The truth is

>The truth is...
What did he say Yea Forums?

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like this or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

I came balls deep in Rei

He'd been fucking both ritsuko and her mother. He was possibly her father too.

haha look at he runn

Damn, i want one too

traps ARE gay

Asuka is best girl

Problem Child 2 is a genuinely enteraining film, and has a strong message about the dangers of gold digging roasties


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The instrumentality was the friends we made along the way.

Reminder that Asuka is built for black cock

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not true♦️


This but unironically.

>The truth is...
episodes 25 & 26 are the real ending

The truth is Shinji is the best character

sneed is based

> Toji x Rei
Terrible ship, end your life

game was rigged from the start


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>Ritsuko Akagi, the truth is..

Fuck, that reminds of some old video series that had that and then a bunch of different responses. It was one of those VHS style things which just had wierd anime shit spliced togethere. now I need to find out what it was called.

Rei only likes you because I fuck her so well

My step dad told me basically the same thing when I was 14. And mom has the nerve to ask me why I refused to show up to support her at the funeral.

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>the game was rigged from the start.

your step-dad sounds absolutely based

The type of love between Shinji and Kaworu wasn't gay

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you wish

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