically as an insultare disgusted by some minor stuff and actually feel offended and of course casuals that have never watched anything besides imdbcore for example. The thing is when you tell them to leave they just keep saying shit like "umad?" "stop trying to fit in" or the famous "not a secret club" thing and similar shit. They won't get the concept that they are the ones that are not wanted rather than the people who complain about them. No one should ever simply accept idiots who come here and want to change things about the board which have been established before they even came along.
This is what I like about Yea Forums and a few other certain boards, they're not hesitant to tell somebody to leave. There always needs to be some hostility towards these kind of people or otherwise they will take over the board and that's exactly what happened to Yea Forums as I said already. Jesus Christ, Yea Forums now have daily threads here because of this "accept everything" mentality. It's not in the interest of anyone to let this ever be.

it's not like Yea Forums was actually a good board in the first place. At least now it's like old Yea Forums and we don't have to keep up the pretense that any of us actually watch movies

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Do you have reading comprehension issues ? There's nothing wrong with visiting several boards, as long as you took the time to lurk and know what the fuck you're talking about
Which represents, you have to admit it, a very tight minority among regular posters, an even smaller one among cross boarders, and absolutely nobody at all among tourists.
But yeah, keep building imaginary scenarios to get on with your disgusting cancerous use of this site.

>it's not like Yea Forums was actually a good board in the first place
The memephrase pushed by newfags that got here after 2014 and saw people saying the same about Yea Forums

I meant yesterday. The difference of the board's quality from yesterday to today is negligible.

Your fortune: Average Luck

You weren’t here for LOST

'not a sikrit klub' is what normalfags trying to fit in and slowly changing board culture are telling themselves when they get called out for being cancerous retards.

The tourists are here every day in the alita thread

fuck yourself tourist

I agree with that, the quality of boards really does degrade when new people that don't conform to old ways come and disrupt everything. But I wasn't referring to people outside of Yea Forums that started suddenly using it - if I understand correctly, "crossposter" refers to people that usually use other boards and then come to this one to talk about something. These people already are conformed to Yea Forums standards and they simply switch between boards.

I mean, it's not a new problem, moot talked extensively in his last Q&A about tackling this problem, how he had to relax rules about off-topic discussions on some boards because people didn't want to go to a board that is specialized for some topic, but that they preferred to stay on their ""home"" board and talk to ""their"" people about it. He strove to make it normal for people to switch between boards and feel 'at home' wherever they went, not only have one board. So that's why OP talking shit about other fellow Yea Forums users as being unwanted made me uneasy and eager to defend it.


right except that some boards are heavily populated by people that go to reddit primarily, and they bring their way of doing things to those boards; then when they go to some other board for some reason, they spread that cancer there, too. its metastasized.

who gives a fuck it's Yea Forums👌

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I'm here to farm likes senpai

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moot also ruined this board so your reddit ancestors could post here. Interesting how you were on the site when he left, but not here for that, cancerous tourist

the farewell moot q&a was bizarre he claimed that not only had he not sold out to sjws, but that sjws did not exist.

>haha umad lmao
What is even your point in trying to argue anything you cancerous retard?
You're not funny, you're just retarded and insufferable. Is your life so fucking empty and your brain so fucking dead that the only thing you derive pleasure out of is making retarded posts and imagining you vaguely angered the person you are replying to?
I genuinely want to understand so please tell me why you and thousands of other retarded tourists have seemingly no other way of expressing themselves than this and why you felt the need to do it here rather than anywhere else on the internet?

Hundreds of guys depended on these meme pages and the owners got a piece of all the likes they got.
It was shitposting just like on Yea Forums except they were doing it here on Facebook. And all they got from the pages was fresh content from the imageboards.

And that's what it's all about, that's what the 4channelers could never understand. That what these pages did was offer shitposts to guys who couldn't go on the site. That's it, that's all it was, they're like the meme dealers for normalfags.

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It's mostly the popular boards, i.e. Yea Forums. Someone coming from a smaller board can actually improve this one.

I was here long before he left. And you seem pretty angry for some reason, go out for a walk or something.✔️

>Yea Forums
it's gone too now

Yea Forums is literally the worst board of Yea Forums, 2019 Yea Forums if you like. You can post every off-topic thread you want here and shitpost as much as you like and rarely get banned.

Then why weren't you on Yea Forums until reddit changed the culture to be more appealing to their kind(You)?

i will murder you

>it's mostly the big boards, like the majority of the fucking website, so it's a-okay :)
>haha btw u angry that means I was right all along haha god I love being a redditor :)
Not either of the persons you're answering to, but I unironically want to bash your teeths with your keyboard
How does that make any of their points false?

