>so these likes... you keep trying to get them? but for what user?
So these likes... you keep trying to get them? but for what user?
So i can dab on the janitors with a skelly post, fucking obviously you dumb roastie.
For fun
for sneed
I want a female therapist so I can act sexual towards her.
Other anons will bully me if I won't.
You will never understand
look at this dino
just at it
don't talk to me again you bitch
So i can figure out what all these perks do, i hope this one isn't just a generic emoji♠️
so people can call me reddit
My life has ever since only consisted out of likes. And you won't take this away from me!
to dab on wagies👌
I just want to skellypost
Based satan💔
For sneed
Testing pickle, i'm pickle rick
For Skelly of course. Now giv likes so i can go to bed.
i must win
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
What’s happened to his board?
For (You).
Lets just say... I needchcuckfucksneedbanechucksneed ;)
Just because she doesn't have DDs it's not nice to call her a "board", user.
>things women will never understand
It doesn't work
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
thanks for saving me from wasting a like +1
you have to have a certain level of likes to like it, likelets
i'll show you mine if you show me yours
Rolled 38 (1d100)
How many
I might not get to 1000 lads. I have to go to bed now and tomorrow I have uni for 6 hours. By the time I get home, April Fools Day will be over. I've been posting for 4 hours today... this isn't fair.
haha lol
Scroogle needs my data
Fuck uni. Get likes. Likes are life, love, everything you care about.
I mean... it's only for one day.🐸
you get to keep the perks afterwards
Like 4 like
>ragie wagie in his cagey trying to improve his credit score (and failing)
>Based NEETs building the score that matters
who here /gonna end up with 0 likes/ here?
only negative posts so faggot redditurds dont give like lole
hit me back nigger
That wasn't part of the plan desu
fuck you roastie. you don't know me like user does💯
It's true!👌
for the dinos
(fuck spooks)
i sneed more
very based🐸