So these likes... you keep trying to get them? but for what user?

>so these likes... you keep trying to get them? but for what user?

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So i can dab on the janitors with a skelly post, fucking obviously you dumb roastie.

For fun

for sneed

I want a female therapist so I can act sexual towards her.

Other anons will bully me if I won't.

Attached: Iamawhore.jpg (250x284, 26K)

You will never understand

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look at this dino
just at it
don't talk to me again you bitch



So i can figure out what all these perks do, i hope this one isn't just a generic emoji♠️

so people can call me reddit

My life has ever since only consisted out of likes. And you won't take this away from me!

to dab on wagies👌

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I just want to skellypost

Based satan💔

For sneed


Testing pickle, i'm pickle rick

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For Skelly of course. Now giv likes so i can go to bed.

Attached: npc wont let me be.png (416x435, 123K)

i must win

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

What’s happened to his board?

For (You).

Attached: bane.jpg (1280x720, 38K)


Lets just say... I needchcuckfucksneedbanechucksneed ;)

Just because she doesn't have DDs it's not nice to call her a "board", user.

>things women will never understand

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It doesn't work

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

thanks for saving me from wasting a like +1

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you have to have a certain level of likes to like it, likelets

i'll show you mine if you show me yours

Rolled 38 (1d100)

How many

I might not get to 1000 lads. I have to go to bed now and tomorrow I have uni for 6 hours. By the time I get home, April Fools Day will be over. I've been posting for 4 hours today... this isn't fair.

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haha lol

Scroogle needs my data

Fuck uni. Get likes. Likes are life, love, everything you care about.


I mean... it's only for one day.🐸

you get to keep the perks afterwards

Like 4 like

>ragie wagie in his cagey trying to improve his credit score (and failing)
>Based NEETs building the score that matters

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who here /gonna end up with 0 likes/ here?

only negative posts so faggot redditurds dont give like lole

hit me back nigger

That wasn't part of the plan desu

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fuck you roastie. you don't know me like user does💯

It's true!👌

for the dinos
(fuck spooks)

i sneed more

very based🐸