Why we never see Latin Americans bitching about movies not representing them enough like blacks?
Why we never see Latin Americans bitching about movies not representing them enough like blacks?
Como le comeria la caca a moner.
Because they don't have any complex of inferiority. When you're not insecure, you don't feel the need to bitch and complain all the time
a lot of them think they're white lol
Esa no es moner, negro tarado.
blacks understand that they are worthless apes that would never get anything without sympathetic whites giving it to them
hispanics at least realize they are capable of doing some stuff on their own, blacks are perpetual children and I think most of them know it
Fuck spics and fuck jannies too
>mild nudity
came to post this.
Still mad this wasn't a real movie. Peak Ariel was much hotter than Moner.
They are more successful than blacks
>Ariel Winter Workman
>*father – German, English, as well as remote French Huguenot
>*mother – Greek
Some of them don't. The absolute best thing you can do in that case is call them white.
>some quack doctor cut off all her talent and career potential
I'm still so fucking mad about this, she was literally perfect
Why have we never seen Ariel Winter's bare ass in a feature film?
she could have been the fucking thicc mommy of a generation
Hispanic here(not a mexican), we hate niggers probably more than white people.
>Hispanic here(not a mexican)
I've seen this before where latin americans get mad when they get mistaken for mexicans
Because they have an entire industry already catering to them. You expect an African American to watch an African movie? Please.
It's the same as asians getting mad when they're mistaken for Chinese. They all fucking hate each other.
Why wouldn't they? It's like calling a yuropoor an american.
This. I'm latino and think am white desu
Or calling Italians Spanish.
There's Hispanic, Latin, and Mexican.
Hispanic your family came from Spain and has a direct lineage.
Latin you're from any of the Latin American countries, it's mixed of Spanish and Native American. More Spanish than anything since Latin America was colonized.
Mexican is Spanish/Native American siding more with the Native side. A few powerful Spanish families lingered but mostly Mexico was left to the undesirables.
I'm white. I'm white as milk, actually. I bet my skin is whiter than yours lol
Why the way, what the hell is going on here with the "Like!" shit? Are we reddit now?
Cant believe she sneeded!♣️
whore lost all my interest when she decided to chop her tits and became a common slut. Go away thot
>I'm white
Then why doesn't your post end with punctuation. Oh, yeah. It's because you only think you're white.
Looks like a good flick
Being white is half genetics and half behavior.
This. You're only white if you have white skin AND clap when the plane lands.
This. Hard not to blame them for thinking so when even organizations like the FBI says anything lighter than "darkest heart of Africa" black is white. FBI says pic related are all whites.
Don't bother liking my post. I'm a phone poster so I'm not going to see any of this april fools shit anyways.
So being a nigger is half genetics and half behavior too. That means a nigger can be half white. Interesting, user.
they're just too lazy to complain
>I bet my skin is whiter than yours lol
I seriously doubt that
Your faulty assumption being that all humanoids can be viewed as equals. The mistake you made was trying to apply rules of logic and reasoning to animals, nog apologist. You realize those animals are going to bite you, right? They aren't your friends, so stop pretending.
>half behavior
Fuckin' liberals can go to hell.
ahaha like buttons
>words Cletus can't understand or argue against scare him
Protip: Your trailer trash family isn't white either because they can't behave themselves or better themselves.
Your point of view was just stupid. Looks like you are half white and half nigger.
Projecting much?
>n-no u!
It's no surprise that you're reacting the same way a little black boy on the playground would.
Because we're not Mexican.
>n-no u!
It's no surprise that you're reacting the same way a little black boy on the playground would.
how do I see my score?
lmao this. Also Gina Rodriguez bitches a lot about latino representation
shes greek isnt she?
Rafa can't catch a break, fucking glow in the dark niggers.
>race is skin deep
Go home nigger