Do you believe this should be socially acceptable?

Do you believe this should be socially acceptable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's literally nothing wrong with this and I like that he's doing it, but what sucks is that white directors are still going to be forced putting shitskins in their movies and they'll never get to do whites only.

yes, and it should be acceptable to deny jobs to blacks.

Sure, why not? People should be able to cast or not cast whoever they want, for whatever reason.

>I'm not racist.. but...

You sound like a feminist asking a question like that.

>"Should we ALLOW people to do as they please??"

>I'm not racist, I have plenty of white friends

i dont see whats wrong if the nigger wants to hire niggers in his movie if niggers and nigger lovers is his target market
seething wh*toids should calm down and read a book on marketing

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"Acceptable", sure. Is it divisive, also sure.

Of course it should be acceptable. A director shouldn’t have to compromise on his casting to appease social activists.

I hate how Americans don't realize that the rest of the world also makes movies.

It's absolutely great.
This also gives more freedom and power to white or yellow or whatever directors aswell, everybody can make the exact film how they want it, no inclusion rider bullshit.

I prefer this to white directors casting blacks to virtue signal or pander. The problem is they'll carry on doing that anyway

And I don’t see myself ever paying to watch one of his movies. It’s a free country.


He can't be racist, he's married to a white women and his mother is white

Except u know for a fact those in hollywood championing him will never allow an all white movie in the same breath. Double standards.

couldnt a white guy act black

>this director whose films I don't want to watch isn't representing me in them!
I'm sorry I didn't realize I was on tumblr

>nigger wants to make a nigger-ful movie
>white man makes a movie with white people
Explain this shit

Why is it divisive? What next, Inarrtu can't use Mexicans in his films?

based and redpilled

>stupid american negroid think he is unique for exclusively hiring blacks
this maddafaka think he good becus his grandfada pull da crop for da whiteys

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his wife is a cuck then

punching up is okay punching down is not, when you make up the majority of a population being exclusionary can be seen as gate keeping

When you're crying about something being unfair you already lost.

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well it just shows the superiority of whites and the fragility of other races
i'm not a cumskin like you people but i wont feel insecure if people heckle down you on trivial shit like casting
you whiteys should bask pride that basically everyone feels threatened on you doing the most trivial of things

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Mantan Moreland Biopic WHEN?

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>black people try to get movie roles
>"fuck off go make your own movies"
>black people make their own movies
>"wtf you can't do that you have to let us in!!"

Is there anything as pathetic as a white male?

>why is choosing to specifically exclude a race from your films divisive
Obsession with race rhetoric is racist regardless of the motivation. I seriously don't get how people don't understand that. Like all the dumbass white tryhards who talk about "whiteness" all the time, like that's not accepting the same framework they claim to hate. He doesn't HAVE to do anything, and he shouldn't be forced to do anything, but obviously excluding people from your films on the basis of race is divisive, it literally divides.

No one complains about Wes Anderson's WASPporn. And he actually makes decent flicks instead of shlock horror

Why won't they hire me as a surgeon? I work on my mazda all the time and feel pretty sure I could do the same thing in a person.

I've seen that movie

Nobody in the real world gives a fuck. Maybe you should go back to /pol and whine about it with the other weakminds.


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lads...just look at this

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Is funny when you remember he not only is half white but grew in a white family and community

Nigga literally hates himself lmao


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>score points shit
>if you say NIGGER your post is gonna get deleted, therefore your points disappear
This is China Social Score points tier for censorship, don't forget to say fuck niggers guys!

Bait this stale will never unlock skellyposting, you faggot.

>No one complain about Wes Anderson's WASPporn
Took me 2 seconds of googling

I dont care, I refuse to watch movies in theaters anymore and I just pirate everything I want now.

No way any hollywood kike or nigger race baiter is gonna get a cent from me, suck my whole asshole.

great no more diversity in films, black people can make their own films.
Lets not stop there though, no more black people in white countries.

Eh. We've had a good run. Movies are generally shittier nowadays anyway, and the directors who cave to the equal representation meme are only ever working on normie/franchise/capeshit movies which I don't care about.

