Why doesn't Hollywood cast beautiful white women anymore?
Why doesn't Hollywood cast beautiful white women anymore?
Because i dont have enough likes
>He didn't take the arab pill
wh*te """"""""""people""""""""""
>cold fish
literally the worstpill
>dated arabs before
Imagine the absolute seethe from roasties if hollywood started casting yellow goddesses.
Based and Eyebrowpilled
Yeah, heard those are the bomb.
the anri/hitomi sex sandwich video is insane. i think there's more than 1.
My only problem with her is that she was wasted potential. If anyone tells you that women don’t have to try in bed, show them her videos. If she would have put up a show, she would be bigger than everyone else.
>fake tits
i want to bash mia !!!
Asians are hWhite
Why do you want Hollywood to start raping asians too?
Ar*b women are trashy sluts. Webm related "pure" muslim women in France
All those things are Asian except the plants nigger
The only whites left in the world desu.🖤
ahhhh i'm so trad *jerks off to madoka cosplay* ahhh what is happening to our traditional family values *cums onto my isabelle amiibo* ahhh fuck the jews lol
She made an honest mistake
>white women
Pick one.
ok, the one on the left
They do, most actresses in Hollywood are white stop posting these fucking idiotic threads
Japs are redpilled about the baizuo. パリ症候群 is very real.
they all do interracial porn by now.