Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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What i would do, for a girl to look at me like this.
We passed 400 million gross three times: Going up, going down, and going back up.
That means 1.2 Billion. Hello sextology!
First for Grewishka
But what about her
Finger off the trigger, Rosa
Check again idiot, numbers just updated.
What the fuck is his major malfunction?
Hey user, wanna go upstairs to my room and learn some panzer kunst?
My God, she even got quads.
Muh karmas
Alita from the first trailer vs final version.
eyeballs are way too big
>All smiles
>had a dream i was walking up park avenue in nyc with alita and there was scaffolding on all the buildings and the sky was very overcast and the air was ashy/smoky so we could barely see people ahead of us
What the hell was that
Finally watched it. I thought it was just waifu posting because of muh animu eyes, but damn you were right. Its no masterpiece but it got me sucked in. Is it the eyes? Perfect acting flowing through cgi? Amazing soundtrack, world building or based Waltz? I dont know but never before have I waited for Blue Ray release this much.
Now I understand never ending threads and cant wait for a sequel.
God damn it, I shouldve listen.
fuck the haters
>How's your monday going user? working hard I hope.
Well as long as this isn't a false flag, at least you are healed now user.
well, i gotta get some sleep, stay comfy guys.
Sleep well user.
This is good though?
>no sequel ever
Alita 2 when🐰
Sleep well friend.
He would like to test out his hypothesis to further develop his theory.
We've got to go bigger. Jim saw some big ol' eyeballs down there in the bottom of the ocean.
but I might not live that long...
Daily reminder that your waifu is a pro-open-borders mutt who'd never date a white guy.
They changed her entire face, not just the eyes. They made the irises bigger, her face longer and narrower, downsized her lips, eyebrows fuzzier and softer, her teeth imperfect, changed her hair a little bit and I think even her ears are a bit longer? Overall she turned out much cuter in the final version.
Guys guys I managed to acquire this very poster from my local cinema
As honest as I can be. I wont lie I had some expectations set by sheer amount of Alita posting but I had an amazing time. What especially caught me was "double death" of Hugo, of course hes gonna survive getting stabbed and become cyborg, but that death scene shortly after, it actually hurt.
where does Alita says that
Alita isn't a mutt and she has only dated white guys. And if you're talking about Rosa she was so crazy over a white boy he had to get a restraining order against her. I'm sorry, but no women can resist the power of BWC. Keep seething, Jerome!
Reminder Rosa is not Alita, they are quite different user.
alita is a shit movie
like if you agree
His death scene on the tube is like one of the most if not THE most iconic scene in the franchise.
She's yandere as fuck. Dating her is probably a scary experience.
I liked every alita pic I saw today😂
I don't understand, why would you get a restraining order against a cute girl?
What if Alita was a canadian mommy?
All I want is a yandere gf who would go nuts over me. I don't care how crazy she is, so long as she doesn't cut my balls or dick off.
Guys here you have the best Alita lewds you could ever find.
Ever seen the movie "Misery"? Because that's how the relationship would probably play out.
Yeah, but gave some fire in the heart of /ourgirl/ for the INEVITABLE sequels.
Lucky bastard. It's the most kino one.
Fornicate those who are full of hate
>And if you're talking about Rosa she was so crazy over a white boy he had to get a restraining order against her
give me link on that i wanna read it
Misery but with sex!
ok nevermind it was in that image all along
Also why Alita threads dont have main themes in OP
best part of the movie imo
>this shows up in your window just as you wake up
>"user... you didn't text me back last night! There isn't another girl, is there?"
How can I text you when you left me tied up?
Make sure to get it framed up nice and hang it over your bed so she can protect you while you sleep.
While not as good, I have this one too. I just need one more to complete the trifecta
wouldn't it be funny if you married Alita and you had kids somehow and you hugged her and cherished her for your entire life haha
How long was there an Avatar general after that came out?
