
Mud! And lift!
Sand! And pull!
Water! And raise up!
Feel the sting of the whip on my shoulder
With the salt of my sweat on my brow
Elohim, Adonai, can you hear your people cry?
Help us now!
Listen now, and deliver us!
Hear our call, deliver us!
Oh, our Lord, remember us in this burning sand!
Deliver us! There's a land you promised us!
Deliver us to the promised land?
Eldihato vera
Ahatira vertiva
My son, I have nothing I can give
But this chance that you may live
I pray we'll meet again if He will deliver us!
Deliver us!
Hear our prayer, deliver us!
From these famished years as slaves, we've grown too old to stand
Deliver us! There's a land you promised us!
Deliver us to the promised land?

Attached: DU7YHqh.jpg (1278x720, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh my son,I have nothing I can give you

post qt egyptian grils plws

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Typical jewess, to greedy to even give her son something


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Why didnt the slaves just run?

Well Yea Forums,as a roman soldier....would you?

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This user knows his shit.

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A lot of the modernized dialogue is pretty cringe, but when's it song/music set to the visuals this is a spiritual predecessor to Fantasia that the 2000 one wish it could.

Modernized dialogue?

peak aesthetics

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>"Wait until the father, the Pharaoh, hears what you two have done!"
>"Boys, what kind of mischief have you been up to?"
>"Moses, dude, why am I always getting into trouble for YOUR pranks!"

Attached: Prince of Egypt.jpg (350x224, 23K)

But then again, it's not without it's moments when it breaks out of that.

Why did god do that? What an asshole.πŸ’”


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Would you?

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What was God's endgame in this story?

Attached: princeofegyptgodquotecomplete.jpg (764x1000, 431K)

considering constant incest breeding pharaoh wouldn't look like this
they were weak, often sicks and deformed

Needing the Avengers to screwup to purge half the universe.

Wut? You alight?

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Why did God punish his own Chosen People (jew)

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Reminder: There is zero evidence that the Exodus ever occurred or Jews being slaves in Egypt.

The Prince of Egypt is a good film, though.

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Hey bro Jews built the pyramids

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is that the missing link?

Exodus was probably strongly related to Echnaton/Akhenaten.

Why are the egyptians in all the art so fucking dark? Have you people ever met a real life egyptian? They are whites with a thick tan, and thats the dark ones.

not necessarily. you can find semetic and egyptian artifacts in corsica that date to the supposed time of the exudos. but the walking around the dessert for 40 years? absolutely no evidence.

akhenaten's line was a bunch of freaks

>We'll never get traditional animation-based kino again

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>multiple books based of eye witness testimony arent evidence
>cause its attached to religion
>despite oral history being rooted in real history
Also it wasnt "jewish" slaves so much as it was levantine slaves of which youd have the precursor/ the jews themselves. Shasu etc.

It's hard to judge, possibly paint pigments.
Book of Gates describes Egyptians as separate kind.
>On the left of the path of the boat of Ra are:--1. A hawk-headed god, leaning upon a staff; he is called Horus. 2. Four groups, each group containing four men. The first are RETH, the second are AAMU, the third axe NEHESU, and the fourth are THEMEHU. The RETH are Egyptians, the AAMU are dwellers in the deserts to the east and north-east of Egypt, the NEHESU are the black races and NEGROES, and the THEMEHU are the fair-skinned Libyans. 3. Twelve bearded beings, each of whom grasps with both hands the body of a long serpent; these are called the "Holders of the period of time in Ament." 4. Eight bearded gods, who are called the "Sovereign chiefs of the Tuat."

Ya i grew up with my closest friend being egyptian (half) and his dad full blooded egyptian. Friend may as well be white and his dad is tanned. And as you point out even egyptians separated themselves from their african brethren. Seriously though its not hard to google

ancient egyptians had different genetics from modern egypt's majority but ancients were indeed darker than white, they even distinguished themselves from lighter skinned peoples in their art

because he trains them like dogs. Whenever they use their free will to do something he does not like he punishes them, with invasions, bad harvest,etc. In all 3 religions you basically have to be gods bitch boy and he will rewards you with stuff but only if you are a good slave

Yes and as user pointed out they also distinguished themselves from niggers. Also i never said they were white

fucking retards. Learn geography idiots,egypt is in africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>multiple books based of eye witness
are those books eye witnesses fictional? you do know that archaeology exists and the have uncovered shit a lot older than that?

>this is what people do to fish likes
Youll get none from me

because they live under a harsh sun so its assumed they would have a tan even if they were light skinned.

Im sorry i speak proper english try again

I like the animation in this movie but unfortunately it has no good songs.


Based song, my choir performed it in high school

>Deliver Us
>The Plagues
>All I Ever Wanted
>Through Heaven's Eyes
yeah how about you cut off your ears and give them to some kid who has no ears, because you're clearly not getting any good use out of them

no (You) for you, I won't play your game



Of course it is, thankfully in North Africa, nog-free region. Sahara took care of everyone trying to pass it.

Christ, what an asshole.


Friendly reminder that modern Jews are completely unrelated to the Jews of Egypt. I as a Roman have more of a connection to them.

Never forget the yoke of Pharoah on our backs!

egypt is based

10/10 soundtrack. Playing With The Big Boys was the only mediocre song, but even then it was on par with most Disney villain songs.

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roman musical film when?




very kino sceno, amazing music, get chills every time


Isthis movie actually good?s

What is the ultimate Egypt kino?

Are whites egyptians?

Oh fuuuggg... colonize for great Roman empire.

Pharaoh 1966 is it. They consulted everything with archeologists and it was as accurate as possible despite fictional story.

Attached: Pharaoh-1-1140x600.jpg (1140x600, 96K)

>Believing that a bunch of Jews would actually put up with wandering around aimlessly for 40 years in a hot desert
They's be complaining after 20 minutes, let alone 40 years

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert... near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws
The only shadow that the Desert knows:β€”
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"The King of Kings; this mighty City shows
"The wonders of my hand."β€” The City's gone,β€”
Naught but the Leg remaining to disclose
The site of this forgotten Babylon.

We wonder,β€”and some Hunter may express
Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness
Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace,
He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place.

Smith never stood a fucking chance against Shelley. Just look at this contorted shit.

Butwhy wite man?y

Long live the pharaoh


Yea Forums crossposting there, give me your best egyptian grlz

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