Please don't like this post

>Black director wants to make a movie set in the modern day
>Only wants to cast blacks and other POC

>White director wants to make a period piece on the Tudors
>Diversity riders in the casting
>Idris Elba as Henry VIII
>Will Smith as Thomas Cromwell
>Twitter still explodes for not having enough Latinx representation

The only movie I want to see Lupita in is our sex tape

>>"fuck off go make your own movies"
60 years ago maybe. Now literally every movie has a black character and some even have black leads

I disagree with quotas for things involving human life but entertainment? seems harmless and might actually have a positive impact in giving black kids role models n shit

bizmo funyuns

nigga what movie

Being black? No of course not.

>Now you wonder why commercials today show more interracial or same-sex couples than a white heterosexual couple.


About as relevant as Yea Forums post

He wants to tell stories for 13% of the population plus the mindbroken liberal soaves? Let him. Be woke go broke.

It's not racist for a minority creator to want to give leading roles to his fellow minorities because he wants to contribute to the minority representation in motion pictures, where there is a clear lack of diversity when it comes to leading parts.

Any race baiter whining about this seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that majority of content coming from Hollywood is still white, so realistically he's not denying opportunities from anyone. Especially when his decision only applies to leading roles, not all roles in his movies. And it's ironic how for ages you were complaining that black creators should go make their own shit and now that they do you want free gibs because oh no it's now oppressing white people!

>yes, and it should be acceptable to deny jobs to blacks.

>implying that this isn't done every day whether acceptable or not
You babies don't seem to understand that racial discrimination is completely legal and commonplace in the arts. There is no one forcing them to diversify cast or crew.

sweetie, Jews aren't white. Also whites are like 8% of the global population, and America is unironically less than 50% white now

>nigs think its their skin color that gets them discriminated against
no, its because you act like niggers lmao. You're a huge liability as an employee, student, etc.

>Have open position in company
>Receive resumes
>Tyquarious Loquacious Jackson-Briggs IV
>Put in bottom of the pile

I don't know whether I should say, "you must be new," or "nice try".

Yeah, like 90+% of American movies star white people.

Nice straw man argument. What I DO say, however, is that most DPs don't know how to photograph dark skin because they have so little experience doing it

>not a westerner
>watch jewllywood movie
>blacks everywhere
>tfw now I think burgerland has like 30% to 40% black population due to representation

I don't get why blacks are over represented. Aren't they like at best 13% of US population while spics are the larger minority yet they're not pushed hard in the movies?

>Jackson Briggs
What job was he applying for? A to-the-death fighting tournament?

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. They are [shockingly] the loudest complainers, and it's easier to pick out the blacks in a sea of whites to say "See? There they are!"

lmao holy shit you're one delusional darkie

Why aren't there more major roles for women if population is the only thing that matters? There are more women than men, after all.

>i dont want white dudes, not say i dont like white dudes but..."
Now where have I seen this before?

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Unfortunately no. He didn't have cool metal arms anyways.

yep, blacks are vastly over-represented for their share of the population, yet they still somehow say they aren't cast enough. niggers will complain about anything and faggy whites and kikes will give into it

He is a half white dude, his mother is fucking white.

>go woke go broke
Yeah... I'm sure Peele's delivering pizzas to make ends meet.

Every time I see pictures of her, I cannot for the life of me believe that she is younger than I am, when she has access to the very best trainers, dietitians, spas, and cosmetics. And she still looks like she's pushing 43.

I live in the US and genuinely thought they were half the population when I was a kid.

>Doesnt know about british bafta cucks forcing diversity and the bbc.

Granted thats Britain so it doesnt count.

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>fuck off go make your own movies
said literally nobody ever, this nigger isnt even making his own movie. The kikes fronted the money for his career.

Fucking incels,first you complain about negros in movies and to make their own stuff,they start doing it and you still keep crying


we're not though

>they start doing it

when? This nigger didnt make his own movie.

No one's forcing them yet they are shoving diversity castings up the ass of 75 percent of movies coming out these days. So where's the discrimination, you dumb 'groid?

The 70's.