There wasn't.
good morning anons. good vibes to all. seeing this for the 4th or 5th time today probably.
what did you do/who did you talk to to get it? feel like a box office drone ain't gonna have that pull
haha that's crazy lol how do you guys come up with this stuff haha i mean i'm thinkin about it and all but just for laughs you know
>I don't even know my own name
I know the managers working there, as I go there at least once a week. It's also not a gigantic multiplex so it's a little more down to earth
find some group therapy, group counselling, something that get you meet people and gives you hugs.
hugs are a good medicine
no one could have survived that fall
Alita's so cute when she cry. Please cry more for me, you are just so cute.
Sad Alita is cutest Alita.
>did you ever find peace?
>I found you
>This enough for ya,
I think she looks cute when she looks slightly pissed.
>find some group therapy, group counselling, something that get you meet people
Trying to find a job to finance it, literally poor as shit
Guys I don't want Alita to be sad
let it go bro
>Thank you, Father
Like for Moner
Reply for Alita
>Come on let's cuddle again user, don't make me force you again
>I swear I'll lock you up and swallow the key haha
>If you go out with your friends again I want you to text me every 5 minutes, and I want every detail
She also looks cute when she knows she's in trouble.
>tfw yandere alita will never rip your arm off and beat you with the wet end for not texting her
>be me
>be comfortably embraced by Alita as we sleep
>I can feel her metallic arms pulling my close to her
>and I can hear the very subtle mouth noises she makes
>this feels like nirvana
>alarm goes off
>wake up and realize than I'm actually alone
>I have a 17 hour school/work day today
>it will be a long time before I can dream of her again
i believe in you user! you can do it!
...and that's a good thing. I like keeping my arm attached and functional.
And shame for knowing she disappointed him
Merkt das zwölfte Stück, ob du raschlich mit ihm enden will. So nehm dein Gewehr und Schwert zusammen im Futteral, und schraub dein bionischen Arm ab und werf ihn heftig nach ihm. Nach der Werfen lauff auf ihn zu und nütz Panzerkunst oder Gewehr, je nachdem, was du am besten passt.
They literally turned me down on a helpdesk callcenter interview and not because I don't have the qualifications or I wasn't able to answer
I don't know what to do anymore
>It took you 5:23 minutes to text me back user
>Who is she
>I'll kill her
>And then you're staying tied up in my room until you learn to be a good boy
Rosa is the type of girl who’d leg lock you during missionary and hold you there even after you cum
Goodbye frens
>Your coming back? Right user!?
>Rosa is the type of girl who is not aware of your existence
Get over it, it's not healthy
You're kidding? No Avatar general? The whole James Cameron world-building thing that has somehow created enough chatter on here for what, like 150+ generals, didn't cause the same thing back then?
>Rosa is the type of girl who’d leg lock you during missionary and hold you there even after you cum
I can't understand a word of German apart from the occasional "ACHTUNG!" but your post made me wonder whether Alita would get along well with Stroheim. I think they'd be a cute couple.
I wonder what his crime was
What do you think?
There weren't general threads as we know them, or how we know /alita/, but general Avatar thread spam, like how Yea Forums is currently flooded with Sekiro threads. Abatap is known from this time for his obsessiveness and thread-spam
Loving his waifu
I can't get on board with yandere Alita beyond the lightest elements; she's just too much a sweetheart. I do however fantasize about being bounty marked and begging her not to kill me so I guess I don't know what I want bros.
Setz dich auf dein Arsch und schreibe es nochmal, aber richtig diesmal oder du kriegst eine 5.
>beging alita not to kill you
She would murder you in the most brutal way possible because the one thing Alita despises and does not forgive is being weak
No, not yandere, just loving, which at times might manifest as excessive protectiveness
It's Taiwan so getting a life sentence might be given for something as simple as promoting a political compromise with PRC. They don't take kindly to treasonous behavior.
