1 like = 1 acceleration event
give them to frog posters instead🐸
Communism sucks and is responsible for deaths of millions.
Who's this jewish NEET and why does he look like he wants to live off of other's labor?
fuck you marx, i will not stop posting until i get my spooky
your mom is responsible for the death of millions of sperm
Don't give likes to frogposters, either.
fuck you
and that's a GOOD thing
>tfw phonefag and have no idea what the fuck is going on
so is capitalism
also, socialism =/= communism
Very Redpilled post, why do they even need anymore likes???
What do you think was going through these communist scums heads when they finally met justice? Other than a bullet of course.
capitalism =/= real capitalism that's never been tried
Rolled 3 (1d6)
You get more likes if you repeat after me:
Fuck Drumpf and fuck /pol/tards.
Gib likes
death of millions fascist isn't a bad thing
>innocent civilians are now fascists
Have you ever talked to a communist? Everyone who's not communist is a fascist to them.
The Tsar did nothing wrong and his murderers are burning as we speak
didn´t work
based and redpilled
"Victims" of capitalism are weak, beaten down by social darwinism.
This is why capitalism is the best system. Only the weak disagree.
nearly made it to dino
can someone lend me a like?🐸
>anti-communist is REDpilled
user, I...
Am I a based prole or bourgy scum?
don´t listen to the commie
i know an old russian man who still has vivid nightmares multiple times a week about the kgb taking his neighbours away😃
>social darwinism
>when the oligarchs have made it harder and harder for anyone to have even a chance at succeeding, essentially doing away with the entire concept of "free market" and "opportunity" to the point where all the wealth and opportunity in the world is concentrated into the hands of a few thousand technocrats😃
Killing communists is based, so communism is okay.
I've almost unlocked the dino, give me a hand friends🌈
Rolled 55 (1d100)
fresh outta likes bro, have a (You)
Weakling cope. I wonder how thin your arms are lol, probably pale too lmao
thank you frens
here you go
post dino (no spooks)
t. wannabe aristocrat who either sits a NEET in his dad's basement or works a wagie minimum wage internship with a college degree
>t. wannabe dictator NEET who lives with his mother and has a worthless college degree
t. has no sense of the economic history of the united states and doesn't realize that it was the most successful during the most "socialist" period
fuck off♨️
>The gilded age was far more socialist than today!
Imagine not having real arguments so you resort to revisionism. I can't imagine how frustrating political discussions must be to you.
I think he's talking about the Golden Age of Capitalism (1950s- 1970s)
please give me likes im so lonely
based and redpilled
>americans have the highest amount of union participation of any point in its history
>minimum wage is proportionally the highest it has ever been
>you could work a summer as a frycook with no highschool deploma and OWN a new car at the end of a few months
>you could work that same frycook job and OWN a house by the end of your twenties
>worker protections were being implemented at an accelerated rate
>tax brackets were at the absolute highest rate ever, millionaires who made millions off of american labor actually paid millions in taxes
>because the middle and working class was thriving, the economy thrived because everyone was spending money
>tons of public utilities, work programs and public funding for infrastructure, healthcare and education
>"nah senpai, unregulated reaganomic hypercapitalism, any attempt at semi-socialism is disasterous!"
>literally just got my offer letter for my EE position after a 4 year degree and 2 internships
poorfag cope
Dr Pavel, I'm Sneed
Will I unlock dino?
Your fortune: Good Luck
not liked enough
>le invent an ideology that leads to human atrocities man
Jesus did too
Skelly gang skelly gang skelly gang
Skelly gang skelly gang skelly gang
Ooo, ya
Skelly gang skelly gang skelly gang
wtf i love jesus now
user is...a baby misanthrope?!