Oof, I know! This should be a safe space for capeshit threads. People shouldn't have different opinions than me, and chaos and spontaneity is just AWFUL. YIKES.

>safe space for capeshit threads
Funny how the acceptance of capeshit on Yea Forums only started when Yea Forumseddit crossposters felt welcome here
But again this isn't something you would know since you're a tourist

>hahah I called other person a redditor such epic win for me! :D
Interesting how the whole discussion steered from bashing so-called tourists for board's problems to bashing redditors for everything. Quite funny.🦈

Every board is the worst board on Yea Forums after a few days on it
Yea Forums also has nothing on any board dedicated to videogames, the biggest entry level hobby that brings retards here, capeshit and netflix crap are only second to that
(except /vr/ which is actually almost good because of heavy gatekeeping, but Yea Forums leaks more and more and it leads to Yea Forums tards and redditors tuning up the contrarianism and the retarded arguments to 11 when they try to fit in)

First post I've liked in the last 14 hours

>you would know since you're a tourist
at least i'm not a redditor, faggot


looking forward to it

>i just lost the game
>the game
I lost

the impractical jokers would never do it, and that's the measure for a good prank

>they think someone interested in videogames will come here and talk about capeshit
Literally no one but normalfags care about capeshit, the latest netflix show or fucking BIG BROTHER.

>like the majority of the fucking website
Imagine being this unknowledgeable about this site and then having the courage to call other people redditors.

Majority of boards (like 75%) are at less than 10k posts per day. Have you ever visited any smaller board and seen their speed? Compare pic related to how Yea Forums's catalog looks like each day.

Attached: trv-board.png (1633x1857, 1.79M)

Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism.

This is predominantly an art board (the "entertainment" shit that is constantly being discussed here is a result of crossposters from pleb boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums)
True cinema = art which is the opposite to autism and in turn the opposite to video games.
The sensibilities resulting in video game appreciation are diametrically opposed to the appreciation of cinema as "art". Videogames/autism/"entertainment" are the reason for capeshit.

>ironic isn't it
Not really, there really was an influx of redditors and it really did change board culture, and it's really all reddit's fault all along
And it's pretty obvious to anyone not from that shithole
Again, there's nothing wrong with redditors themselves (although, there is, but that's another question), there is a problem with their inability to lurk and understand any board, there is a problem with their loud obnoxious own culture and their refusal to shut the fuck up about it
Of course they all need to fuck off and die, only ex-redditors can disagree with that. Anyone who unironically refers to himself as one needs to fuck off or spend months lurking before opening their fucking mouths and make everyone 'enjoy' their fucking retardation and inability to adapt to anything.
Of course all redditors are bad, anyone who makes such a trash website part of their individual or collective public identities deserve nothing more than an eternity of bullying for being retarded. That's how gatekeeping works and abolishing it, although a natural process, always leads to disasters and failed forums who progressively lose their identity, what's happening to Yea Forums for a while now. The fact that there's nothing to do against it will never make it desirable in any way, except for the fucking redditors themselves.
So fuck you, tourist.

autism general thread

>it's a /trv/ tard thinking anyone gives a shit about their board
Yes retard, the majority of the website is where the majority of the posts are made, thanks for posting the stats showing it.
If the biggest boards are cancerous, good for you to have your small circlejerk with like minded invidivuals, but it will eventually go down too
Sure you can also ignore that and keep strawmanning or misreading my post

Only redditors and tourists have a problem bordering on obsessive with anything relating to autism

gimme likes

Literally no one but normalfags gives a shit about triple A games and click ait articles
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are both entry boards for tourists, what a shock

Bump again
Why isn't the post 2014 newshit answering now?

Again, very ironic that you say I'm the one misreading your posts when all you got from my post where I showed you stats of how you were wrong (that link was the actual point of the post) that I'm shilling some small board. I have never even visited that board and had the picture saved from /qa/ to use as an example for outsiders that attack whole of Yea Forums for not having normal discussions. How can someone miss the point so blatantly?

like this if u are white

If it's not my favorite low functioning autist again... The rope's still waiting for you.

>again, I keep being unable to express my point properly, ironic that you don't understand it huh?
Yes Yea Forums can have good discussion, even very high quality discussion and this is the loss of it and the impossibility it becomes on 'shitposting with redditors day' that I'm mourning in my posts. What is your point if you're not disagreeing with that then?

have fun

Good post👌