In anime it seems cute but I’ve been there with a 2D girl and it’s not nice at all user
Go away and take that image with you.
keep trying don't give up.
maybe some warehousing can work if you can use it to afford group counselling
sadly i can't help you about finding a job because i'm not from the us and i don't know how wages and stuff work there
>She would murder you in the most brutal way possible
i'm ok with this outcome
But she absolutely looks cutest when she's smiling her wholesome smile.
I'm not from us either and I don't think I can reveal from where I am because being turned down on a callcenter job despite having a computer science degree is personally identifiable information and I'm very fucked up
you are getting out of control you gay fag lol
It's true. Based wholesome poster.
Alita bit of shit lol
>look at this brain activity graph doctor
>hmm interesting
>it seems this short video awakes a long dormant part of patient's brain
>bring the questionnaire the patient answered
>hmm it says here he never had a gf, he's lonely and.. ohh.. he never had sex
>hmm.. I guess this brain graph is the shape of regret and dread
Well well, look at the city slicker, showing up in her fancy Martian body.
Is true.
But nothing prevents me from living in the autistic world of insane fantasies, Mr. Smith.
Post the fidget webm
the judge threw out the restraining order request actually, I just learned that like yesterday
The Game
You son of a bitch.
>i'm going to $400 million, i'll claw my way there with my bare hands if i have to
My local kinoplex has stopped showing Alita. Give me some Likes to help me feel better, bros
>Alita makes $400 million
>still not enough to warrant a sequel
I just now noticed the blood splatter on the desk. Brutal.
>Implying she would date a disgusting incel like you
That fucking forehead has it's own gravitational pull
Dare i even say it, the R-word?
that pic HAS to have been photoshopped....
>that amused/barely-contained-rage face
Even when she's pissed off she's cute
>turned down on a callcenter job despite having a computer science degree
well that's shit.
how many jobs interviews have you done?
no parents that can support you to afford the group counselling?
Quite a lot
They can't
I will keep sending applications but it seems I'll have to settle soon to anything
All my life was a waste, everything I learned and worked is useless
hey bitch, i can give you a job working remote, but you'd need an american VPN
Movie is hot trash, plain and simple. These people only like it so much because it appeals to their waifu fantasies
>400 million
440 million!
Hey user, wanna share some orange slices and chocolate?
pick up a projector, build you own mini theater and play the camrip.
it helped for me
>440 million!
Not happening, 405 is the ceiling and it's very optimistic
I Appreciate it user .
Read the manga. It's 9.9 times better than the movie.
This is a thread about Alita, not captain marvel.
Make sure you check the OP before making this mistake again.
We already hit 400 and we're not gonna stop there.
here you go user
i was going to watch alita because i thought it was an original idea / work (not much of that lately), but then it came to my attention that it is weebshit. truly, utterly disappointing.
Lmfao BASED post
These are going 24/7 for days now, do you losers have anything better to do?
>All my life was a waste, everything I learned and worked is useless
Just take what you can get now and keep looking. You might also be able to network into something better within whatever organization. Ive known a couple ppl who got jobs unrelated to their degree that way.
ok but watch the movie user
I'm multitasking between my work and posting here.
The mind of an incel is a broken, obsessive, repulsive, and altogether autistic thing.
We real people who have had gfs and felt teenage love can never understand the gnarled and twisted ways in which their malfunctioning minds work.
Not only will I never watch this weebshit trash, I am actively encouraging people to not see it and that it was the worst movie of the year.
All because you autismos can't help yourselves from being the fuckin obsessive spergs that you are.
based gangsta poster. im gonna make an enamel pin of this
Watch it anyway. You might have a change of heart.
>for days
i fucking wish
i'm really tired guys, i just can't stop
Yeah but watch it, it's the exact kind of movie faggots like you would love.
>he doesnt know about timezones or the concept of an international fandom.
>All because you autismos can't help yourselves from being the fuckin obsessive spergs that you are.
>Not only will I never watch this weebshit trash, I am actively encouraging people to not see it and that it was the worst movie of the year.