Us just showed the film industry how undeserving they are of Lupita Nyong’o and how much hollywhite has failed her as both a person and actress. Yes, I’m more than glad that she’s finally getting the attention she deserves and that she’s getting booked for work in 2019, but why is it so long overdue? An actress with her type of talent and work ethic deserves the same amount of attention JLaw got after she was recognized for one goddamn movie. It took Lupita an oscar, five roles in four years, followed by the MAJOR success of Black Panther for people to seriously start considering her for shit. JLaw gets praise for ONE fucking movie and she books/get offered three to four roles PER YEAR. Till this day her success has never let up and it’s always under the guise as some pseudo-feminism…and that just disgusts me.

>said literally nobody ever,

Stop living in an alternative reality.

>Whites = Racist
>Blacks = Not racist
Nice double standard, faggot.

Yes just like the reverse should be.

>make their own stuff
But they don't. I'll bet you anything at least 80% of the staff that works of Peele's shitty horror flicks is composed of white people. Who do you think builds sets, handles the cameras, lights, who renders CGI, edits the final cut, works on soundmixing etc etc? Somehow Peele is perfectly fine with whypipo handling the grunt work, as long as brotha getes the limelights.

>nu uh, this black guy isn't actually making movies
>he wouldn't be anywhere without the jews in hollywood!
>us white people make our own movies without the kikes, you see

>disregarding the entire Asia continent
that is pretty fucking racist

100% acceptable
It’s literally the answer to “If you don’t like it why don’t you make your own movies then?” question

Honestly, every time there is a popular movie that features people of color, women, queer folk or any underrepresented group, the so-called ‘status quo’ throw such a tantrum. Asking Jordan Peele if he’s ever going to make movies focusing on white people isn’t just stupid, but pointless. There is no shortage of horror films featuring white people. Why does it matter that one director would rather tell stories featuring black people vs the countless white directors who only make movies featuring white people?


are you trolling or just ignorant? libs complain about wes casting too many whites all the fucking time. why can't you guys just admit it's a double standard? unless you're one of the idiots complaining on twitter it really shouldn't matter to you.

Here’s the thing about the horror genre: it was mostly made for white people.

When I say this, I mean that 99% of horror movies focus solely on white people. White victims, white killers, etc. Grant, the horror genre has expanded but there hasn’t really been a genre of black horror films. Having Get Out and Us is a big step. It’s paving the way for black storytellers who want to tell creepy, twisted stories. That is why it’s a big deal. Horror is finally for black people.

that notion wasnt said in any meaningful way
besides its just faggy bait that can be easily turned around
>cry for a century about how its racist to not hire people based on race
>get a tiny amount of power and immediately not hire people based on race

The vitriol white people have for Jordan Peele daring to tell diverse stories about Black people, points once again to the fact that fully white people will NEVER let half white people be white. Just like with Obama. They hate him so fucking much.

They refuse to extend their mind to identify with anyone but themselves.

The white community as a whole, completely subscribes to the one drop policy.

He can do whatever the fuck he wants desu. It's his work.

he bein innovative n shit

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>people of color



i'll give you that one even though it's probably not really true

>>us white people make our own movies without the kikes, you see

No faggot, whites have always been aware that kikes make all major hollywood decisions and weve never pretended otherwise.

>its only people of 1 color
oh no no no theres that word again

>American movies show around the world
>0 (Zero) foreign movies are shown in the US

Instead of getting angry at Jordan Peele over his comments about not really wanting to cast white dudes as leads in his movies, you could instead use that anger and your privilege to demand EVERY OTHER WRITER, PRODUCER, and DIRECTOR out there to cast more non-white leads in their films which is what WE’VE been trying to do forever. That way, people like Mr. Peele won’t feel like they have to do all the work in casting poc and y'all won’t feel so “left out” even though you’ve had literally a CENTURY of movies starring yourselves. Y'all know what it’s like for POC, and if you consider yourselves “nice people” then ACT like it.

but when mel says it everyone loses their minds

niggers are ugly, less intelligent, more prone to crime etc. one drop of nigger blood makes you a subhuman in the eyes of literally every other race of people, including more pure blacks. only an ugly niglet mutt wouldn't understand that simple fact of life

I'd get upset, but Peele already proved himself to be utterly talentless with Get Out so I have zero interest in his future projects. He can cast fucking abos for all I care.

