So can we all agree that Yea Forums is on the decline?

So can we all agree that Yea Forums is on the decline?

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nice numbers


most based thing to happen in a while, fuck normalfags

it has been since 2007.

if you think about it logically

Your fortune: Godly Luck

2011 was the golden age of Yea Forums.
We will never have it back.

If this post gets 60 likes I will shoot up Yea Forums HQ

Some boards got it worse than others. Yea Forums as the original entry board became irrelevant porn spam. Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/ are just anonymous reddits at this point. Yea Forums is arguably the single worst one, because television & film are the most brainlet "hobbies" and the board is heavily moderated so dumb reddit newfags feel like at home here.



Brainlet hobby boards make more sense on Yea Forums because discussing anything serious on here is just impossible.
Better shitposting on Yea Forums than trying to post serious stuff on /sci/ and encountering all the nutjobs on there that make you question humanity.

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>australia bans Yea Forums
>Yea Forums suddenly is much slower
Gee, I wonder who was shitposting so hard before.

have sex

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I came here mid 2016 and I have to say the quality has only improved since then.

You literally came here during the election at an all time low for Yea Forums
Fuck you boomer

It's all the bogans I think. All those people living in the middle of nowhere with nothing else to do.
That is why they are all nutjobs with extreme views.
Australians in general aren't like that.

you are the worst cancer
Fuck you and fuck Trump.

It's 4channel now, and yes, Yea Forums especially. It might as well be called /capeshit+stalememes/.

Yea Forums is /gif/ lite. The only thing keeping it alive are the border line cunny threads (pictures of girls in highschool).

>tfw you came in 2007 and started Yea Forums's downfall


I think you're confused. We're on 4channel, sweaty.

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No, Yea Forums is dead
Please like and subscribe

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What's wrong? Too meta for you?


>I came here mid 2016
How about you stop posting then, you fucking tourist

Dubs should be worth 100 points

Can't decline when you are at the bottom.πŸ™



It get's better every day.

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t. Reddit, came here for /got/ generals in 2015♦️

the only thing that i really hate were politics become more influx to general which made everything have to be political. yeah thats maybe the worst thing happened to Yea Forums


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I only come here to shitpost and actively help make the site as bad as it can possibly be.


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Not since Sneed came to be.



I think that's the only thing we can agree on here.


No user, you're the cancer that is killing Yea Forums

Decline? It bottomed out years ago.

This is Yea Forums

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Only for today

It has always been shit.

If this post gets 100 likes I'll give you her name.

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No, I do not agree

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She's 18 if you're wondering.

I don't care anymore

it was declining in 2016. now its just garbage


anyone still here from 2003/2004?


Me mr 1188. Been here longer than I can remember.

nope. 2007-2012 here. came back a few months ago.
Yea Forums was shit even before I left but now, like everything on the internet, it's ruined by way too many people using it literally all the time thanks to smartphones.


Fuck Nazis

agree on this op!

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i don't have anything to ask i just like the idea that some oldfags are still around and it's not just me and a bunch of kids


Some of us are still here, don't know why exactly though. I'm mostly just lurking.

same. i don't often post nowadays, and almost never make threads. i'd go somewhere else but other sites are even worse.

Maybe it's time we move on. We're like spirits hounting an old house we used to live in after other people took it over.


Yes. 4channel though, that's some hotstuff!

Yeah, since 2004. What am I doing with my life.

Everybody wants to watch ghost movies but no one wants to haunt the old house

where would we go? i'm too far gone to just spend my time on normalfag hobbies.

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hell yeah!

women are allowed to have sex you incel

i only got here a few years ago
cant remember when exactly
but i cant remember the site ever being "good"

you ok Newfag

This thread is so fire

been here since 2005. realize i'm just old now
not much good discussion anymore
come for the memes but it's all so tiresome

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I am 17 years and 362 days of today and Ive been here for 3 years. it has never been worse than today


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So what, let me shitpost until it dies

Nice score cuck

it don't matter. none of this matters

don't forget, you're here forever user
seriously, please don't leave

Decline from what? This site was cancer in 2008.

yes, but was it cancer in 2005?

Nice digits you mean.

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yes, but literally everyone was under 20 here then so.

i didnt like this post

maybe it really is that i'm just getting too old for this shit. maybe the kids here now are having just as fun as i was then, though it seems comparatively shitty.

Very nice, impressive.

get your standart gramps

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oh snapπŸ™Š


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