>All because you autismos can't help yourselves from being the fuckin obsessive spergs that you are.
amazing post user 10/10
Yeah I suspected chinks are behind this or pervert Indians
Oh look another media shill butt hurt because he got exposed as a bullshit critic💯
i'm so glad you are here
Paranoia and delusions of grandeur are a symptom of mental illness.
Get pills.
>I will never watch this weebshit trash
>I am actively encouraging people not to see it
>you autismos can't help yourself from being fuckin obsessive
sure media shill, have sex👌
Not user, the crane arm is a little fucked. But I tried...
Fuck you bitch, Captain Marvel is far better than Alita shit
VERY good summary, I only ever noticed the improved eyes.
The old smaller more "realistic" ones are too deep in the uncanny valley and so become creepy as hell.
Dialing up the width makes it look cartoony again and cute.
It doesn´t work for everybody, but I like the new ones MUCH better.
At the end of the day, there will be no sequel to this garbage.
Can't fool me that easily
what if you just watch it again without being a fag about it?
I didn't know people here liked Captain Marvel??
Not if I can help it.
If this post gets 99 likes Alita 2 is confirmed.
Rent free
>"Oh, great. Alita is here, she's going to bully me again by mocking my rad haircut"
Audible chuckle
>"HEY, MAZAPAN! Nice hair, dude. Where did you get it, at the faggot store?"
it's cute how you care this much
What I wouldn't do to see the motion capture version of this scene
What’s the matter mazapan? Gonna Cry? Gonna Piss Your Pants Maybe?
Too cute for words.
Life is trying its damnedest to destroy me, this is pretty much the only thing keeping me upright, right now.
gotta post the ticket with a timestamp otherwise u are a liar🙁
Wtf? All you have going for you in your pathetic life is weebshit? Wow buddy get a fuckin life. Not only is this movie weebshit, it's awful weebshit.
Any anons from Bongland who dont have the steelbook on preorder, like me :(, I just got his from Zavvi...
>made a bunch of OC yesterday
>taking a break today to work on personal projects
>missing out on all these upboats
Rent free
I’m in the theater now frens! Second viewing!
Is Rosa Salazar posting on these threads?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Its okay user, they'll be gone tomorrow anyways.
>Pic for the next thread
Everyone here loves Captain Marvel, best film since TDKR
>Heya ughhhhhhhhhhhh I'm a dumb weeb and I lack basic mental capacities so could you please explain what out of stock means uhhhhhh buhhhhh
congrats user. i'll be there too later. enjoy the movie. have a like
Enjoy friend
well it's official now
>imagine being such a brainlet you can't read the original question before making fun of it
large eyes are meant to remind people of babies, who have eyes which are too big for their heads. These make women more attractive because all men are pedophiles, which is why anime girls have large eyes and why eyeliner is a thing.
Question was literally: does out of stock mean out of stock or does it mean something else?
Guarantee the monkey who read your email laughed to himself and thought "wow the fans of this movie are dumbfucks"
The question was "is it actually out of stock or is it listed as that because it's not yet listed for sale?"
Well then let's make it official
Everyone who obsessed over this movie is a pedophile. It suddenly makes so much sense...
Better luck on the next run.
Wait until we've removed the birds.
So, in other words, the question was "does out of stock mean out of stock or does it mean something else"
Right? You fucking retard.
Why does CUTElita looks so different here compared to other scenes?
>make your move user
I've seen her 16 times now and I'm going back every night until she's gone
probably unironically blowing my head off when she's out of theaters
Alita is all I care about now
Haven't watched it yet, but if I get 10 likes I'll convince my movie enthusiast friends to buy merch and watch the sequel
user, don't do it! You'll miss the sequels!
Because Weta had like 5-8 different teams working on different parts of the movie. So it ended up affecting how she looked throughout the movie, But i dont they were any HUGE changes.