Too bad who couldn't cast a black woman as his wife. Guess he was all for the status quo there.

a world famous actress saying something on national tv carries the same weight as a Yea Forums post? you really are retarded, now i feel bad. i'm sorry user.

>It's his work
No it literally isnt. He doesnt even own the props used in the movie.


How about niggers make nigger movies abd whites make white movies? Is that a fair compromise? You can also make your own awards show and leave ours the fuck alone while you're at it.

umm yeah?

life spawned in Africa, but the kaffirs there still can't figure out how to not poke each other with spears and drink shit-infested water...

>begging for roles

it's... a disgusting sheboon? what are we supposed to be looking at again?

>Idris Elba as Henry VIII

Could you imagine the amount of 'WUZ' if this happened...

just out of curiosity could you name some of these white directors who only cast white people?

>yet they are shoving diversity castings up the ass of 75 percent of movies coming out these days.

Not according to research.

wtf racist🙁

Yeah, why not?

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It's called white privilege, the fact that women of color are always at the very bottom of the barrel.

It's not a double standard unless you're from the lower part of the double digit IQ.

nice troll job there. we all know groids can't read or write in general, much less a resume.

plus, resumes are 'wypeepoe thangz'

she just isnt that good
it isnt racism

>get a tiny amount of power and immediately not hire people based on race

But he isn't doing it to discriminate, he's to give people opportunities they might not otherwise have. And he's still casting white people in his movies. He's doing black leads because it's very rare to get black lead movies, especially in the horror genre.

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she is a disgusting coal-burning bitch and an absolute cunt

>But he isn't doing it to discriminate

He isnt doing the thing that he clearly and plainly says that he is doing.
Okay clown world.

I’m going to do it anyway, so let the man make his negrokino. I’ll watch it.

but black people don't need horror flicks. their entire lives are a horror show. growing up in ghettos, getting killed early, living in 400 sq ft roach-infested apartments with 13 half-brothers/sisters, etc.

living like animals is horror for anyone




>But he isn't doing it to discriminate, he's to give people opportunities they might not otherwise have.
So if a white director made an all-white movie with the reasoning that due to diversity hires these days, white-only movies are a rarity and he only wants to give white people opportunities that they might otherwise not have, you'd be fine with that?

Give me a fucking break. He's discriminating based on race, which makes him just as bad as anyone else doing the same thing. You don't get a pass because some liberal retards think discrimination is a "good" thing if it's against white people.

I hope your house catches fire, and the only fire department near your house is woefully poorly staffed with diversity niggers and women who can't be either bothered or be physically capable of carrying you out of a burning building, because basic requirements have been massively cut in an attempt to prioritise "diversity". You make me fucking sick.

Holy fucking FUCK I just saw Us and HOOOOOOOLLLYYY FUCKING SHIT i don’t wanna spoil anything right now also i have so many god damned thoughts whirling around that i don’t even know what to say other than THAT FUCKING ENDING and also THAT LAST FUCKING SHOT HOLY SHIT I will say it was amazing it definitely DEFINITELY is scary, the whole thing is extremely unnerving and freaky throughout, carried in very large part from the performances of all the actors. ALL of them, like even Elisabeth Moss and the…dude who plays her husband, everyone is AMAZING and that and the iconography are huge parts of what makes it so scary, and it is a fucking scary movie. Not necessarily a jump-out-of-your-seat movie most of the time, but that’s not what he was going for. It’s the kind of scary that sticks with you. Finally, i will give you a tantalizing clue…

I was right about some things and wrong about others in my trailer reactions, but they really do give you enough between all the trailers that you CAN work out the entire movie and a VERSION of ONE of the popular pre-release theories that was floating around ended up being true

The amount of blatant, unironic racism on Yea Forums sometimes amazes me. You people are absolutely fucking obsessed with race, it's incredible.

White people life is so good and safe I understand why they like horror so much. Not 1 white person I know ever had a friend that died from crime except my guy White Bobby, his daddy and uncles were bank robbers.

