Characters watches tv alone in a dark room and eats a frozen dinner so you know that he's a pathetic loser at his worst...

>characters watches tv alone in a dark room and eats a frozen dinner so you know that he's a pathetic loser at his worst moment

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Shut up loser

1 like = you are based
1 you = you are cringe

>character's old ex finally sets her instagram to private
I guess it's time for him to finally move on

>catch glimpse of myself in screen as it fades to black with the end of each episode
>quickly put the next one on before I see too much and feel sad


Rolled 4 (1d6)

rolling 1 for based

>character drinks three beers and stops there instead of downing the whole case

Attached: 1529759606648.jpg (741x568, 48K)

>Antagonist is about to punch the protagonist. The protagonist instinctively predicts whether this is a fake punch or a sucker punch by either not moving or dodging/fighting back.

Attached: 1541570064595.webm (480x480, 2.88M)


This tbqh

Please stop spamming the board with your fetish, thanks.

But if I only drink 3 beers I may not for my drug test

>bad guy plays chess, drinks red wine and listens to classical music so you know that he's intelligent

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I didn't go to uni today.
I didn't go to the gym today.
I didn't go outside today.
I just kind of watched a lot of TV and felt bad.
But it was just one bad day... I'm not a loser right bros?

Same except I didn't watch TV and this is how I've lived for the last four years.

If you'd gotten consecutive digits like me, we could've been in the dub club... now idk what to do with you.

>There's one thing I don't understand... How did you know that it was me who killed the girl?
>I didn't. You just told me.

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>who are you
>not who, when

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