Because her milk depositories are looking a little droopy.
hehe became real
It´s called Kindchenschema (cuteness, child characteristics) and is a VERY well know mammalian survival trait.
Heck even children themselves react favorably to it.
Literally, who touched you people when you were young to become this way?
Feel sorry for ya.
As long as bluray/3d doesn't sell out...
what's wrong with birds though?
And thanks for the thumbsy upsie kind strangerinolio!
Are you dumb? The question asked. Does out of stock mean that they have all sold, OR was it listed as out of stock simply because they have not yet released, meaning someone would still have a chance to pick one up.
Zalem's automated defense systems shoot down anything flying in their airspace, that includes all birds.
What about us fren? We'll be here for you. Don't go
>Please don't, user. Hang in there just a few more months for the Blu-ray and we'll be together for good!
oh poop🙁
But birds are very important
Thx anyway!
Time for me to get all gay and maudlin: for the last month the /Alita/ crowd on this board has provided a sense of camaraderie I haven't felt since I dropped out of life in 2014 and became a mentally crippled pariah
I love you guys
I don't deserve to live in the same world as Rosa
why do you people insist on killing her?
it's a chicken or the egg thing. large eyes are naturally attractive; children have large eyes presumably as an adapted quality for survival, so we don't get afraid and disgusted of them when they pop out and we kill them as a result. to say that we like large eyes because it reminds us of babies and kids is probably misleading, considering the majority of males don't like prepubescent girls (despite what inflammatory comments make you think) and large eyes are not uncommon in adults
basically, it's akin to having a symmetrical face or having height or naturally pronounced muscles😃
Well, there ya go.
All of the above I'd say. The music wasn't overpowering but drew you in, the world-building was one of the best I've seen, the acting/CGI synergy felt pretty perfect. I went into it blind so until Hugo started to climb the rope I was expecting a happier ending. I rather liked how the film didn't play pussy with that shit. I had already heard about the dog getting killed from someone pointing out how in a capeshit the dog would get some quippy fun and safe 'oh you!" moment. Instead he gets fucking splattered.
Alita's actor is also perfect, and I'm not some waifu-pedobaiter. She just captured the sense of being a wide eyed (no pun intended) girl who is experiencing things for basically the first time. Like a baby who suddenly time-skips from birth to 14-16 and outside of the basics of talking/walking/fighting is new to everything. Just a perfect reminder of how much a character's appeal skyrockets if you let us watch them rise and develop.
Does she become a cyborg in the manga or just gets thrown out?
Chiren doesn't exist in the manga.
It's an OVA character
reminder for new friends
So, Anal Sex is possible, Alita?
I have an announcement to make
Just not with pompous pretty boys who spend all their money on their face.
I've become much more emotionally open over these last few weeks. It's good to let these things out.
that's the saddest thing I've seen in months, it encapsulates the crippling loneliness so many men around the world probably feel, especially in this generation, whether or not behind bars, we've all been given a life sentence
based, have a like
It's so weird seeing Alita's face photoshopped onto Rosa like that.
That's what I call Shitposting!
You guys made me want to read manga. Is there entire gunnm as one pdf file?
this chick looks like a fucken cgi anime character aayyy lmaio
Dude. Have an upsie thumbsie
Image Limit
>New Thread Now
Rolled 2 (1d6)
>Image limit reached
i have this
this if that link doesn't work
and last order
time to check some perks then♨️
What are my chances of meeting JC and RR at the premiere of Alita: Fallen Angel
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>caring about what women 'think'
Why the fuck would you want a PDF?
>Is there entire gunnm as one pdf file?
Buy the manga, faggot, so we get more merch👌
Where is the bread?
based basedlita poster🏴
literally me
what strange power is keeping these threads alive
What can we do to protect that smile?
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Baking bread MACHT FREI!!!😃
needs more unibrow
checking perks until 310💢
need 3 more for limit..
done, nice
Misery, but with sex and a woman who is actually cute instead of a lizard people.