All 80s and 90s black comedians told a version of this joke.
The premise was to always make fun of white people for getting scared at horror movies where as black peepo aint skurred of dat sheeit

>Not 1 white person I know ever had a friend that died from crime
a nigger shot my brother for delivering pizza to the ghetto

No shit nigga. Let's trade places. I want 2 parents nigga.

there is no reason to watch Hollywood or New York movies from any period of time, nor any movies made past 1950's

prove me wrong.

Sorry but im racist so i will force your nigger dad to abandon you

Whites in the ghetto? Nigga why you white just leave. Take me too.

Is racebaiting a worthwhile use of this board?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

If it was actually true and white people were in fact the minority, with systematic structures not allowing them to get work and diversity was something that had to be fought for, then yes. Absolutely. Because I actually care about giving people the same opportunities and having real diversity in movies, instead of tokenism, unlike disingenuous racist assholes such as the people in this thread who like to pretend that because of their own privilege and bubbles racism died in the 1960s.

because the place was new and they hadnt yet figured out the neccesarry racism of not delivering to nigger neighborhoods.

>Black comedian makes joke to black audience about not be-unn skurr'd of whypipo horror movies
>Absolutely freak the fuck out at Jaws so hard that blacks essentially list beaches as no-go zones and refuse to learn how to swim even in the community pool

Of course racism against whites should be encouraged and accepted.

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I mean, he's not wrong

It's absolutely acceptable. In fact it should be praised. We should definitely be segregating blacks into their own movies under black directors.

He thought he was being clever with his wording, but I think that’s the part most people take umbrage with. Had he just earnestly said something like “I’m black, so when I envision characters in a story, I tend to create other black people,” or even “I just want to give black actors as many opportunities as possible,” that would be fine. Still a bit racist, but fine, he can cast whoever he likes. Speaking as though the race of the protagonist is the defining aspect of a film is idiotic. And it becomes more frustrating when you take into account the hypocrisy of the statement, because Hollywood would have an aneurism if the races were reversed.


>Because I actually care about giving people the same opportunities
You dont though, if you did youd advocate for blacks getting less work in entertainment because they are overrepresented more than any other race in entertainment.
And government is even worse, blacks are ridiculously overrepresented in american politics.

Why the fuck does someone being a "minority" justify preferential treatment?

Oh, right, because you're delusional. You think these schemes help people? You don't think they're doing more harm than good, by making actually talented minorities look like utterly worthless diversity hires?

You're the reason racism is coming back in style.

>I'm not racist but I'll become one just to prove you wrong!!

Whoa there, edge lord supreme. You'll cut someone with that sharp wit of yours if you aren't careful.

greentext was a mistake

That's precisely how it should be done.
Blacks doing movies with blacks.
Whites doing movies with whites.
Burritos doing movies with burritos.
Asians doing movies with Asians.
Muslims stoning anyone who makes Western movies.

May the best competitors win.

Key was always more funny
but then again he's lighter skinned
I call it the negro complex lmao

why does he look so jewish?

This. I agree.

Do they realize that they wouldn't get so much flak if they just cut out the retarded "white dudes" bullshit? Why shit all over the statement and goodwill by bringing muh white people into this? It's like they want retards to sperg out just so they can be oppressed.

>Yea Forums now thinks "white dudes" is a derogatory term because Larson and Peele use it


Yes and a white dude saying the reverse should be too.

So I guess Key will remain unemployed.

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He refuses to cast an desi, an east asian, a native american as a lead in his movies? Wow, bigot much?


And I'm a racist for not going to see those movies.

>whites obsessed with maintaing their demographic which is the only race that can form a functioning first world society

Yeah wtf we're all just one race the human race

That fucking pic

That would imply that either of them or what's her name from Thor 3 had any bite behind their words. Every time they bring up "white dudes" in the industry, it feels like a simpering insult muttered under their breath targeted at someone they're too cowardly to directly call out. It's hard to get on someone's side when they're picking a fight like a little bitch and expecting others to back them up.

Only if white only movies also are.

w/e you defeatist cunt

>Hollywood is still white,
That's because Hollywood is situated in a majority-white country.

The average african american iq is fucking 85! HAHAHAHAH

It's not that I don't like niggers, it's just that I've seen how they behave.

Same with women desu. Some people just can't cope at not being the centre of attention.

