Star Wars wokest actor's autograph gets 50% off discount cause nobody is buying.
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Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source:
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source:
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source:
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source:
42% of all cop killers are black. Source:
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source:
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.
Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America:
73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source:
67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source:
>next generation leader
top kek
nice stats but this kuck is on sale cause he sucks. ugly, stupid, can't act, big ego, rude to fans who disagree with him, woke whitey's lapdog. and he is not even an american.
>paid autographs
>nobody wants a janny's autograph
let that be a lesson to you
He's an extremely unlikable guy, I have yet to meet a real human being that genuinely likes him.
this is the truth. there are people who pretend that they like him but there's no way they really like Mr Biiiihhh
nuck figgers
coz idiots actually pay for them, except for this punk's.
>next generation leaders
uh, what?
but how much is it?
Half of what it was.
imagine charging money for autographs
and then having to give out heavy discounts for people to actually want to get your autography
i can only imagine what that sort of thing does to your ego
Can go up in the hundreds of dollars in some cases. I think median price is 80bucks usually
One sex commits 90% of homicides despite being only 50% of the population
mukanya kayak monyet anjeng wkwk
What race is the majority of that sex?
>50% off
Like ep.9's box office.
Fuck off incels. And no, I won't "like" your racist posts
it also builds 99% of buildings, roads, sewage system, electrical grid, etc, etc
call it builder privilege
He's so ugly jesus fucking christ.
normies actually buy autographs?
the fuck?
People who pay for autographs deserve to die.
it's Time so you know. Same magazine that touted M Night Shamaladingdong the next Spielberg
50% of the population gives birth to 100% of those murderers ;)
rased and bedpilled
>Paying for autographs
Why are mutt so evil?
Well blacks are responsible for 99% of good music, sports achievements and modern art, so...
99% wrong
source on that bold claim, please.
Is he gonna be alright, bros?
Why is he only in 4 episodes?
I think it might have more to do with his face.
holy fucking based
doesnt have to work another day in his life, hes fine
>go on JBs twitter
Seriously frens why is he so fucking cringe.
>no one wants a nigger autograph
His career is finished, and deservedly so after butchering the Pacific rim franchise
one sex has made 99% of inventions despite being only 50% of the population
How many billions of Yuan did they lose out on by casting such a black guy as the lead role?
how do i give you an ironic like?
Whenever I see a black person's face I smell shit, really weird
Is this real...?
One poster got BTFO 100% of the time while making only one post in this thread.
Thoughts, fellow incels?
What a sad state of affairs when you get likes just for posting bullshit /pol/ propaganda.
You deserve to lose all your likes.
He looks like some kind of proto-human.
cringe and bluepilled
yep, petulant cck
Sit the fuck down scorelet.
billions. his casting killed SW in China so they can't sell even SW movies with Donnie Yen.
but close enough to Biiihhh
that was before he lost all his money on Pacific Bomb
right on proto not sure about human
Him and Daisy's careers are already over.
what the fuck Bigwig should be voiced by a chad thundercock and not black beta male
even a lot of has been TV actors have a net worth of 10 million
why is this thicc beta orbiter wearing han solo pants? can he even fit in them or they had to make a new pair out of a tent?
but they didn't waste their money in producing a mega bomb
This is going to make plebbitors seethe to see what truly gets the highest amount of likes. Maybe the the glorious condescending Asians will leave, too.
One sex does 100% of all nagging despite being only 50% of the population.
Is he still mad he got cucked by Kylo Ren?
This character could have been worth something if he wasn't just a token character
>Incompetent buffoon
>Literally a janny
>Is nameless despite that making no fucking sense
>Has no battle prowess
>Does nothing in the story besides being there and a failed sudoku attempt
>Treats Phasma like some rival despite no connection
If they just treated him like the character they clearly wanted him to be it could've been the best part about the new series (though that isn't saying much)
Why not something like
>Actual stormtrooper with blood on his hands
>Has issues doing the right thing
>Is inspired by Rey (assuming shes not a shit character too) to fight for what he believes is right
>Worked under Phasma so he actually has a reason to fight them
>Can do shit besides trying to die
yes except this asshole's. he's too much cringe even for them.
Got any examples of his shitty behavior?
Same goes for that ginger First Order commander.
They literally did everything to destroy the franchise. Amazing.