Yea Forums is like that mentally ill gf most people have had to deal with on some level in their life

Pattern recognition

theres nothing more sweet than watching polniggers get triggered by accomplished black men. theres nothing wrong with that tweet.

Recognizing my recognizing.

You're right. What is wrong is feedback loop that it is meant to create.

isn´t that just the american average when you take asians out of the equation?

that one faggot on every thread who is better than the rest of /tv

>i always post about /tv in 3rd person like im not here and part of it

Average white iq is 100 and asian 105

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Why do incels cry so much?

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This probably because hes black but also soft and chubby. Probably got beat up by both black and white kids in school.
>ill show you! Im gonna direct movies and only put black nerds in them!

imagine the shitstorm if Mel Gibson said he's not planning on casting black people

Isn't thus what you incels want? Just 3 months back you were harping about how great The Ballad of Buster Scruggs was because it had no black people. Whites in White films, Darkies in Black ones.

>see black guy
>get triggered
/pol/tards are a simple folk

What´s the problem with his statement? Poltards should be glad about a black director choose to develope original works with black leads and not doing retarded adaptations with blackwashing roles.

I don´t like his features a lot, but in my book, this Jordan Peele guy is a coherent dude.

i get this look from white roasties with niggers. Their gorilla will chimp out then she has to give all the white people that "sorry my pet just broke his leash" look.

>12% of the population
>more than 12% of recent oscar winners are black
>more than 12% of box office profit comes from black lead movies
>more than 12% of blockbusters have black leads or supporting roles
>muh representation

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It's not like I watch his movies so why should I care?

Yes, because white men are guilty cucks who allow spics, niggers, and women to walk all over them.

Honestly I feel the same way about my films. I don't really see myself casting black actors. Accept for one idea I had.

>Poltards should be glad about a black director
this alone is simply too much to ask for

>”I just don’t get why blacks don’t just make they own movies
>*makes they own movie*
>”wtf how can this be happening????”
White fragility is fucking hilarious.

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This, also ironically

It's silly to refuse to cast a certain race, but he can choose any actor he wants for the reasons he wants.

Who the fuck are you calling a spic e racist fucking pussy ass faggot

GOT is 100% white and it is the most leftist production currently in production.

Do you give these white women with black dudes “the look”?

They'll continue to be fictional stories because there will be few if any non-fictional stories worth watching that involve a black lead

unless it's about drug dealing, violence, etc....

seen the fuck up that is the got spin-off cast?

Attached: gotprequel.jpg (1024x759, 113K)

I don't see myself casting a black dude as the lead. Not that I don't like black dudes, but I've seen that movie.

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has /pol/ ever been so btfo? so glad we moved away from them. i wish all the trash would just get the hint and leave. your hatred isnt welcome here, stormweenies

My boss does this (I work in Asia).

I fucking hate Donald Trump so much


I don’t think I have ever seen a horror movie where the black guy dies first.

Nonsense need no explanation but tantrum.

>100% white

you're on Twitter today my nigga.

There hasn’t been a good movie with an all black cast since Harlem Nights

What kind of insecure faggot would care about this? Oh yeah... OP would.

sure, nothing wrong with casting black people for black roles
problem would be casting asian people for black roles just for the sake of diversity

who's this dude and why is he wearing that bright ass dress?

I thought Jews liked money? Why are the allowing other Jews to force this ratings cancer for "diversity"?


All the important cast is white.
The only non-whites are irrelevant roles.

He's a race huster.



leftist cucks BTFO

Coens and PTA are still white champions of film, as is Denis Villeneuve right?

J'dinklage Morgoon, university of south flurida

I want segregation back.

>oof my whitoid feelings

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fucking this. this whole "outrage" is retarded.

she was fucking Harvey Weinstein you retard.


desegregation should have come naturally and not have been forced, there were already economic exchange both labor and goods between blacks/whites, and it should have been treated that way.

but we had to listen to communists

You see how the nigger keeps doing what he wants? Well whites should do the same instead of being complying pussies all the time

If all his characters are black, then the first one to die will be black, though.

>forces audience.
not if i don't watch his movies


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Imagine being black holy fucking shit that would suck.